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6 Traits of Writing Rubric

Joaquin 1
o The writes is searching for a topic. o The writers does not have a main idea or tell a story. o There is little information, maybe just a list of facts or events. o Details are either vague or not included. o The writing is of random throughts; rambling.

o The writer may have chosen a topic that is too big or one that he does not know a lot about. o The main idea or story is hard to figure out. The reader is left wodering what the writer was trying to say. o Much of the information does not relate to the main idea. o Details are limited, reapeated, or off topic.

o The writer understands the topic and narrows it fairly well. o The reader can tell what is the main idea. o Information is sometimes presented in a new and interesting way. o The writer has some well-chosen details to help explain the main idea.

o The writer has welldefined and manageable topic. o It is easy for the reader to figure out the main idea. o Information shows insight into the topic. o The writer has carefully chosen details that clearly explain the main idea.

o The writer has an extremely cleas and focused topic. o The main idea is obvious to the reader. o The information makes connections and shows significant insight. o The writer has utilized relevant and precise details that go beyond the obvious.. o The organizational structure enhances and showcases the central idea and theme. o An inviting lead draw the reader in and a satisfying conclusion leaves the reaer with a sense of closure. o The sequence is logical and effective with well controlled pacing. o Thoughful transitions clearly show how ideas connect.

o The writer sticks to the topic most of the time. It might be better if the topic was smaller. o The reader can probably guess what is the main idea. o Some of the information isnt related to the main idea or story. o The writing may not have enough details, or the details may be general information everyone already knows. o There is no pattern to o There is not a clear o There is structure to the the the organization; structure or pattern; the writing that fits the its all jumbled up writing goes off in many purpose. together. directions. o A lead and conclusion o There is no lead or o The lead and conclusion are attempted, but they conclusion. are either missing or need need work. o Ideas and details are work. o Some parts are out of hard to follow; the o There are some attempts sequence or are not writing does not make to sequence, but the needed. sense. writing is hard to follow. o Obvious transitions are o Transitions are o A couple of transitions are used to connect some missing. used, but they dont really ideas. connect things clearly.


o There is a structure to o The oorganizational the writing that fits structure works well the purpose. for the topic, o A lead and conclusion purpose, and are both included in audience. the paper. o The lead introduces o The sequence helps the reader to the the reader paper and the understand the conclusion wraps up message. the main points. o Transitions connect o The sequence most ideas together. strengthens the message by having nothing out of place. o Transitions smoothly connect ideas.


o The writer is flat, o Most of the writing is flat, o The writing is safe and lifeless and llifeless, and only hints at who the uninteresting. uninteresting. There could writer is behind the o The writer may not be a moment of voice. words. have understood the o The writer doesnt care o The writer is not always topic or may not have much about the topic or is involved or excited cared about it enough unsure of the purpose. about the topic. to write something o The writer is unsure of the o The writer makes an purposeful. purpose and almost attempt to connect with o The writer has no always fails to connect the audience and has purpose and fails to with the audience. some awareness of the connect with the purpose. audience.

o The writing evokes o The writing evokes a o The writer evokes a personal tone, flavor, personal tone, flavor, lasting personal or feeling but not all or feeling. tone by taking a the time. o The writer is deliberate risk. o The writer is involved completely involved o The writer crafts with the topic making in the topic making the writing with an the writing the writing awareness and interesting and compelling and respect for the informative. engaging. audience and o The writer o The writer engages purpose for writing. occasionally the reader using a o The writer connects enganges the reader voice that stands out strongly with the using a voice that from the others. reader using matches the audience natural, engaging with the purpose. language. o The writer chooses o The writer chooses words that will make powerful words the message clear that create a clear and interesting to the message and reader. engage the reader. o Strong verbs, sensory o Strong verb, words, and precise sensory words, nouns are used in precise nouns and places that help modifiers are used create a picture in to create vivid the readers mind. pictures in the o The writer uses a readers mind. wide variety of words o The writer uses a that seem natural variety of words or and not overdone. phrases skillfully o There are no placed that are unnecessary words natural and not or phrases. overdone. o Words and phrases work together to create depth.


o The writer used words o The writer uses words o The writer uses words o The writer chooses incorrectly or words that leave the reader that get the message words that are clear, that are hard to confused or unclear about across, but only inn an the writing makes understand. the meaning. ordinary way. sense. o Vague words or o Words are not specific or o Some active verbs or o Some strong verbs, phrases do not create colorful, so they do not precise nouns are used adjectives, and pictures in the create a clear picture in that may create a adverbs are used but readers mind. the readers mind. picture in the readers may not be enough to o Words may be used o Overused words and mind, but usually the create a picture in the over and over. expressions my really, writer settles for just any readers mind. o Words are used really detract from the word. o The writer uses a incorrectly message. o The writer may attempt variety that seem to o Simple words are used, to use a variety of fit nicely. but the writing is still words, but some do not o The writing has some unclear. fit. unneeded words or o Too many unneeded phrases to take out. words make the writing feel cluttered.


o Sentences are confusing ad difficult, if not impossible, to read aloud. o The reader has to fill in missing words. o The writing is mostly short, choppy sentences or long rambling sentences. o Dialogue, if used, does not make sense.

o Sentences are difficult to follow or read aloud. o Writing uses sentence patterns that are the same and sound monotonous. o The writing has some choppy sentences, runons, fragments, and/or repetitions. o Dialogue, if used, doesnt sound like natural conversation.

o Choppy or rambling sentences slow the reader down or require rereading. o The writing includes some variety in sentence beginnings, lengths and patterns. o Dialogue, if used, sounds like natural some of the time.

o Some parts of the o Frequent and signigicant o There are enough writing contain so errors in capitalization, mistakes in many errors in punctuation, spelling, capitalization, capitalization, grammar, and/or punctuation, spelling, punctuation, spelling, paragraphing make the grammar, and/or grammar, and/or writing difficult to read paragraphing that the paragraphing that it is and understand. reader notices them and impossible to o The writer uses some may have difficulty understand the simple conventions understading. message. correctly but does not use o The writer uses simple a variety. conventions correctly, o There is a need to edit in but doesnt use a nearly everly line. variety. o There is a need for significant editing.

o The writing sounds o The writing sounds o The writing has an natural and is easy to natural and is easy to easy flow, rhythm read aloud. read aloud with and candence that o The writing includes expression. invite expressive variety in sentence o The writing flows oral reading. beginnings, lengths, smoothly because it o The writing is and patterns. includes variety in purposeful with o Sentence fragments, sentence beginnings, varied sentence if used, work. lengths, and beginnings, lengths o Dialogue, if used, patterns. and structure, sounds natural most o Sentence fragments, adding variety and of the time. if used, enhance the energy. writing. o Stylistic elements o Dialogue, if used, are used to sounds natural. enhance the fluency of the writing. o Dialogue, if used, sounds natural and strengthens the writing. o If there are mistakes o Capitalization, o Capitalization, in capitalization, punctuation, spelling, punctuation, punctuation, spelling, grammar, and/or spelling, grammar, grammar, and/or paragraphing are and paragraphing paragraphing, they correct and make the are used effectively dont make the paper writing easy to read to enhance difficult to read and and understand. readability. understand. o The writer effectively o The writer may o The writer uses a uses a variety of manipulate variety of conventions. conventions for conventions o There is little need stylistic effects. correctly. for editing. o The piece is very o There is a need for close to being some editing. published.


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