Islamiat MCQs According To Pastpapers of CSS and PMS

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Probability of MCQs according to pastpapers of CSS and PMS.

Religion of the world: ***** (founder of sikhism, religious books of buddhism type things ) Anbiya-e-Karam: *** Arab and Arabs before Islam: *** Revealed books: * Ancestors of Holy Prophet: * Life of Holy Prophet: *** Angels: ** (who keep daily account of deeds etc) Prayer: * Ghazwat: * Hajj: ****** Zakaat: ******** Quran: **** (No of Ayat-e-sajda etc) Ijma, Qiyas, Ijtehad: * (Tafsir bil rai etc) Surahs of Holy Quran: ********** (first revealed, surah recited at hijrat etc) Islamic terms: ******* (Istelam, Masha'ar-ul-Haram, Lea'an, sayee etc) Sahaba Karam: ************ (first martyr, who embrace islam, who collected verses etc) Ashra Mubashra: * Hazrat Abu bakar RA: * Hazrat Umer RA: **** Muslim scholars: ******* ( original name of Imam bukhari etc..) Famous Islamic books: **** (Sahehain, Arbaeen etc. type) Translation of Surahs: **** Important dates and years: ****** (Jehad became mandatory, Makka conquered, Karbala tragedy, arafat gathering etc) Miscellaneous MCQs: ************ (Miscellaneous contains all such MCQs which cannot be put under any prominent heading like distace b/w Makkah and Madina, muslim months, Muslim male/female is coffined in ______ sheets, type objectives) Note: '*' are showing repeatition of MCQs in pastpapers. The intention to post is not to undermine any area of syllabus, but to highlight major areas specially for those who are following MCQs book. There are thousands of MCQs in books. So, this effort is to highlight important areas. Nevertheless, The MCQs are very unpredictable in CSS. Forinstance, 4 MCQs from translation of Surahs were asked in 2012 and 3 MCQs were asked from religions of the world in 2011. These both topics were untouched in years before 2012. Please apologize and mention shortcomings, if any. Best of Luck for screening Test (y) Regards, Ahsan.

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