Wonder Questionairre

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Name: _____________________________ BLAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL WONDER QUESTIONAIRRE Please take some time with your parents or guardians

to answer the below questions from our allschool summer reading book. Bring the completed sheet to your Advisory class on Monday, September 9. 1. Auggie considers himself an ordinary kid he likes to play video games, eat ice cream, and watch Star Wars movies just like many other middle schoolers. His mother, however, considers him to be extraordinary, which means he does things that are beyond what is usual for someone his age or in his situation. What are two or three extraordinary things that Auggie accomplished in the story?

2. How are you and/or your parents/guardians ordinary?

3. What are some ways in which you and/or your parents/guardians are extraordinary?

4. Auggies English teacher Mr. Browns October precept was, Your deeds are your monuments. Auggies thoughts: This precept means that we should be remembered for the things we do. The things we do are the most important things of all. They are more important than what we say or what we look like. The things we do outlast our mortality. The things we do are like monuments that people build to honor heroes after theyve died. Theyre like the pyramids that the Egyptians built to honor the pharaohs. Only instead of being made of stone, theyre made out of the memories people have of you. Thats why your deeds are like your monuments. Built with memories instead of with stone. Think of three characters in the book and write down an example of one of the great deeds they each performed in the story. For example: Summer only student to sit with Auggie in the cafeteria at the beginning of the school year.

5. What are some great deeds you and/or your parents/guardians have performed in your lives?

6. Jack was a good friend of Auggies but he hurt Auggies feelings on Halloween when he said some mean things about him when he hadnt known Auggie was listening. Jack later apologized but trying to undo hurt feelings can often be as difficult as trying to put squeezed out toothpaste back into the tube its a lot easier to not squeeze it out in the first place! What are some times when you or your parents/guardians said something to someone that you wished you could take back? Did you apologize and if so, did it help resolve the situation?

7. When the Pullman family was considering sending Auggie to middle school for the first time, Auggie overheard his parents worrying that doing so might be like a lamb to a slaughter. They were worried about how Auggie would fare at a school for the first time but also know they couldnt keep protecting him forever. Are there some times in your life that your parents/guardians forced you to do something you didnt want to do because they felt it would ultimately be good for you? How did it work out?

8. Eddie Haskell was a character on the television show Leave it to Beaver, which ran from 1957 1963. He was a teenager who was always overly polite to adults but acted like a jerk to other kids. He was such a well-known character that most adults today will know what you mean if you refer to someone as an Eddie Haskell type. Julian, of course, was the Eddie Haskell type character in Wonder. Luckily, people in the book eventually got wise to his act and ignored him. Do you or your parents/guardians know any Eddie Haskells? If so, are they still acting that way or have they wised up? Feel free to look for some Eddie episodes on YouTube.

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