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Jori McConnell Mrs. Bells 6th period English 4 August 27th 2013 HISTORY OF COMIC BOOKS Here is an overview of Superman's comic book career, since writer Jerry Siegel 19141996 and artist Joe Shuster 1914-1992 invented him while still teenagers. In 1986, DC Comics revamped the Superman comics recreating Superman and his supporting cast of friends and enemies. This overview helps show how Superman's first 50 years of adventures have influenced his new adventures. On July 10, 1914 Joseph Shuster is born in Toronto, Canada. His family moves to Cleveland, Ohio when he is 10. Jerome Siegel is born on October 17, 1914 in Cleveland. Jerry Siegel uses the name Superman in a fanzine story "The Reign of the Superman". The story's character was a villain, but Siegel quickly thinks of a Superman being a hero and with artist Joe Shuster does a story The Superman. Jerry Siegel revises the Superman concept, and with Shuster creates the story that would eventually appear in Action Comics #1. New Fun, the first comic book with all original content is published by Major Malcolm WheelerNicholson. His company would eventually be known as DC Comics. In October's issue #6,

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Siegel and Shuster's first professional work appears. Before selling Superman, they invented other characters like Slam Bradley and Doctor Occult. Businessmen Harry Donenfeld and Jack Liebowitz buy out Major Wheeler-Nicholson. Liebowitz thinks of a new title, Action Comics, and calls a friend, M.C. Gaines at the McClure Syndicate, and Gaines sends over some material rejected for newspaper syndication. DC editor Vincent Sullivan picks up the Siegel and Shuster Superman story. In March, after being unable to sell their Superman story for newspaper syndication, Siegel and Shuster sell the first Superman story for $10 per page, and all rights to their character Superman to DC Comics for $130. The sample Superman newspaper strips were rejected by United Features Syndicate, Esquire Features, and Bell Syndicate. Reportedly, in 1937 Wheeler-Nicholson had also rejected Superman. Published on April 18, 1938 Action Comics #1 June cover date introduces Superman Clark Kent and fellow reporter Lois Lane at the Daily Star newspaper, with a first run of 200,000 copies priced at 10 cents. It would be selling 500,000 copies monthly by issue 7. Superman's first editor was Vin Sullivan. Action Comics 6 Nov. introduces Jimmy Olsen. The sudden success of Superman had Shuster hiring art assistants, including Paul Cassidy, Leo Novak, and Wayne Boring to do inking and backgrounds. Boring would eventually be a prominent Superman artist. On January 16, the McClure Syndicate begins distributing a Superman newspaper comic strip, which lasts until 1966. The strip written by Siegel had the first use of the name Krypton, and Superman's parents being originally called JorL and Lora. Following the success of Superman in Action Comics, Superman Summer #1 is published, starting as a quarterly, reprinting material from Action Comics #1-2. Superman is the first superhero to have his own title. Issue 1 had a new 2-page origin including the first use of the name Krypton in the comics. Also added to the reprinted story from Action Comics 1 were four new pages. Action Comics 16 identifies Superman's home town as Metropolis. On February 12,

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the radio series officially debuts Action Comics 23 has Superman's arch-nemesis criminal scientist Luthor with red hair. Clark Kent's newspaper is now called the Daily Planet in Superman 4. It was the radio show that first changed the name of the newspaper to the Daily Planet, and called the editor Perry White. Superman 7 introduces Perry White as Clark's newspaper editor. All-Star Comics 7 includes Superman and Batman as honorary members of the Justice Society of America superhero group. World's Best Comics 1 begins with Superman and Batman in separate stories. 96 pages for 15 cents. World's Best Comics becomes World's Finest Comics with issue 2 and lasted until 1986. Superman had appeared on the cover of New York World's Fair 1940 comic with Batman and Robin. Superman 10 has a bald Luthor. SUPERMAN CHARICTER Superman is the sole survivor of the planet Krypton. His father, Jor-El, discovered that a nuclear chain reaction was building inside Krypton that would soon shatter the entire world. JorEl therefore had his unborn son Kal-El removed from the Kryptonian Gestation Chambers and affixed the life matrix containing Kal-El to an experimental vessel for travel through hyperspace. Jor-El launched the starcraft toward Earth just before Krypton exploded. Superman was, in effect, born on Earth when the starcraft landed there. Jonathan and Martha Kent found the infant inside the vessel and brought him to their farm in Smallville, Kansas. Since he appeared entirely human, the Kents assumed that the baby was a victim of a cruel experiment. At this time the baby had no super powers. The Kents named the infant Clark and raised him as their own son. As clark grew older his Kryptonian body began developing superhuman abilities. When Clark was eighteen, took him to the field where his starcraft still lay hidden and explained how he and Martha had found him. Clark resolved to use his powers from then on only for the good of mankind. After revealing his secret to his childhood friend, Lana Lang, Clark left Smallville to

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study at Metropolis University. Clark initially used his powers covertly to help people and prevent or thwart disasters. Ultimately, he was forced to use his powers in public to prev ent the crash of a NASA space-plane. Thereafter he and his foster parents devised a new costumed secret identity he would adopt when using his abilities in public. They called his new persona "Superman," the name given him by Lois Lane, a reporter for the Metropolis Daily Planet who had been aboard the space-plane. Shortly afterward, Clark obtained a job as a reporter for the Daily Planet by turning in his first detailed story about Superman. He currently enjoys a freelance status with the Planet. Some time ago Superman journeyed to an otherdimensional "pocket universe" that had its own Krypton and Earth. After defeating three Kryptonians native to that universe who had murdered the entire population of its Earth, Superman executed the trio, believing there was no other way to stop them. The tremendous guilt Superman felt over this act combined by the psychic manipulation by his foe Braniac, caused him to develop a temporary split personality. Believing himself to be potentially dangerous to humanity, Superman exiled himself to space, eventually taken prisoner by the forces of the alien tyrant Mongul. During this time Superman resolved never to kill again...." Superman lives by the traditional moral values instilled in him by his foster parents. Superman is an idealist, devoted to promoting "truth, justice, and the American way," and has proved over and over that he is a true hero, capable of whatever bravery and self-sacrifice is necessary to right a wrong or save a life. POWER AND WEAPONS Since Superman is a native of Krypton, a planet that had a red sun, under a yellow sun like that of Earth's his Kryptonian cells act as living solar batteries, absorbing solar energy and giving him superhuman powers. He possesses tremendous strength; while Superman's strength is not infinite, its full extent is so grea that it has never been accurately measured. His body is

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virtually indestructible. Superman's sharp senses enable him to hear souns too faint to be detected by the normal human ear. His "telescopic vision" enables him to focus his sight on distant objects far beyond the range of normal human sight. His "microscopic vision" allows him to observe an object in microscopic detail. Superman's so called "x-ray vision" enables him to see clearly through solid objects. Certain dense materials, notably lead, obstruct this ability. His power to generate heat within objects manifests itself as a red glow within his eyes, and is therefore known as "heat vision." Superman can move, react, and think at superhuman speeds greater than that of sound. He can defy gravity and fly through force of will. Superman's irradiated cells generate a force field that extends for a fraction of an inch around his body, rendering any material within the field nearly indestructible, such as his skin tight costume. Because his cape extends beyond the field, it is easily damaged. Superman is vulnerable to the radiation of Kryptonite, a substance from his native planet. Kryptonite radiation will kill Superman within minutes. He is also vulnerable to magic, and to the psionic powers of some beings, such as Braniac. Superman must fill his lungs with air before flying through outer space. He can thus survive without breathing for several hours, but ulitmately he must replenish his oxygen supply to remain alive. STUFF ABOUT THE WRITTER DC Comics fans have at least one film to look forward to in the immediate future, as Zack Snyders Man of Steel looks to reinvigorate the Superman property on the big screen. Snyder and Warner Bros. have turned to scriptwriter David S. Goyer and executive producer Christopher Nolan two men responsible for The Dark Knight trilogy to help make that a reality.

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Of course, Man of Steels Superman cant possibly be as grim or grounded as Nolans Batman, or the studio risks alienating fans of the comic books perceived whimsical and more optimistic tone. Its a fine line to walk, but Goyer is emphasizing that being realistic doesnt have to mean being dark, and some aspects of Supermans life simply arent carefree. Whether bleak or hopeful, fans can look forward to a Superman film that speaks to todays world. Comparisons between Superman and Batman are nothing new, as the pair have largely defined the world of DC superheroes for decades. Not only are they the only two DC heroes to star in undeniably successful film franchises, but they might also the be best hope for DC to gain ground on their competition at Marvel. Fears that DC and Warner Bros. would seek to replicate their success by casting Superman as a dark, troubled, and potentially angst-ridden antihero arose quickly, with early rumors hinting that much of Supermans origin story could even be re-written for Man of Steel. Since then neither Snyder nor the cast has dispelled the impression that Man of Steel would be noticeably different from previous live-action versions. Michael Shannon, the newest incarnation of General Zod, claimed that the new take was the same type of edgy as Nolans Batman, before another actor claimed Snyder was using the comparison as part of his pitch. Before fans get the idea that Superman is going to be turned into a raspy-voiced, pessimistic shadow-lurker, David S. Goyer wants to outline some key differences. SUMMARY OF COMIC BOOK Action Comics and Superman follow the tale of Superman, Kryptons last son. The stories center on Superman and his larger than life tales, saving Earth time and again. Also included is a look into Clark Kents personal life with wife Lois Lane and his work at The Daily

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Planet. Superman is a near omnipotent character that is good by nature, often referred to as having a, boy scout attitude. Superman looks for the good in humanity and serves to protect the earth and its inhabitants. All Star Superman is a retelling of the Superman story. It will often take the basics of the stories and characters and generally doesnt concern itself with the continuity and history of the characters. This series focuses on a Superman that has become super irradiated by a trip to the sun and discovers that he is dying. He works to foil the efforts of Lex Luthor and save the Earth at the same time. In this comic, he and Lois are not married. The All Star line is intended as a great place for newcomers to jump in on the character.

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