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Name __________________________________ # ___________

I. VIDEO RESPONSE CHART: As you view the video, fill in the chart to record the key events in Rubys story and how you feel about them. II. SHORT ANSWER: 1. Why was Ruby selected as one of the children to integrate the schools? How does Abon Bridges feel about Ruby going to the white school? Why does Lucille Bridges want Ruby to attend the school?


2. How does Ruby get to William Franz Public School on the first day? How does the crowd react to Ruby and her mother? What do the parents of the children attending the school do?

3. Why do you think Miss Henry is nervous when she first meets Ruby? How do Miss Woodmere and the other teachers treat Miss Henry?

4. Why is Dr. Coles interested in meeting Ruby? Why does Abon refuse the doctors help at first? Why does Abon later change his mind? Why is Dr. Coles concerned about Rubys drawings?

Name __________________________________ # ___________

5. What happens to Abon at work because of Ruby? Why does Mrs. Stein ask Abon not to come to her store again? Why is Allisons father, Mr. Lewis angry at Abon?

6. Why does Ruby stop eating her mothers cooking? Why wont the marshals allow Abon to accompany Ruby to school?

7. How does Miss Henry persuade Miss Woodmere to let the other children play with Ruby?

8. Ruby stops to pray one day as she is passing through the mob. What is Rubys prayer? How does Dr. Coles react when Ruby tells him about the prayer?

9. How do Miss Spensers feelings about Miss Henry change? Why do you think this happens?

Name __________________________________ # ___________

10. How does Ruby do on her year-end test? Miss Woodmere says she wants to lower Rubys scores because they dont truly reflect Rubys abilities. What do you think is the real reason she wants to lower the scores?

11. How are things better for Ruby at school by the end of the year? What do you think Rubys next year at William Franz school will be like?

III. ACTIVITIES: please choose two activities to complete from the list below: 1. Using the emotions evoked by the film that you recorded on your Video Response chart, create a song, media presentation or video about Ruby Bridges experience. See examples: OR nnotation_id=annotation_795828 2. Watch The March to Justice and write an expository essay explaining what you have learned. What were crucial parts of the civil rights movement? Explain them and how they changed history. 3. Compose a letter to Ruby Bridges-Hall expressing your feelings about Rubys story and ask questions about Ruby and her work with the Ruby Bridges Educational Foundation. Letters can be addressed to: Ruby Bridges-Hall The Ruby Bridges Educational Foundation P.O. Box 870248 New Orleans, LA 70187 4. In February 1997, Ruby Bridges was interviewed on the PBS television program Newshour. Read the interview and write a summary to share with the class. You will find a transcript of the interview on the internet at 5. Listen to Martin Luther Kings I have a Dream speech and write your own speech in which you discuss your own hopes and dreams for the future of the United States. You can find the speech on the Internet at e_a_dream/

Name __________________________________ # ___________

6. Artist Norman Rockwell immortalized Ruby Bridges walk into William Franz Public School in the painting The Problem We All Live With. Look at the painting and write a couple of paragraphs detailing what you think the message of the painting might be. Then create your own work of art about Rubys experience. The work may be a drawing, painting, collage, or poem.

On November 14, 2010 President Barack Obama celebrated the 50th anniversary of six-yearold Ruby's history-changing walk into the William Franz Public School by hanging the painting on the wall outside the Oval Office and inviting Ruby Bridges-Hall to the White House.

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