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British Tamil Conservatives ___________________________________________________________

We stand by the Tamil National Alliance - British Tamil Conservatives

President Rajapakshe has at last bowed to international pressure and agreed to hold the Northern Province Council elections. This has presented the Tamils of Northern Sri Lanka a rare opportunity to democratically express their aspirations for self-rule and by voting, allow them to voice, to the international community including the Government of Great Britain what the Tamil peoples aspirations are. Whilst we welcome the rare opportunity, we are also very mindful of the continued oppression our kith and kin face by the regime, alleged of war crimes. Therefore, we the BTC request the British Government to send monitors to Sri Lanka so that Tamils and all other oppressed communities in the island can vote freely and fairly. The British Tamil Conservatives stand by Tamil National Alliance who stands for the legitimate aspirations of Tamils self-rule and seek a political solution to a conflict that has not been resolved. We urge our brothers and sisters in our homeland not to bow down to the threat and intimidation by the current regime in Sri Lanka and vote for the Tamil leadership. We also urge the Tamil diaspora around the globe to support the Tamil leadership in Sri Lanka and ensure their voices are heard loud and clear internationally. We will continue to urge our Government to work towards urging the Sri Lankan regime to recognise the aspirations of all the minorities of the Island. We wish The TNA the very best.

_____________________________________________________________________________ 3 Eccleston Close, Cockfosters, Barnet, Herts EN4 9EZ web address: e-mail address:

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