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River meets desert

A young river, So strong Nothing could stop it Nothing went wrong Big rocks in its way No problem at all It went over them Around them if tall But then it met the desert Water sank deep into sand Huge problem for the river It looked like its life was to end Desperately It turned to our God 'Please, God help me To get away from or over this spot' A voice from above said 'Look at the wind in the sky It crosses the desert so easily So just stop to cry! ' 'But I am not wind, I am water How can I cross Please help me I am at a loss' 'Did you forget dear river, ' Said the voice from above 'Long time before you were a river The wind carried you with love' The river let its water evaporate Allowed the wind to carry it once more In its loving arms, wind held the river as before Across the desert they went A lot of water in a big large cloud And at the other side The wind let it rain out There the river again became strong Even better and stronger than before With much vigor it ran

For everyone to adore Dear young men and women alike If you meet with the desert or anything wrong Remember who carried you Before you became a river so strong

By: Aufie Zophy

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