Paper English (Class 6) Q No.1 Choose The Correct Option. 60

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Time 3 hrs.


Total Marks = 100

Q No.1= Choose the correct option. 60 1. Once a Bedouin was selling meat of a (a) Horse (b) goat (c) camel (d) deer 2. Once a small caravan was staying out side Madinah. They had s______ (a) Red camel (b) brown camel (c) white camel (d) black camel 3. In present identification tense we use ______form of the verb. (a) First (b) second (c) third (d) fourth 4. Tick the option in which all words are countable nouns (a)book,chair,table (b) sugar,oil,grains,sand (c) beauty,bravery,honesty (d)wheat,book,iron 5. Ahmad is _______than Akram. (a) Tall (b) taller (c) most taller (d) tallest 6. The word die is a verb, noun formed form it is (a) Death (b) dead (c) deadly (d) dread 7. The Kalash women wear__________dress. (a) Red (b) white (c) yellow (d) black 8. They live in ________houses made of stones and mud (a) Simple (b) modern (c) big (d) small 9. The natural beauty of Chitral attracts the _______ (a) People (b) children (c) tourists (d) workers 10.The sun descends in the ___________ (a)East (b) West (c) North (d) South 11.The poem night is written by _______ (a)William words worth (b) Robert frost (c) William Blake (d) Shakes pear 12.The _________are silent in their nest. (a) Sparrows (b) Bees (c) Crows (d) Birds 13.Etiquettes are the correct rules of behavior in a________. (a) Country (b) city (c) Village (d) Society 14.Be_______ and make sure you do not miss your stop (a) Brave (b) passive (c) alert (d) silent 15.Pared footway at the roadside is called _______. (a) Footpath (b) pavement (c) payment (d) movement 16.Everybody feels_________about tests and exams. (a) Happy (b) pleased (c) sad (d) nervous 17.Stress prevails __________ them and they cannot do their best. (a) over (b) before (c) in front of (d) besides 18.Working _________ is best. (a) Alone (b) together (c) silent (d) nothing 19.Parents can play simple games with their_________. (a) Animals (b) citizens (c) children (d) teams 20.Do not cry when you_____________. (a) Lose (b) gain (c) give (d) take 21.Let me ask you a very important_________. (a) Question (b) answer (c) book (d) copy 22.A rainbow builds a ________from earth to the sky. (a) Street (b) road (c) playground (d) house 23.A bow of _________ in the sky after rain is called rainbow. (a) Red (b) black (c) white (d) colours 24.The jug is _____________the glasses. (a) Among (b) between (c) on (d) in

25.In winter, it is very (a) Hot (b) pleasant (c) cold (d) cool 26.Heavy rains_____________floods. (a) Cause (b) causes (c) caused (d) causing 27.Fatima is the __________of the six children. (a) Young (b) younger (c) youngest (d) most youngest 28.The first computer was invented in____________. (a) 1821 (b) 1825 (c) 1834 (d) 1840 29.By the end of_______computers had become smaller and cheaper. (a) 1940s (b) 1950s (c) 1960s (d) 1970s 30.Philo Taylor Farnsworth did not allow ________viewing in his home. (a)DVD (b) television (c) VCR (d) computer 31.Giraffe has liking for _____________. (a) potatoes (b) wheat (c) loaf of sugar (d) castor oil 32.The ___________has a great liking for potatoes. (a) giraffe (b) monkey (c) spoonbill (d) elephant 33.Most of the birds dislike. (a) Castor oil (b) spiders (c) worms (d) grains 34.Some people are not good______________sharing (a) In (b) at (c) on (d) by 35.People who use drugs may feel upset or _______ (a) Question (b) answer (c) problem (d) difficulty 36.People who __________make our world unhealthy. (a) Smoke (b) smoking (c) smokes (d) smoked 37.There stood a ___________ statue of a happy prince. (a) Iron (b) silver (c) gold (d) bronze 38.The _____________writer has no fire. (a) Healthy (b) patient (c) young (d) poor 39.I am going to tell you about some________who are in trouble (a) Children (b) women (c) men (d) people 40.The swallow slept there_______ the feet of the happy prince. (a) Among (b) between (c) on (d) in Q No.2 Write an essay of one (my school , my best friend) 10 Q No.3 Write an application of urgent piece of work. 10 Q No.4 Write a story of A thirsty Crow. 10 Q No.5 Use these words in sentences of your own 10 Deposit , Rotten , Accumulate , Butts , Guilty.

Good Luck and wish you a Bright future!

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