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Reading For The Unseen

In the dawn of the 1st day of Reading School comes a class with the enthusiasm to read. There are tons of readers. There are first timers, critics, the smartest and the ordinaries. Their teachers are authors of the most popular books and its bestsellers. One of them is names Sammy Anders (AKA Sammson) But one of them is the only one who can say but doesnt read. His name is Peter Guserdrf Mullir. A German student with a problem called poor eyesight. It lets someones eyesight to be blurry whenever he reads a text or a word. Every day, Petey (A nickname of Peter) is made fun of when he reads. He sometimes has a hard time pronouncing the words he is reading since his first year of elementary school like reading Hello! like this Helu or this Halo. His grades were 10 to 11 and now it is 12 to 15. His mother told the principal of his previous school about his condition and he agreed to go to Reading School.

Petey introduced himself in a quiet, shy voice. Hi. Im Peter Mullir. I am a low graded reader. You can call me Petey. His teacher and classmates encouraged him to read until a reader with grades 50 to 75 named Englos Launguiho made a the worst mistake to do. He made Petey become an outcast. But luckily, Samson always kept an eye on Englos every time he bullies someone. So, he started to write a language that people poor eye-sight can read. Braille. Words in English can be turned in to dots (. :. . : :.). So later, he did this for Petey.


The day came and Petey got grade fright and came to Samson and started to learn braille. After that he got high grades. So the very next day, there was an exam for braille story reading. Everyone knew Braille even though they are good sighted. But that was the weakness of Englos. He never knew Braille and never seen it. When the results came in everyones score are 85-120. Peteys was 123. For Englos, negative 30.

He kept acting like a tortured (Not really) kid and ran away crying. Everyone gave 3 cheers to Petey. He has the magic to read. Now there are lessons to say. First of all, if you succeed, there is always a way. Next, dont hurt the feelings of others of you dont know them. Finally, anyone can be the best whenever they cannot try or feel bad.

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