MSC Adv 2008-2009

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MARCH -2009

[KU 401]

Sub. Code: 2301 M.Sc (Nursing ) DEGREE EXAMINATION First Year (Revised Regulations) Part I Paper I ADVANCED CLINICAL NURSING INCLUDING SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND EPIDEMIOLOGY (Common to all branches) Q.P. Code : 302301 Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer All questions. I. Essays: (2X20=40) 1. a) Explain in detail the current concepts regarding Primary Health Care. b) Write briefly on National Health Policy 2002. 2. a) Explain the steps in the nursing process with appropriate examples. b) Write the nursing interventions to promote adequate nutrition in patient with oral cancer.

II. Write Short Notes on : (10X 6 = 60) 1. Nurses role in the assessment of compliance. 2. Pharmacological approaches in pain management. 3. Factors to be considered during physical rehabilitation. 4. Current trends in nursing education in Tamil Nadu. 5. Differences between nursing theories and conceptual models. 6. Nurses role in crisis intervention. 7. Importance of epidemiology in clinical practice. 8. Contributions of research in the development of Nursing. 9. Extended role of the nurse. 10. Independent nursing practice. *****

September - 2009 [KV 401] Sub. Code: 2301 M.Sc (Nursing) DEGREE EXAMINATION First Year (Revised Regulations)

Part I Paper I ADVANCED CLINICAL NURSING INCLUDING SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND EPIDEMIOLOGY (Common to all branches) Q.P. Code : 302301 Time : Three hours Answer All questions. I. Essays: (2X20=40) Maximum : 100 marks

1. Write in detail the extended and expanded roles of a nurse. (20) 2. a) Detail the pathophysiology of shock. (8) b) Discuss the collaborative management of patient with shock. (12)

II. Write Short Notes on :

(10X 6 = 60)

1. Assessment of an unconscious patient. 2. Future of nursing. 3. Legal issues in nursing. 4. Grieving process. 5. Psychosocial problems of aged population. 6. Standards of nursing practice. 7. Health care compliance. 8. Phenomenologic approach. 9. Concepts of causation. 10. Infection control.


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