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To understand this rule first you have to understand the day types Day type blank or 0 is Work/Paid (ie

a regular working day) Day type 1 is off/paid ( public holiday) day type 2 is off/not paid now lets try to uderstand the rule B123456789 string represents the holdiday classes.B is holiday class 0 or blank ie a regular working day.and the number 1 to 9 represent the holdiay classes assgined to holidays ,while defining the public holidays.Generally all yholidays are defined with holiday class 1 and half day holidays are defined with holiday class2 and form 3-9 are customer specific holdiay classes we may have to assgn these holiday classes based on the requirements.Other wise we generally assign holiday class 1 to all the public holidays in USA. now if the rule is like this b123456789 0111111111 that means( I put 0 instead of blank under b) .this rule can be understood as if the holiday class is B that means if it is a regular working day,day type value is blank or zero mean it is work/paid and daytype value 1 is specified under holiday classes 1 to 9,that meanes all the holidays defined with holiday classes 1 to 9 are off/paid. I will explain a scenario here,for example if Good friday is holiday for salaried employees only in a comany and it is a working day for hourly employees,then Good friday is defined with holiday class 3. then the rule which will be assigned for salaried employees would look like this B123456789 0111111111 and the rule for Hourly employees would be B123456789 0110111111 note that under Holiday class 3 is left blank as it is a regular working day for hourly employees .(once again here I used 0 instead of blank under 3 to avoid confusion but it will be left blank in the real config)

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