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Introductions Conclusions

Quiz #1

What do you know?

Name some techniques that you know for writing introductions. Name some techniques that you know for writing conclusions.

What are some strategies for writing introductions?

Give quote and explain how it elucidates topic

Historical Review
Background info so that reader can follow issue

Review of a Controversy
Like historical, but shows why issue is debated

From General to Specific

Takes reader from what they know to more detailed info

leading to essays specific topic

Anecdote and Illustration

Funny, touching, or otherwise appropriate story

Ask simple question that isnt all that simple to answer

Intro format suggestion

Background information Thesis statement

What are some strategies for writing conclusions?

Statement of subjects significance
How essay applies to greater world

Call for further research

What needs to still be considered (often done in

scientific essays)

Essays about problems/controversy can give what

should be done

What are some strategies for writing conclusions?

Tell a story so that readers discover significance to

another source

Helps gain authority and credibility

Calls on readers to assume an active role by offering

their own answers

Get the reader thinking about possibilities

Consider what might happen as well as what has


Conclusion format suggestion

Summarize points
Restate thesis Final thought

In your groups...
Write an introduction for your groups summary Make sure to include a thesis statement Write a conclusion for your groups summary Email me a completed document that includes Introduction with thesis Summary Conclusion

Summary Rubric

For Friday...
Read Hacker chapters about appropriate

language, exact words, and wordy sentences Complete exercises as listed on the homework log
OMIT #7. page 167 Exercise 17-3 DO #S 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 (on homework log)

Summary rough drafts due Wednesday,

September 11 Final copies due Monday, September 16

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