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Dalamir, The Relentless

M WS BS S T W I A LD 5 5 2 4(5) 3 2 7 3 10 Point Value: 200, Hero Choice Equipment: Mace of Contempt, Elven Plate, Amulet of Flaming Defense, and the Silver Wand (pg. 102). Special Rules: Valour of Ages, Speed of Asuryan, and Unbreakable. Wizard: Dalamir is a level 2 wizard and may choose either High Magic or a lore from the Warhammer rulebook.

Mace of Contempt- Dalamir gains +1 S (already included in profile). Elven Plate- This is not magic armor. Give the Bearer a +5 armor save and may still cast spells. Amulet of Flaming Defense- Dalamir gains a Magic Resistance of 2, a +6 Ward Save, and is immune to all types of Flaming Attacks and Breath Weapons (like Dragon Armor).

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