Organizational Behavior

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MARKS: 80 COURSE: MBA SUBJECT: Organizational behavior Name : Aneez Ahamed R Reference Number: KM-00510-30386

Note:- 1) Kindly write case study number question number properly 2) Attached question papers with answer sheets _____________________________________________________________________________ Case- 1 IF TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE, ARE FOUR EVEN BETTER Preeti Razdan, 24, is a marketing manager for Barista, a chain of coffee shops, in Chennai. Recently, Preetis wealthy uncle passed away and left to Preeti, his only niece, INR 5 million. Preeti consider her current salary to be adequate to meet her current living expenses, so that when she buys a house shell have a nice nest egg on which to draw. One of Preetis neighbours, Bria, is a financial advisor. Brian told Preeti there was a virtually endless array of investment option. She asked him to present her with two of the best options, and this is what he came up with: A very low risk mutual fund. With this option, based on the information Brian provided, Preeti estimates that after 5 years she stands virtually zero chance of losing money, with an expected gain of approximately 30 percent. A moderate-risk mutual fund. Based on the information Brian provided her, Preeti estimates that with this option she stands a 50 percent chance of making a 70 percent gain but also a 50 percent chance of losing 30 percent. Preeti prides herself on being rational and objective in her thinking. However, shes unsure of what to do in this case. Brian refuses to help her, telling her that shes already limited herself by asking for only two options. While driving to her parents house for the weekend, Preeti finds herself vacillating between the two options. Her older is also visiting the folks this weekend, so Preeti decides to gather her family around the table after dinner, lay out the two options, and go with their decision You know the old saying-two heads are better than one, she says to herself, so four heads should be even better. Questions :1) Has Preeti made a good decision about the way she is going to make the decision? 2) Which investment would you choose? Why? 3) Which investment do you think most people would choose? 4) Based on what you have learned about groupshift, which investment do you think Preetis family will choose?

Case 2 THE DANGERS OF GROUPTHINK Sometimes, the desire to maintain group harmony overrides the importance of making sound decisions. When that occurs, team members are said to engage in groupthink. Here are some examples: A civilian worker at a large Air Force base recalls a time that groupthink overcome her teams decisionmaking ability. She was a member of a process improvement team that an Air Force general had formed to develop a better way to handle the bases mail, which included important letters from high-ranking military individuals. The team was composed mostly of civilians, and it took almost a month to come up with a plan. The problem: The was not a process improvement. Recalls the civilian worker, I was horrified. What used to be 8 steps; now there were 19. The team had devised a new system that resulted in each piece of mail being read by several middle managers before reaching its intended recipient. The teams new plan slowed sown the mail considerably, with an average delay of 2 weeks. Even though the team members all knew that the new system was worse than its predecessor, no one wanted to question the teams solidarity. The problems lasted for almost an entire year. It wasnt until the general who formed the team complained about the mail that the system was changed. During the dot-com boom of the late 1990s, Virginia Turezyn, managing director of Infinity Capital, states that she was a victim of groupthink. At first, Turezyn was skeptical about the stability of the boom. But after continually reading about start-ups turning into multimillion-dollar payoffs, she felt different. Turezyn decided to invest millions in several dot-coms, including I-drive, a company that provided electronic data storage. The problem was that I-drive was giving the storage away for free, and as a result, the company was losing money. Turezyn recalls one board meeting at I-drive where she spoke up to no avail. Were spending way too much money, she screamed. The younger executives shook their heads and replied that if they charged for storage they would lose their customers. Says Turezyn, I started to think, May be Im just too old. Maybe I really dont get it. Unfortunately, Turezyn did get it. I-drive later filed for bankruptcy. Steve Blank, an entrepreneur, also fell victim to groupthink. Blank was a dot-com investor, and he participated on advisory boards of several Internet start-ups. Finisher, Blank tried to persuade his fellow board members to change the business model to be more traditional. Recall Blank, I went to those meetings and started saying things like Maybe you should spend that $10 million you just raised on acquiring a customer base rather than building a brand. The CEO told me, Steve, you just dont get it-all the rules have changed. The team didnt take Blanks advice, and Blank says that he lost hundreds of thousands of dollars on the deal. According to Michael Useem, a professor at the University of Pennsylvanias Wharton College of Business, one of the main reasons that groupthink occurs is a lack of conflict. A single devils advocate or whistle-blower faces a really uphill struggle, he states. But if you [the naysayer] have one ally that is enormously strengthening. Questions:1) What are some factors that led to groupthink in the cases described here? What can teams do to attempt to prevent groupthink from occurring? 2) How might differences in status among group members contribute to groupthink? For example, how might lower-status members react to a groups decision? Are lower-status members more or less likely to be dissenters? Why might higher-status group members be mare effective dissenters? 3) Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer says that he encourages dissent. Can such norms guard against the occurrence of groupthink? As a manager, how would you try to cultivate norms that prevent groupthink? 4) How might group characteristics such as size and cohesiveness affect groupthink?

Case 3 A VIRTUAL TEAM AT NANAWATI ASSOCIATES Nanawati Associates (NA) is a national tax-accounting firm whose main business is tax-preparation services for individuals. NAs superior reputation is based on the high quality of its advice and the excellence of its service. Key to the achievement of its reputation is the state-of-the-art computer databases and analysis tools that its people use when counseling clients. These programs were developed by highly trained individuals. The programs that these individuals produce are highly technical, both in terms of the tax laws they cover and the code in which they are written. Perfecting them requires high levels of programming skill as well as the ability to understand the law. New laws and interpretations of existing laws have to be integrated quickly and flawlessly into the existing regulations and analysis tools. These programs are created in a virtual environment by four programmers in the Greater Mumbai area. The four programmers work from home and are connected to each other and to the company by e-mail, telephone, and conference software. Formal, onsite meetings among all the programmers are held only a new times a year, although the workers sometimes meet informally outside of these scheduled occasions. Heres some background on the four programmers. Ravi Tendulkar is a tax lawyer, a graduate of the University of Mumbai and a former hockey player there. At 35, Ravi has worked on the programs for 6 years and is the longest-standing member of the team. Along with his design responsibilities, Ravi is the primary liaison with NA. He is also responsible for training new team members. Single, Ravi works out of his farm in Lonawala. Aditya, a tax accountant and computer science graduate from the University of Pune, is 32 years old, married, with two children aged 4 and 6. His wife works full time in a law firm in downtown Thane. In his spare time, Aditya enjoys tennis and swimming. Nitya, a tax lawyer, graduated from the National Institute of Law, Bangalore. She is 28 years old, married, with two children aged 4 and 6. Her husband works full time as an electrical engineer at a local defense contractor. Nityas hobbies include golf and skiing. Susan, a tax accountant and graduate of Delhi University, is 26 years old and single. She recently relocated and works out of her apartment in Pune. These four people exchange e-mail message many times every day. In fact, its not unusual for them to step away from guests or family to log on and check in with the others. Often, their e-mail is amusing as well as work related. Sometimes, for instance, when they are facing a deadline and one of Nityas kids is home sick, they help each other with the work. Ravi has occasionally invited the others to visit his farm; and Nitya and Aditya have gotten their families together several times for dinner. About once a month, the whole group gets together for lunch. All four of these NAs employees are on salary, which, consistent with company custom, is negotiated separately and secretly with the management. Although each is required to check in regularly during every work wherever they wanted. Clearly, flexibility is one or the pluses of these jobs. When the four get together, they often joke about the managers and workers who are tied to the office, referring to them as face timers and to themselves as free agents. When the programmers were asked to make a major program change, they often developed programming tools called macros that would help them to do their work more efficiently. These macros greatly enhanced the speed at which a change could be written into the programs. Aditya, in particular, really enjoyed hacking around with macros. On one recent project, for instance, he became obsessed with

the prospect of creating a shortcut that could save him a huge amount of time. One week after he turned in his code and his release notes to the company, Aditya bragged to Ravi that he had created a new macro that saved him 8 hours of work that week. Ravi was skeptical of the shortcut, but after trying it out, he found that it actually saved him many hours too. NA has an employee-suggestion program that rewards employees for innovations that save the companys money. The program gives an employee 5 percent of the saving generated by their innovation over a period of 3 months. The company also has a profit-sharing plan. Ravi and Aditya felt that the small amount of money that would be generated by a company reward would not offset the free time that they gained using their new macro. They wanted the time for leisure of consulting work. They also feared their group might suffer if management learned about the innovation. It would allow three people to do the work of four, which could mean one might lose their job. So they didnt share their innovative macro with management. Although Ravi and Aditya wouldnt share the innovation with management, they were concerned that they were entering their busy season and knew everyone on the team would be stressed by the heavy workload. They decided to distributed the macro to the other members of their team and swore them to secrecy. Over lunch one day, the team set for itself a level of production that it felt would not arouse managements suspicion. Several months passed and they used some of their extra time to push the quality of their work even higher. But they also now had more time to pursue their own personal interests. Karan Kohli, the in-house manager of the work team, picked up on the innovation several weeks after it was first implemented. He had wondered why production time had gone down a bit, while quality had shot up, and he got his first inkling of an answer when he saw an e-mail from Nitya to Aditya thanking him for saving her so much time with his brilliant mind. Not wanting to embarrass his group of employees, the manager hinted to Ravi that he wanted to know what was happening, but he got nowhere. He did not tell his own manager about his suspicions, reasoning that since both quality and productivity were up, he did not really need to pursue the matter further. Karan has just learned that Aditya has boasted about his trick to a member of another virtual work team in the company. Suddenly, the situation seems to have gotten out of control. Karan decided to take Aditya to lunch. During the meal, karan asked Aditya to explain what was happening. Aditya told him about the innovation, but he insisted the teams action had been justified to protect itself. Aditya knew that his own boss would soon hear of the situation and that he would be looking for answers from him. Questions :1) Why is this group a team? 2) Has anyone in this case acted unethically? 3) What, if any, characteristics of groupthink are manifested in the work team? 4) Has Karan been an effective team leader? Explain your position.

Case 4 TEAM-BUILDING RETREATS Team-building retreats are big business. Companies believe such retreats, where team members participate in activities ranging from mountain climbing, to trust-building exercise (where team members let themselves fall backwards into their colleagues arms), to Iron Chef-inspired cooking contests (used by UBS, Hewlett-Packard, and Verizon) can foster effective teamwork. But why do organizations have teammates participate in activities that seem irrelevant to the organizations primary activities? Howard Atkins, chief financial officer at Wells Fargo, believes that corporate retreats aid team building, which in turn improves company performance. At a luxury hotel in Sonoma, California, Atkins-along with several other corporate executives-participated in an exercise in which he ad his team had to build a bridge out of boxes and unstable wooden planks. To the delight of his colleagues, Atkins was able to make it across the bridge. The team succeeded. According to Atkins, What I have been trying to do is get them to see the power of acting more like a team. Its really a terrific success. Part of the success that Atkins is referring to is the doubledigit gains in earnings by Wells Fargo-gains that he says are one of the effects of the corporate retreats. Success more often than not is a function of execution, and execution is really about people, so we invest pretty heavily into our people. How heavy is the investment? Well Fargo paid $50,000 for the retreat in Sonoma. Given the level of expense, some companies are now discontinuing their team-building activities outside the organization. According to Susan Harper, a business psychologist, team-building has definitely gone down. People are reluctant to spend money on what they think is not an absolute necessity. Atkins believes otherwise: I know intuitively the payback here is huge. Its a very small investment to make for the payback we are going to get. Hard drive maker Seagate takes it even further. Every year, Seagate flies roughly 200 managers to New Zealand to participate in Eco Seagate, its annual team-building exercise. The tab? $9,000 per manager, Chief Financial Officer Charles Pope says its one of the last things hed cut from Seagates budget. Its clear that companies that invest in team-building retreats think theyre worth the investment. Sometimes, though, they have unintended consequences. In 2001, a dozen Burger King Employees burned themselves while participating in a fire walk-a team-building exercise that requires teammates to walk barefoot across an 8-foot pit of burning-hot coals. The results were injured employees and some very negative publicity for Burger King. In 2006, an employee of security systems company Alarm One was award $1.7 million in damages in a lawsuit in which she claimed she had been spanked on the job as part of a camaraderie-building exercise. One observer of these retreats said, Most of the time, people asking for these activities arent interested in real teamwork building. What they really want is entertainment. Some companies are taking team-building exercise in a different direction, having their employees engage in hands-on volunteer work. When the breweries Coors and Molson merged, they wanted to use a team-building exercise to acquaint the executive teams, but they didnt want to go the route of the typical golf outings or ropes course. So they helped Habitat for Humanity build a home. UPS has new managers participate in various community projects, such as distributing secondhand medical equipment in developing countries. It is questionable whether team-building exercise such as mountain climbing, cooking contests, and fire walks results in improved company financial performance, and it may be better to think of such activities as morale boosters. According to Merianne Liteman, a professional corporate retreat organizer, Where good retreats have a quantifiable effect is on retention, on morale, on productivity Daryl Jesperson, CEO of RE / MAX International, says, There is productivity boost anytime you have one of these. People feel better about themselves, they feel better about the company, and as a result will do a better job.

Questions :1) Do you believe that team-building activities increase productivity? Why or why not? What other factors might be responsible for increases in profitability following a corporate retreat? 2) What are some other ways besides those described here to build effective teams and increase teamwork among company employees? How might these alternatives be better or worse than corporate retreats? 3) What should companies do about employees who lack athletic talent but are still pressured to participate in physical activities with their colleagues? How might poor performance by those with low athletic ability affect their status within the organization? 4) How might you increase teamwork when team members are not often in direct contact with one another? Can you think of any electronic team-building exercises?

Case-5-SABEER BHATIA: AN ICON OF CREATIVITY Sabeer Bhatia, the co-founder of Hotmail is the recipient of the TR 100 award presented by MIT to 100 young innovators who are expected to have the greatest impact on technology in the next few years. He has won several laurels Elite 100 list of top trendsetters in the New Economy by Upside Magazine, People to watch in International Business by TIME (2002), Entrepreneur of the Year by a venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson (1997), and one of the ten most successful entrepreneurs by San Jose Mercury News and POV magazine (1998). One needs to know what has gone into making him a highly creative person. Born in Chandigarh, India, he completed his early schooling at Bangalore, in schools with ethical values. His parents were both professionals; father, Baldev, a senior officer in Ministry of Defense, and mother, Daman, a senior official in the Central Bank of India, who attached great value to education. He has been a brilliant student who would solve problems on the blackboard. He was a perfectionist and would feel miserable if he was unable to write everything he knew in his answer book during an exam, due to limited time. He has also been entrepreneurial during his school days and once opened a sandwich shop. He joined the Birla Institute of Technology, which he left to study at California Institute of Technology after winning full scholarship. He completed his masters from Stanford University and joined Apple, where he worked for nine months. He had an urge to do something unique using the net, and he came up with java soft a method of using the web to create a personal database, where people could preserve their personal things. He shared his plan with his colleague Jack Smith, who suggested e-mailing to java soft. Bhatia worked the whole night to develop the business plan. The two tried various options and came up with Hotmail as their final choice, and a brand was launched in 1995. After a year, Microsoft approached them, and Hotmail was sold to Microsoft for $400 million. Bhatia worked with Microsoft for a year, and has launched two more products: Arzoo and Blog Everywhere. From the above account it is obvious that Sabeer Bhatia is brilliant, persistent, and innovative, and has scientific and technical knowledge. His friends find him persistent, focused and disciplined. To top it all, he is a perfectionist and entrepreneurial at heart. He has an unquenching desire to create new ventures, and bubbles with new ideas. He feels that the Indian IT companies can be more creative. Creativity seems to be his motivation in life; he is still single.

Questions:1. What competencies are needed to be creative? 2. Identify methods through which creativity can be nurtured.

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