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Roman Republic

Lecture 5 - Military
Military Rome conquered all of Italy by 264 BC. Rome allowed conquered people to be equal Roman citizens, allowing them to participate in Roman politics, and be protected by Roman laws. This inclusion filled the army with new Romans that were loyal, and allows the army to expand drastically. However, Rome makes half of Italy into Socii (Allies of Rome), who were allowed to run their own internal affairs, but paid taxes, served in the army, were not Roman citizens. This also made them more loyal than average subjects, because they believed that one day they would gain Roman citizenship. By 264 BC all Italy had to contribute to Romes Army, totaling about 500,000 soldiers. This was bigger than any army west of India. No one in Mediterranean Sea could compete with Romes manpower. This overwhelming manpower allowed them to win all their wars, even though Rome was technologically inferior to their enemies. Leaders lead armies to disasters, but Rome had enough manpower to keep fighting until they won. The Roman Legion consisted of 6000 men, mostly infantry, with a small amount of cavalry. Roman soldier was called a Miles wore iron armor, carried a short javelin and a short sword, called a Gladius. Centurions formed the backbone of Roman Army, and were average citizens who worked their way up. Centurions were ranked, and were often invited to give advice to the commander. Quaestors were in charge of money and supplies. Legates were friends of the commander. Naval Ships were called Quinqueremes. Most people on the ship rowed, not many marines on board. Romans always made proper camp after marching, and always the same way. Same soldier in same spot every time. Romans eventually will learn to do relays, to get fresh troops to the front. Link:( End of republic army turns professional. Basic Battle Tactics The tactic for land battles was to break the enemy formation. This tactic worked because the Roman disciple was so harsh, allowing them to hold when the enemy wouldnt. The tactic for sea battles was to ram front of their ship into side of an enemy ship, making a hole that would cause them to sink.

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