Special Appeal For Egypt (2013)

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The Episcopal / Anglican Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East

The Episcopal / Anglican Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa

Bishop: Address: Tel.: Email: The Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Hanna Anis 5 Michel Lutfallah Street, P.O. Box 87 Zamalek, 11211, Cairo, Egypt +20 2 27380821/3/9 bishopmouneer@gmail.com

/. . 5 11211

Help us to Help Others

Dear brothers and sisters, Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! The last few weeks have been traumatic for Egyptians. We witnessed bloodshed on our streets, vandalism and the deliberate destruction of churches and government buildings in lawless acts of revenge. One of our Anglican Churches was attacked, and other ministries received threats. We praise God that our churches and congregations are safe, but we grieve for the loss of life and for the churches which were burnt over the past week in Egypt. The Anglican Church in Egypt serves all Egyptians, Muslims and Christians, especially the disadvantaged and marginalized, through our educational, medical, and community development ministries. We seek to be a light in our society, and we continue to serve our neighbours in the difficult situation which surrounds us. Unemployment is at a record high, there is a lack of security on the streets, the economy is in decline, and poverty is crushing for many people in Egypt. Through your support, the Diocese hopes to help in the following areas:

1. The Poorest of the Poor 2. Building Capacity of Young Adults 3. Spiritual Ministry

1. The poorest of the poor

are the most affected by the situation in Egypt. As the

church, we want to practically show the love of God and provide for people in this challenging time in Egypt. Some examples of ways that you could give are: Provide a meal for a poor child ($1 US per day) Visit to a doctor ($2 per visit) Food to feed a family ($5 per day) Subsidy for nursery fees for a child ($20 per month) School fees for a year ($50 per year) Emergency surgical operation ($100 per operation)

2. Building the capacity of young adults:

It is very difficult for young people to find jobs, and the Diocese is empowering young adults (both hearing and deaf) through vocational training and micro-loans. Examples of this are: Vocational training for 2 months ($150) Vocational training for 6 months ($450) Loan for a small business project ($750)

3. Spiritual Ministry
The Diocese continues to serve our congregations, to teach the Word of God, and to reach the unreached. You can: Give a Bible ($3 per Bible) Transport for children for Sunday School ($20 per session) Subsidy to attend an Alpha Course ($20)

Please consider supporting us prayerfully and financially. If you would like to contribute financially, please give to one or more of the three categories above. If you send a non-designated donation then we will allocate the donation to the most needed category above.

In the UK, please contact the Egypt Diocesan Association (EDA), a registered charity, through: Mr. Joseph Wasef, Secretary of EDA (edasecretary@gmail.com) Website: http://www.edaegypt.org.uk/ In the USA, please contact the Friends of the Anglican Diocese of Egypt (FADE), a 501 (c)3, through: Dr. Randi Wood, Chairman of FADE (blessfade@gmail.com) Website: www.friendsanglicandioceseegypt.org In Egypt or other countries, please contact the Diocese Partnership Office, Ms. Rosie Fyfe (rosie@dioceseofegypt.org) Website: www.dioceseofegypt.org Thank you for your continued prayers and support. May the Lord bless you!

+ Mouneer Egypt
The Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Hanna Anis Bishop of the Episcopal / Anglican Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa President Bishop of the Episcopal / Anglican Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East

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