Softball Lesson Plan

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Title of Lesson: Overhand Throw # of Students: 15 4th Total Time: 20 Min.

Age / Grade: 3rd

Lesson Objectives (including Standard or Benchmark) SWBAT throw a softball using their dominant arm with proper form at a designated target 4 out of 5 times. (HM1C3) SWBAT recite the basic rules of the overhand throw with a softball and why it is important with 75% success. (HM2A3) SWBAT demonstrate respect for other by not touching and supporting others while they attempt the activity. (PA2A3) Equipment, Materials and Preparation: 5 min. 5 Softballs 5 Large Targets Gym Set-up: 2 min.

Anticipatory Set: 30 sec. Ask the students if they have played or watched a game of softball on television and ask if they noticed how the players release the ball. Did they notice the proper technique of the overhand throw to another player or the catcher? Warm-up: 2 min. Base Running x 2 laps Hamstring Sitting Stretch with Rt Leg forward then Lt Leg forward x 20 secs Body Twist x 20 secs Arm Circles Forward then Backward x 15 reps Windmills x 15 reps Rt arm over head with hand on upper back, the Lt arm x 20 secs Transition: 30 sec. Form 2 groups with one group at home plate and the other group at second

Fitness: 1 min. Base Running Relay with a large softball foam. Instruction # 1 Prepare students: 30 sec. The object of this activity is to work on the overhand technique of throwing a softball. Central Demonstration: 10 sec. Full Speed (1 time) Will demonstrate todays skill one time with equipment. Explain TLP/ SAMs (Formative Assessment): 1 min. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. *Stand with non-dominant hand facing target. Raise the dominant arm into an L position. *Step with non-dominant leg toward target. *Bring the throwing arm toward target. With a whip of the throwing arm release the ball. *Bend at the waist and follow through with the throwing arm. 7. Keep eyes on target. *Four Critical Movements Demonstrate: 30 sec. (slow speed) Demonstrate throwing the ball at slow speed while restating each step. Dry Run: 30 sec. Have students practice throwing the softball without the equipment. Practice: 5 min. The students will practice throwing the softball at the target using proper form. Transition: 30 sec. Have students walk to get the softballs. Questions to check 1. Make sure your arm remains in a plane that intersects the target during all phases of the arm revolution and keep the arm extended and relaxed. 2. Are the students throwing the ball correctly? 3. Are they stepping and following thru properly? 4. Are they focusing on getting the ball to the other player? Face Target L-Position Step to Target Throw at Target Whip Arm Bend Waist Eyes on Target

Review: 30 sec. Have one of the students demonstrate the throwing the softball one last time by verbally and physically showing the proper steps. Homework: 30 sec. Have students go home and watch a softball game and write down how the players threw the ball to their team-mates. What did they do right? What did you notice they did wrong? Show these observations in class next time.

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