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ME2113 - 2



National University of Singapore


Students Profile Name: Gilbert Lim Lee Hock Matric No.: A0097755 Group: 2O2 Date & Time: 2pm 5pm, 5th October 2012

NOMENCLATURE Dh Ds dh G Ip K L T outer diameter of hollow shaft diameter of solid shaft inner diameter of hollow shaft shear modulus of the shaft material polar second moment of area about the shaft axis torsional stiffness length of the shaft applied torque total angle of twist of the shaft over L induced shear stress at any point on the shaft and radial distance of that point on the shaft at which the shear stress is measured

Table of Contents

1. Objective

2. Introduction

3. Experimental Procedures

4. Sample Calculations

5. Results and Discussions

6. Conclusion

7. Appendix

1. Objective The objective of this experiment is to: a) To analyse surface stresses of a shaft when subjected to combined bending and torsion loads thru measurements via the strain gauge technique b) To compare the experimental values with theoretical values using bending moment and torsion equations. 2. Introduction Shafts subjected to both bending and twisting are frequently encountered in engineering, applications. By applying St. Venant's principle and the principle of superposition, the stresses at the surface of the shaft may be analysed. The main purpose of this experiment is to analyse problems of this kind using, the strain gauge technique and to compare the experimental results with theoretical results. As the strain gauge technique enables only the determination of states of strain at about a point. Hooke's law equations are used to calculate the stress components. In this experiment, the elastic constants of the test material are first determined. 3. Experimental Procedures A. Determination of elastic constants (1) Measure the diameter of the tensile test piece and mount it on the tensometer. (2) Use a quarter bridge configuration and for each tensile load applied to the testpiece, record the longitudinal and transverse strains in order to evaluate the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. B. Combined bending and torsion test 1. Measure the dimensions of a and b. 2. Connect the strain gauges causes to the strain-meter using, a quarter bridge configuration and balance all the gauges. 3. For each loading, on the shaft record the strain readings. 4. From the strain readings compute the stresses. 5. Using, a full bridge configuration in a manner illustrated in Figures (3a) & (3b) record the strain-meter reading for each applied load.

a = (1+4)- (2+3)

b = (1+2)- (3+4)

4. Sample Calculations 4.1. Theoretical Values:

Bending Stress: The average measurement for diameter of test specimen d, was found to be 16mm with reference to table 1. Distance of b, was given as 100mm. Thus, for load P at 0.5kg,

Shear Stress: Similarly for shear stress, distance of a was given as 150mm. Thus for load P at 0.5kg,

4.2. Experimental Values

Bending Stress: For load P at 0.5kg,

Shear Stress: For load P at 0.5kg,

= 1.99Mpa
5. Results

Diameter of Tensile Test Piece (mm) D1 9.58 D2 9.53 Direct Stress, x (MPa) 2.79 5.58 8.37 11.16 13.95 16.74 Davg 9.555

Cross sectional area (mm2) 71.7

Table 1 - Physical dimensions of test specimen

Load P (N) 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Longitudinal Strain, x (10-6) 55.00 93.00 131.00 164.00 177.00 226.00

Transverse Strain, y (10-6) -16 -26 -38 -50 -59 -68

Table 2 - Results of tensometer test

Longitudinal Stress (MPa) vs Longitudinal Strain (10-6)

18.00 16.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 y = 0.0843x - 2.1302

Youngs Modulus, E = 84.3Gpa

Graph 1 To determine Youngs Modulus

Transverse Strain (10-6) vs Longitudinal Strain (10-6)

0 0.00 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80
Graph 2 To determine Poissons Ratio






Poisson's Ratio, = -0.321

y = -0.321x + 2.4213

Load P (kg) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Strain (10-6) 1 0 23 46 68 92 116 138 2 0 -9 -19 -29 -39 -49 -59 3 0 -20 -41 -63 -85 -105 -126 4 0 9 20 29 39 49 59

Table 3 Direct strain data from the 4 strain gauges

Load P (kg) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Quarter Bridge Configuration a (10 )


Full Bridge Configuration a (10-6) 0 65 128 193 256 320 387 b (10-6) 0 23 45 68 91 115 138

b (10 )

0 61 126 189 255 319 382

0 25 48 73 99 123 146

Table 4 - Comparison of Quarter bridge and Full bridge configuration

Load vs a
3.0 2.5 Load P (kg) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 50 100 150 a 200 (x10-6) 250 300 350 400 Quarter Bridge Full Bridge

Graph 3 Plot of Load vs a for Quarter Bridge and Full Bridge

Load vs b
3.0 2.5 Load P (kg) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 20 40 60 b 80 (x10-6) 100 120 140 Quarter Bridge Full Bridge

Graph 4 - Plot of Load vs b for Quarter Bridge and Full Bridge

Load P (kg) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Bending Stress, x (Pa) Theoretical 0.00E+00 1.22E+06 2.44E+06 3.66E+06 4.88E+06 6.10E+06 7.32E+06 Experimental 0.00E+00 8.93E+05 1.66E+06 2.49E+06 3.38E+06 4.28E+06 5.04E+06

Shear Stress, xy (Pa) Theoretical 0.00E+00 9.15E+05 1.83E+06 2.74E+06 3.66E+06 4.57E+06 5.49E+06 Experimental 0.00E+00 1.99E+06 4.03E+06 6.02E+06 8.13E+06 1.02E+07 1.22E+07 5

Table 5 - Theoretical and Experimental Stresses

Bending Stress vs Load

8.00E+06 7.00E+06 Bending Stress (Pa) 6.00E+06 5.00E+06 4.00E+06 3.00E+06 2.00E+06 1.00E+06 0.00E+00 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Load P (kg) 2.0 2.5 3.0 Theoretical Experimental

Graph 5 - Bending Stress vs Load

Shear Stress vs Load

1.40E+07 1.20E+07 Shear Stress (Pa) 1.00E+07 8.00E+06 6.00E+06 4.00E+06 2.00E+06 0.00E+00 -2.00E+06 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Load P (kg) 2.0 2.5 3.0 Theoretical Experimental

Graph 6 - Shear Stress vs Load

6. Discussion 6.1. Compare the theoretical stresses with the experimental values. Discuss possible reasons for the deviations if any, in the results obtained.

6.2. From the results of step (B5), deduce the type of strain the strain-meter readings represent.

6.3. Apart from the uniaxial tension method used in this experiment, how can the elastic constants be determined. 6

6.4. Instead of using Equations (3) and (8) for strains, develop alternative equations to enable the determination of strains from the four gauges readings. 6.5. Develop stress equations for combined bending, and twisting, of hollow shafts with K as the ratio of inside to outside diameter. 6.6. In certain installations shafts may be subjected to an axial load F in addition to torsional and bending loads. Would the strain gauge arrangement for this experiment be acceptable to the determination of stresses? Give reasons for your answer. For simplicity, a solid shaft may be considered.


Graph 7 Torsional Stiffness for Solid Shafts

Graph 8 Torsional Stiffness for Hollow Shafts 8


Graph 10 Strength and Stiffness of Hollow and Solid Shafts with the Same Outer Diameter

Graph 9 Strength and Stiffness of Hollow and Solid Shafts with the Same Volume

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