1 Page From IRS-CI Aff For Riad Hamad's House

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‘AO 106 (Rev. 7/87) Affidavit for Search Warrant United States District Court e826 200 Aeldress er White Elm Drive, Austin, Texas described as being a APPLICATION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR SEARCH WARRANT single story single family residence with white stone and yellow siding exterior and 4807 displayed on the mail box Search to include all outbuilding and vehicles located on CASE NUMBER: [}. 68 -W- 7 the curtlage. Location more fully described in Attachment A and A-1 | JAMES NEFF being duly sworn depose and say: lam a(n) Special Agent - Internal Revenue Service and have reason to believe Jon the property or premises known as name cescrption andlor ication that [Jon the person a or 4807 White Elm Drive, Austin, Texas described at being a single story single withamily residence with white stone and yellow siding exterior and 4807 displayed on the mail box. Search to include all out-buildings and vehicles located on the curtlage. Location more fully described in Attachment A and A-1 inthe _WESTERN District of _ TEXAS there iS now concealed a certain person or property, namely” aeictoe te ersn o property to beseech See attached property lst. Which is state one or more bss fo searen ana sere set Fort under ule 9 ofthe Federal rimina rocedure See attached affidavit concerning a violation of Title __ 26 and 18 United States Code, Section(s) 7203, 7201, 1341, 1343, ‘The facts to support a finding of Probable Cause are as follows: 7344, and 371 See attached affidavit, Continued on the attached sheet and made a part thereof: Eves, [Jno ‘Swom to before me, and subscribed in my presence, Fan 26, OS at __Austin, Texas Dat Gly and State ROBERT PITMAN U.S. MAGISTRATE JUDGE Name and Tite of Judicial Ofer ‘Sgrature of Judkal Oficer

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