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Project No: Prepared:  D.

Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual


NDT Inspection Manual



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Global Client

A Issue for Use 25/08/98 N/A

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Project No: Prepared:  D. Brighouse
Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual


Rev Pages Details Revised Check Date

A All Issued for use 25/08/98

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Project No: Prepared:  D. Brighouse
Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual



1.1 Purpose & Scope
1.1.1 Description
1.1.2 Purpose
1.1.3 Scope
1.2 Inspection Activities
1.2.1 Anomaly Actions
1.2.2 Remedial Actions
1.2.3 Data Recording & Reporting
1.3 Personnel
1.3.1 Company Authorised Representative
1.3.2 Inspection Controller
1.3.3 Inspection Diver
1.3.4 Personnel Qualifications
1.4 Techniques, Equipment & Procedures
1.4.1 Documentation
1.4.2 Technical Responsibility & Lines of Communication
1.5 Work Scopes & Task Specifications
1.5.1 Task Codes
1.5.2 Specification Sheet Format
1.5.3 Application of Specification Sheets
1.6 Offshore Structural Inspection
1.6.1 Major Platform Inspection
1.6.2 Post Installation Inspection
1.6.3 Offshore Pipeline Inspection
1.6.4 Export Facilities Inspection
1.6.5 Special Survey


2.1 Component Check VI-OK
2.2 Support Check VI-SUP
2.3 Anode Wastage Check VI-ANO
2.4 Scour Check VI-SCR
2.5 Obstruction Check VI-OBS
2.6 Marine Growth Check VI-MGI
2.7 Coatings Check VI-CTG
2.8 Function Check OP-CHK
2.9 Misc. Operations Logging OP-LOG
2.10 Debris Check VI-OK
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Project No: Prepared:  D. Brighouse
Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

Attachments : GVI Task Data Sheets


3.1 Close Visual Inspection (CVI) CU-CVI
3.2 Support Detailed Inspection CU-SUP
3.3 Anode Wastage Measurement ME-ANO
3.4 Scour Measurement ME-SCR
3.5 Marine Growth Measurement ME-MGI
3.6 Coatings Inspection CU-CTG
3.7 Corrosion Inspection CU-COR
3.8 Cathodic Potential Measurement CP-CON
3.9 Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Measurement WT-DIG
3.10 Dimensional & Alignment Survey ME-ITM
3.11 Span Measurement ME-SPN
Attachments : Measurement & CVI Data Sheets


4.1 Crack Detection & Reduction CU-CDR
4.2 Flooded Member Detection FM-DET
Attachments : Specialist Intervention Task Data Sheets


5.1 Cleaning For Inspection CL-INS
5.2 Bulk Marine Growth Removal CL-MGR
5.3 CP Probe Calibration CP-CAL
5.4 WT Meter Calibration WT-CAL
Attachments : Cleaning, Preparatory & Calibration Data Sheets


6.1 Video Recording VD-REC
6.2 Still & Digital Photography PH-OTO
6.3 Drawing & Sketching VI-DRG
Attachments : Image Capture Data Sheets


7.1 Anomaly Codes
7.2 Anomaly Definitions & Actions Sheets

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Project No: Prepared:  D. Brighouse
Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

7.3 Remedial Activities

Attachments : Anomaly & Remedial Actions Data Sheets


8.1 Overview
8.2 Nomenclature Systems
8.3 Routine Data-recording
8.4 Anomaly Reporting
8.5 Media Numbering & Labelling
8.6 Media Cataloguing & Transmittal
8.7 Final Reporting
Attachments : Media Catalogue Data Sheets

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Project No: Prepared:  D. Brighouse
Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual


1.1 Description

This document presents the minimum standards and procedures for the performance and
documentation of underwater maintenance work on Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Projects,
whether by diver or by remotely operated vehicle (ROV) intervention.

The document also sets out the objectives of the work, the controls which Global wish to exercise
over the work, and the format for recording and presentation of the data which results from
performing the work. Any procedures or reporting systems will be in accordance with this

1.1.2 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to set out the standards and procedures by which the company
will perform underwater inspection to best meet the criteria set by the majority of Clients for the
physical inspection of offshore assets and the proper collation of relevant data whereby the Client
can be assured of the integrity or otherwise of such assets.

1.1.3 Scope

The scope of this document covers all standard NDT activities and additional activities which
may be required to repair defects which affect the integrity of the BSP asset.

The HSE and diving procedural standards applicable to these activities are covered within the
relevant Global Industries A/P manual set and are not considered within the scope of this
document. Global documents to be referred to are as follows :-

SI-S-MA-001 ROV Operational Procedures Manual

SI-S-MA-002 Air Diving Safety Manual
SI-S-MA-003 General Safety Manual
SI-S-MA-004 Safety Management Systems Manual
SI-S-MA-009 Saturation Diving Safety Manual

This standard covers the activities listed on the following pages. Inspection activities are
presented first, as commonly, inspection work will precede other work in order of execution.

Note that the standard relates only to the technical performance & documentation of the work.
The scheduling, safety and management of the work, and the analysis & communication of final
results are outside of the scope of this document.

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Project No: Prepared:  D. Brighouse
Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

1.2 Inspection Activities

The majority of routine Underwater Inspection and Maintenance activities on structures, pipelines
and export facilities are carried out under one of the following standard Scopes of Work or as
identified under the individual task sheets contained in Section Two of this manual.

Each inspection activity comprises a number of basic tasks. These are more fully specified in
subsequent sections, but are summarised as follows:

a) General Visual Inspection - Tasks which do not require prior

removal of marine fouling, and can be
performed adequately by diver or
observation-class ROV;

b) Measurement & Close Inspection - Tasks which require a degree of

dexterity and/or close-up observation,
and which require diver or ROV
manipulative capability;

c) Specialist Intervention - Tasks which may require dedicated

tooling or skills, and are suited better to
specialist diver or custom-tooled, work-
class ROV intervention;

d) Cleaning, Preparatory & Calibration Tasks - Tasks required in preparation for certain
inspection activities;

e) Image Capture Tasks - Optional support tasks which may

better illustrate routine or anomalous
1.2.1 Anomaly Actions

Should inspection work reveal anomalies, such as structural damage or unacceptable data values,
then possible courses of action are recommended. Dependent on the type of anomaly and the
resources available, these actions may comprise more detailed inspection reporting, immediate
remedial work, or fuller analysis of the anomaly by the Client prior to further work. Anomaly
types are classified & coded to assist in identification and analysis.

1.2.2 Remedial Activities

A number of activities are defined which may be performed without incident-specific procedure
or specialist project management, provided that the requirements of this standard are adhered to.

1.2.3 Data-Recording & Reporting

The minimum requirements for capturing and presenting the results of maintenance work are
given with each procedure sheet(s). A distinction is made between anomalous data which
requires more immediate reporting, and routine data, which is presented within a final report
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Project No: Prepared:  D. Brighouse
Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

1.3 Personnel

1.3.1 Company Authorised Representative

For most underwater maintenance operations performed for a Client, a Company Site
Representative (CSR) will be present at the work site. The CSR should be GIAP's primary work
site contact in all matters relating to the performance of the work scope. The CSR should be
responsible for ensuring that all work is performed in accordance with this standard and in
accordance with the approved procedures.

1.3.2 Inspection Controller

For underwater maintenance programs where significant inspection data is to be collected, an

Underwater Inspection Controller shall be present at the work site. The Inspection Controller
may be provided by GIAP or by a third party.

1.3.3 Inspection Diver

For underwater maintenance projects incorporating diving activities, adequate inspection divers
with an approved qualification, per 1.3.4 below will be required to perform the inspection
components of the work scope in accordance with this standard and the approved procedures.

1.3.4 Personnel Qualifications

All personnel performing NDT Inspection work must be qualified for that work. The minimum
qualifications are normally specified in the contract document.

In summary, the minimum level of qualification required for an Inspection Controller or Data
Recorder should be CSWIP 3.4U, and for an inspection diver, CSWIP 3.1U, or equivalent
qualifications & expertise acceptable to the Client. Specific data recording tasks may be
delegated to inspection divers, as detailed in the relevant sections of this standard.

In the event that specialist work is required within a work scope, then personnel performing this
work may be required to pass qualification tests prior to their acceptance.

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Project No: Prepared:  D. Brighouse
Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

1.4 Techniques, Equipment & Procedures

The minimum equipment requirements are normally specified in the contract document, however,
for inspection activities, GIAP may propose any technique or procedure to satisfy the inspection
task objectives and measurement accuracy as presented in this document. This will require
approval by the Client prior to commencement of the work.

In the event that unconventional work methods & techniques are proposed, e.g. measurement by
laser ranging, then a qualification test of the technique and the required equipment may be
required prior to commencement.

1.4.1 Documentation

Client generated work scopes should contain drawings and technical data sufficient to define the
work areas and parameters, however, the actual reporting documentation, or system, which allows
the results of the work to be logged and data to be captured, are provided by GIAP as provided
for in this document. The reporting system should be in accordance with the procedure and lay
out approved by the Client prior to implementation at the work site.

The minimum requirements for, and also guidance on the preparation of a reporting system, are
given in Section Eight. The basic / standard templates required for data acquisition are included
with each procedure incorporated into Section Two.

It shall be noted that for inspection work, there are two categories of results expected, i.e. routine
data and anomalous data. The identification and reporting of anomalous data shall take priority
over routine reporting. Again details are given in Section Eight.

1.4.2 Technical Responsibilities & Lines of Communication

The technical responsibilities & lines of communication where significant inspection data is to be
collected are as follows :-

a) The Inspection Diver (or ROV pilot) shall be briefed by and report to the Inspection

b) The Inspection Controller shall direct & data-log all inspection activities in accordance with
these procedures.

c) The Inspection Controller should present routine data to the CSR on a regular basis for the
CSR's appraisal of quality and content.

d) The Inspection Controller shall report anomalous or potentially anomalous findings to the
CSR immediately they are found.

e) The CSR shall assess the anomalous findings and report them to the onshore Client
Inspection/Facilities Holder Department at the earliest opportunity (& within 24 hours), for
further distribution to, and analysis by the appropriate Client Departments. The CSR may
request that remedial works be performed immediately, provided that Client controls,
approvals & available resources permit.

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Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

f) Additional work, possibly as a result of anomalies, shall only be performed on authority of

the CSR in writing, and shall be reported upon by the Inspection Controller in the same
format as the initial works cope data.

g) The Inspection Controller shall prepare a final report as soon as possible after completion of a
platform's work scope, in accordance with Section Eight of this standard.

The operational responsibilities will normally be more fully detailed in both the contract
document and within Global documentation. These are out with the scope of this manual.

1.5 Work Scopes & Task Specifications

The maintenance activities likely to be requested by Clients have been broken down into basic,
repeatable tasks. Most work scopes, in their basic form, comprise of a listing of these standard
tasks against the various structures & structural components on which the tasks are to be

For each such task, this standard presents a single "Task Specification Sheet", which states the
objectives of the task, and specifies the data to be recorded as the task is performed. These 'Spec.
Sheets' are individually numbered and coded and are appended to each procedure held within this

The Spec. Sheets cover a range of tasks. Only a few may apply to any particular work scope.
More Spec. Sheets may be added from time to time to cover specialist work. Should new work
be included in, or ad hoc work be added to a work scope by the Client for which no task-specific
Spec. Sheet is currently available, then general controls & data-recording requirements are
covered by Spec. Sheet "Misc. Operations Logging".

1.5.1 Task Codes

The codes used to identify tasks and their respective Spec. Sheets take the form "ME-SCR',
where the first two characters identify the generic maintenance type, and the latter characters
identify the specific task.

Examples of the codes in use are:

Maintenance Type Typical Code Task Description

General Visual Inspection VI-SCR Scour Check

Close Up Inspection CU-CDR Crack Detection & Reduction
Cathodic Potential Measurement CP-CON Contact CP Measurement
Measurement (misc.) ME-SCR Scour Measurement
Remedial Work RW-LOG Log Remedial Work Steps &
Functional Operations Check CP-CHK Test or Monitor a Function or

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Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

Note that there are degrees of inspection recognised within the Spec. Sheets, e.g. VI-SCR requires
visual estimation of scour whereas ME-SCR requires dedicated measurement.

1.5.2 Specification Sheet Format

The Task Specification Sheets included in Section Two are based on the requirements and
standards set by Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd. When planning and executing an inspection
programme, the relevant specification task sheet should be consulted in order to both meet the
required standards and to provide a standard format & appearance. The specifications dictate the
quality and presentation of the following information:

a) Task Title, Code & Specification Sheet No.

b) Task Objectives - explains what the maintenance task is intended to detect,

identify or quantify.

c) Application & Controls - states the conditions & quality controls for the task, e.g.
minimum personnel qualifications & any preparatory or
calibration controls.

d) Data Requirements - specifies precisely what data is to be recorded, the

format for the data, e.g. 'alphanumeric' or 'integer', the
expected accuracy of measurement, and the acceptable
result range.

e) Anomaly Actions - states the minimum actions to be taken in the event of

detecting an anomaly. An anomaly includes any data
value outside of the acceptable result range, as above.
Any other actions require authorisation by the on-site

f) Guidance/Notes - gives advice on, or examples of, typical inspection

findings, and explanations of any special terminology to
be used. GIAP may offer further 'Notes' for
consideration in revision of any Spec. Sheets, by way of
a Final Report subsection. Guidance is given in Section

Note that although the Data Requirements section is in the form of a table, It Is not Intended to
Illustrate the layout for a data-recording form. GIAP have produced data recording forms as
found appended to each procedure held within this manual

1.5.3 Application of Specification Sheets

Although the Task Sheets relate primarily to the underwater maintenance of Fixed Offshore
Platforms, they can be applied to any underwater maintenance work. For pipeline work
specifically, the following guidance notes are additional to those given on the Specification

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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

a) "Location / site" data for any task shall be taken to include Kilometre Post (KP), Lat./Long.
Co-ordinates) or Range/Bearing data. The data shall be accurate to at least +/-5m, absolute.
The datum or reference system must be given.

b) A "Substructure ID" may also be a pipeline identification number ("PID"). A single PID
is allocated to a pipeline and its risers and shall be used in all relevant reporting

c) Where defects are reported, the orientation of each defect shall be given, with reference to
the pipeline axis. The compass orientation of the pipeline shall also be given.

d) Where pipeline work is performed remote from, or independently of a platform work scope,
then any non-relevant "Platform ID" data may be omitted from reporting documentation.

1.6 Offshore Structural Inspection

1.6.1 Major Platform Inspection

The Major Platform inspection is the primary method of determining the condition and degree of
deterioration of offshore structures.

The standard scope of work will normally include the following :

a) Above-water Jacket Configuration Photographs and Topside Condition

Take above-water configuration photographs of all jacket faces and record the date and
time of each photograph.
If access permits, visually inspect the condition of the above water structural members at
the splash zone area. Take photographs to illustrate any defects found.

b) Splash Zone Corrosion

i) Carry out a detailed splash zone coating inspection on all surface-breaking
structural members (legs and Vertical Diagonal member (VDMs) as close to
MSL as sea conditions permit.
ii) Take at least one (1) wall thickness measurement and one (1) CP measurement
on each splash zone piercing member.
iii) Refer to 7.1.1 ( viii ) for inspection requirements for risers.

c) Marine Growth Inspection

i) Measurements are normally to be taken at specified Marine Growth Survey
Positions on any two selected legs on selected structures only.
ii) Three (3) circumferential measurements are normally to be taken at 5m depth
increments down the leg from MSL to (-) 30m and at 10m increments thereafter.

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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

d) Marine Growth Photography

i) Normally to be taken on the selected legs only.
ii) Normally to be taken at each depth increment down the leg from MSL.

e) Debris Removal
A debris removal program may be carried out on the structure and surrounding seabed, up
to 18m out from the mud brace members. The requirement for debris removal is normally
an on site confirmation by the CSR .
f) Base Level Survey
i) Scour
Measure the distance from the underside of the mud braces to the seabed at all piles and
at the center point on all primary horizontal perimeter members. Measure the depth of
burial from the seabed to the top of the members if the member is buried. If the member
is partially buried, report the percentage burial.
ii) Exposed Piles
Where piles are exposed, additional inspection including C.P. measurements, ultrasonic
wall thickness measurements and stand-off photography should be carried out. Seabed
stabilisation may be required on piles exposed by >1.0m. The requirement for
stabilisation is normally confirmed by the CSR unless part of the original work scope.

g) Attachments
i) Boat Fenders
Inspect the condition of all boat fender braces, ladders, clamps and bolts. Take sufficient
topside photographs to show the general condition of the boat landing and attachments.
Instructions may be given by the CSR to water blast clean all attachments to jacket legs
and structural braces sufficiently to verify the security of clamps, bolts and welds . If
the boat fender is connected directly to the jacket leg(s) with welded stubs, check for
any signs of deformation of the jacket legs. If any evidence of deformation is present
grit-blast clean the attachment weld and carry out close visual inspection as well as
Magnetic Particle Inspection of the weld(s).
ii) Sump Pipe and Caissons
a) Verify the location and diameter.
b) Record the depth of termination .
c) Take stand-off photographs of the termination.
d) Clean and/or and inspect all sump /caisson connections to the jacket.
Note : Activities (a) and (b) are normally to be carried on new structures or
installations only.

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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

iii) Conductor Survey

a) Take one (1) wall thickness and one (1) CP measurement on each conductor
just above the nominated jacket level.
b) Carry out a general visual inspection of the conductor and conductor guide
frame assemblies at each jacket level, noting areas of damage or movement.
iv) Flood Valves
Verify from previous installation acceptance / inspection reports the status of flood
valve closure. If the flood valves have not been closed/sealed on previous inspection,
close the valves. If the valve cannot be operated it should be plugged with "splashtron"
compound (or equivalent) or some form of bung closure device fitted

h) Contact Cathodic Potential Measuring

ii) Contact C.P. measurements are normally required at specified Cathodic Potential
Survey Positions . It is unlikely that Remote CP measurements will be acceptable.
ii) In cases of anomalies (measurements more positive than -800mV or more negative
than -1200mV) further contact C.P. measurements are required (preferably using a
diver hand-held bathycorrometer) at additional locations to determine the extent of
the C.P. anomaly and the optimal maintenance solution.

i) Inspection of Risers and Pipelines

i) If cleaning is required as part of the work scope, water blast to remove marine
growth BUT NOT COATING from a strip 75 mm in width from MSL down to (-)
15m and record the condition of the riser. Record the depth of termination and the
condition of typical riser coatings i.e. splashtron, neoprene, epoxy, bitumen or
concrete .
ii) Water blast the clamps and check the condition of bolts, nuts and liners. Take
photographs of the clamps .
iii) Take C.P. measurements on the riser, riser clamp and jacket member at each jacket
level using a hand held bathycorrometer. CP Measurements on pipelines should be
taken at the riser elbow, at field joints and all other areas of exposed bare metal.
iv) After ensuring that the riser's impressed current system (if present) is switched
"ON", take Swain Ammeter (or equivalent) current flow measurements (4 x
"normal", 4 x "reversed") on each riser at two locations, Report the current flow
(and direction) in Amps.
a) above plan level II.
b) on the riser elbow / pipeline departure from the jacket.
v) Take elevation and profile measurements to define the riser orientation relative to
the closest structural member and jacket leg.
vi) Take riser elbow wall thickness measurements 150mm apart at the four cardinal
clock positions. The number of measurements taken depends on the size of the
riser elbow. Excavation and/or removal of riser elbow supports may be required to
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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

obtain a complete set of measurements, especially on the outside of the riser bend
(6 o'clock position).
vii) Take measurements from the legs to both ends of the riser beam (if any) at each
jacket plan level.
viii) Inspect all pipelines within 50 meters of the footprint area of the platform (or to
such lesser distance where the pipeline becomes completely buried).
Note: Activities (i) and (vii) are normally to be carried out on new structures, new
installations or when damage is suspected.

j) Structural Damage
Stills Photographs of all discovered damage are required. Take sufficient measurements
to determine accurate dimensions of, and to precisely locate the defect. Carry out taut-
wire out-of-straightness measurements (in two planes at 90 degrees) on all significantly
damaged structural members, risers and pipelines. Measure the depth and orientation of
all dents or other structural defects. Use a straight-edge to determine the depth of
localised defects.

k) Specified Welds For Detailed Inspection

Detailed weld inspection includes water-jet cleaning, Grit blast cleaning, Stand-off
Photography, Close-up Photography, Close Visual Inspection, Alternating Current Field
Measurement (ACFM) Magnetic Particle Inspection, Ultrasonic Wall-thickness
measurement and Cathodic Potential measurement .
An Eddy Current Flaw Detection or Alternating Current Field Measurement (ACFM) or
equivalent system will normally be required whenever visual cracks or indications are
present. The system is used to determine the defect depth prior to remedial grinding.
Cathodic potential measurement and Ultrasonic wall-thickness measurements should
normally be taken at 12, 03, 08 and 09 o'clock positions on major and minor members.
Stand-off photographs are normally required at each of the above cardinal clock
Note : Selection of welds for detailed inspection will normally be specified by the
Client in the scope of work .

l) Flooded Member Detection

Flooded member detection may be required on selected braces (usually vertical
diagonal members, horizontal perimeter members and primary horizontal diagonal
members). If members are flooded, an additional general visual inspection is required to
determine the cause of flooding. If through-thickness cracking of the nodal welds at the
ends of the flooded member is suspected to be the cause of the flooding, then detailed
inspection of these nodal welds is required.

m) Maintenance Tasks (If part of the Scope of Work)

i) Remove and recover all significant debris , within the capabilities of the spread,
from the structure and up to at least 18 m away from structural members and
pipelines and report any damage caused by debris as well as all debris that for
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Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

any reason cannot be recovered to the surface or removed. Remove or cut all
wire ropes crossing the pipeline.
ii) The Client may require removal of any riser elbow supports that prevent access
for riser elbow wall thickness measurements. When replacing the supports
removed, do so to the preferred distance of three (3) meters along the pipeline
from the lower riser elbow butt-weld.
iii) Support all free spans that exceed the allowable length. Refer to the supplied
Client pipeline data for details of allowable free spans PRIOR to the inspection.
iv) Secure all loose attachments on the boat landing if any.
v) Insert missing neoprene liners in the riser clamps unless the risers are designed
to be in electrical continuity with the platform. Remove any neoprene liners
from riser clamps where the riser is designed to be in electrical contact with the
Confirm the pipelines cathodic protection status from the Client pipeline data PRIOR to
the inspection and rectification .
vi) Tighten all loose riser clamp bolts .
vii) Remove redundant riser clamps and replace damaged clamps.
viii) Secure all loose anode mountings.
ix) Replace missing anodes.
x) Replace all depleted (>90% depleted) anodes.
xi) Remove all riser knee braces.
xii) Clean and remove obstructions from the sump and caisson intakes.
xiii) All open flood valves should be closed or otherwise sealed. If the valves are
jammed open some form of bung closure should be inserted, OR the valve
sealed using "splashtron" compound (or equivalent).
Note: All Maintenance tasks are to be carried out ONLY after specific written
instructions by the CSR.

ROV Platform Inspection

The results of the ROV visual inspection are normally the basis for planning diver remedial
works during the subsequent Major Platform Inspection. The standard scope of work includes the
followings :

a) Structure
i) Carry out a general visual inspection of the structure and attachments. Report
all areas of damage, corrosion or debris items present on the structure.
Stills Photographs of all areas of damage or significant defects are normally
required. Take sufficient photographs to assess the size of, and to accurately
locate, the defect.

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ii) Take contact or proximity C.P. measurements at the specified Cathodic

Potential Survey Positions, dependant on the approved method of such
measurement .
iii) Verify the presence, condition and security of attachment of all anodes.
Estimate the percentage depletion of each anode as accurately as the extent of
marine growth present permits.
iv) Carry out a general visual inspection of the conductor/conductor guide frame
assemblies at each jacket level noting areas of damage or signs of movement.
v) Carry out a full base level survey including measurements of scoring at the
specified locations (underside of perimeter mud braces at mid-point and all
piles). Where piles are exposed, take CP measurements and stand-off
vi) Where it is cost effective and/or part of the ROV Scope of Work, carry-out weld
Inspection including water-jet cleaning, grit blast cleaning, stand-off
photography, close-up photography and Alternating Current Field Measurement

b) Debris Survey
Carry out a debris survey on the structure and surrounding seabed to a distance of 18
meters out from the perimeter mud brace members and report:-
i) Any damage caused by debris.
ii) The type, size and location of ail significant debris items present.
iii) Photographs should be taken of all such large debris items which may require
special provision of cutting or lifting equipment for safe debris removal.
iv) A scale diagram should be produced to identify and locate all significant debris

c) Risers and Pipelines

Risers and Pipelines will normally be inspected from MSL out to a distance of 50
metres from the riser elbow. Reporting should consist of :-
i) Damage to risers or pipelines or coatings.
ii) Dented, bent, kinked or buckled pipe.
iii) Corroded or leaking pipe.
iv) Unsupported spans).
v) Pipeline crossing(s) .
vi) Pipe support device(s).
vii) Major debris on or near the pipeline.
vii) Valves. tie-ins and protection cages.
ix) Expansion joints.
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x) Buckle arrestors.
xi) Temporary or permanent repair clamps.
xii) Riser and clamp defects.
xiii) Pad-eyes and other facilities.

1.6.2 Post-Installation Inspection

A post installation survey is basically a complete general visual inspection of the entire structure,
but may contain additional tasks in order to allow the Client to confirm platform integrity prior to
final acceptance from the Contractor .

The standard scope of work normally includes all or most of the following elements :-

Topside Jacket Configuration Photographs

a) Take above water configuration photographs of all jacket faces and record the date and
time of each photograph.

b) ROV General Visual Inspection of Jacket Structure

i) Carry out an ROV general visual inspection of the structure and attachments.
Confirm the as-installed jacket structural configuration. Report all areas of
damage, wire-scars or debris items present on the structure.
Stills Photographs are required of all areas of damage or significant defects.
Take sufficient photographs to assess the size of, and to accurately locate all
ii) Take C.P. measurements at the specified Cathodic Potential Survey Positions in
order to determine the cathodic protection status of the new structure. CP
measurements should always be taken on completion of welding-out of piles.
iii) Verify the presence, condition and security of attachment of all anodes.
iv) Carry out a general visual inspection of the conductor/conductor guide frame
assemblies at each jacket level noting areas of damage or signs of movement.
v) Carry out a full base-level survey including measurements of scouring at the
specified locations (underside of perimeter mud braces at mid-point and all
piles). Where piles are exposed, take CP measurements and stand-off
Note: It is of vital importance that the entire ROV inspection be recorded and the
video tapes handed over to the Client for acceptance of the installation.

c) Risers and Pipelines

Survey all installed Risers and Pipelines and report :-
i) Damage to risers or pipelines or coatings.
ii) Dented, bent, kinked or buckled pipe.

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iii) Corroded or leaking pipe.

iv) Unsupported span(s).
v) Pipeline crossing(s)
vi) Pipe support device(s).
vii) Describe debris found.
viii) Valves, tie-ins and protection cages.
ix) Expansion joints.
x) Buckle arrestors.
xi) Temporary or permanent repair clamps.
xii) Riser and damp defects.
xiii) Pad-eyes, Riser Kneebraces and all other attachments.

d) Boat Fenders
Inspect the condition of all boat fender braces, ladders, clamps and bolts. Take sufficient
topside photographs to show the general condition of the boat landing and attachments.
Verify the integrity of all clamps, bolts and welds.

e) Sump Pipe and Caisson

i) Verify the location and diameter.
ii) Record the depth of termination .
iii) Confirm that the termination is unobstructed by internal debris.
iv) Confirm the integrity of all sump/caisson connections to the jacket.

f) ROV Debris Survey

Carry out a debris survey on the structure and surrounding seabed to a distance of 18
meters outboard of the combined platform and barge footprints and report:-
i) Any damage caused by debris.
ii) The type, size and location of all significant debris items present.
iii) Photographs should be taken of all such large debris items which may require
special provision of cutting or lifting equipment for safe debris removal.
iv) Produce a scale diagram to locate all significant debris items for removal.

1.6.3 Offshore Pipeline Inspection ROV Pipeline Inspection

ROV Pipeline Inspection is carried out in order to determine the condition of the
pipeline and obtain "fix" locations of all areas of interest.

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The standard scope of work will normally include the following :

a) Above Water Inspection
If Vessel access permits describe the presence and condition of any isolation
flange (if fitted).
b) Riser Splashzone Coating
Comment on the general condition and photograph defects or areas of
corrosion. The exact location, size (both longitudinally and transversely) and
depth of defects must be recorded.
c) Riser Condition
Describe the general condition of the riser and coating (if coated). Photograph
all areas of damage or corrosion. Record the exact locations and depth of all
such areas.
d) Riser Clamps
Describe the condition of the clamps. If marine growth permits, list all clamp
defects such as loose/missing bolts, misalignment or signs of riser movement.
Photograph each riser clamp.
e) Riser Elbow
Record the KP of each riser elbow and describe the extent of burial/suspension
of the riser elbow and whether a knee brace is present.
f) Physical Damage
Record the location (KP) and describe the dimensions of the defect .
g) Free spans
Record the location (start and stop KP) and describe length, maximum height
and profile of the free span.
h) Bends
Obtain a fix (KP) at each location where the pipeline orientation changes.
i) Corrosion
Record the KP and take a contact CP measurement at all areas of pipeline
j) Pipeline Crossings
Record the KP and identify which pipelines are involved.
k) Pipeline Supports
Describe the location (KP), dimensions and type of supports present.
l) Field Joints
Note the presence of any joints. If field joint defects are present , record the KP
and describe the defects.
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m) Pipeline Anodes
Note anode presence and location (KP) and where possible describe their
condition. Monitor anode activity using a C.P. profiler. At selected anodes,
attempt to estimate the dimensions of the anode .
n) Stabilisation Mats/Weights
Record the location (KP), dimensions, condition and method of attachment to
the pipeline of all such items. Assess whether the mat/weight contributes
towards pipeline stability.
o) Tie-in
Record the location (KP) and condition of the tie-in and protective equipment.
Photograph all tie-in components.
p) Repair Clamps
Record the location (KP) and clamp condition and take photographs as required.
q) Padeyes / Lifting Davit Clamps
Record the location (KP) and type, dimensions and condition of the
padeye/lifting-clamp .
r) Bare Metal Exposure
Record the KP and describe the dimensions, orientation and KP of the area of
bare metal exposure. Take contact CP measurements.
s) Signs of Pipeline Movement
Inspect for possible causes of movement, anchor dragging etc .
t) Major Seabed Features
Record the KP, dimensions, orientations and type of features present.
u) Major debris Items
Record the KP, dimensions, orientation and type of debris item. Side-scan Sonar Survey
Side-scan Sonar Survey is carried out in order to locate major defects (bends, anchor
damage, pipeline movements and major free spans) which may have occurred.
The standard scope of work will normally include the following :-
a) A complete side-scan sonar survey of the entire line.
b) Plot the pipeline position and compare with previous survey plots to determine
whether any pipeline movement has occurred.
c) Identify the start and stop positions and height of all free spans.
d) Locate all point and line targets indicating seabed features such as .-
i) anchor-drag scars
ii) blow-out craters
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iii) coral outcrops

iv) seabed gas leaks
v) scouring near the pipeline
vi) shipwrecks
vii) major debris items
viii) any other features which could affect the integrity of the pipeline
e) Locate ail pipeline crossings and identify the other pipelines involved.
f) Identify all changes in pipeline direction, whether gradual bends, kinks, buckles
or intentional features such as expansion loops.
g) Provide information on pipeline burial and trenching where applicable.

1.6.4 Export Facilities Inspection Single Buoy Mooring (S.B.M) Routine Inspection

The routine underwater inspection is carried out to determine the condition, integrity
and degree of deterioration of the SBM and its associated components e.g. buoy, hoses,
pipeline end manifold (PLEM) etc.
The standard scope of work will normally include the following :-
a) Floating Hose Condition and Configuration
i) Take photographs to show the configuration of the hoses.
ii) Check the condition of the hoses and the tightness of the bolted
connections. Any damage identified will normally be subject to a
detailed inspection and photography.
b) Sub-Sea Hose Inspection
i) Check the condition of the hoses and the tightness of the bolted
ii) Check the condition of the hose connections to the PLEM .
iii) Produce isometric views to show the configuration of sub sea hoses.
c) Buoy Assembly Inspection
i) Carry out a visual inspection of the buoy for damage, dents, holes etc.
photographs, drawings and dent measurements are required if damage
is present.
ii) Take wall thickness measurement at the same locations cleaned for CP
measurements .
d) Anchor Chain Inspection and Measurement
i) Measure and record the chain angles and adjust to within approved
tolerances by tensioning or releasing the chain .

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ii) Visually inspect all anchor chains at the stoppers.

iii) Link wear measurement (all chains). Measure four successive
accessible links, immediately below the chain stopper, across the
combined link throats at the contact point .
e) Cathodic Protection Inspection and Maintenance
i) Count the number and record the locations of the anodes on the buoy .
ii) Take one CP measurement at four locations (North, South, East, West)
around the buoy perimeter. (To be taken before and after anode
iii) Check all the mountings of the anodes .
iv) Replace all completely depleted anodes .
v) Secure all loose anodes.
vi) Take post anode-replacement CP measurement on all chains at three
locations :
a) Chainstopper
b) Mid-water
ci) Seabed
vii) Take post anode-replacement CP measurements on the pipeline ends,
spool pieces, pipeline anchor clamps and the piles.
f) Pipeline End-Manifold (PLEM) Inspection
i) Check the condition of the PLEM.
ii) Take CP measurements on the PLEM(s) and on each PLEM pile.
g) ROV General Visual Survey
i) Carry out an ROV survey on the sub-sea hoses and PLEM(s).
ii) Survey the anchor chains (if the visibility permits).
g) Serial Number identification
Identify and record the serial numbers of all the floating and sub sea hoses. Do
not clean and inspect for determination of serial numbers if no hoses have been
changed out since the last inspection. Floating Production Storage Offloading (FPSO) Facility Inspection

FPSO inspection includes the underwater part of the hull, coatings, sea-chests and
Inspection should include, but not be limited to the following activities :-
a) Inspect the hull protective coating to determine damage to, or deterioration of
the protection.
b) Inspect seawater inlets and outlets for signs of blockage by marine growth or
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deterioration due to erosion.

Excessive marine growth around sea water inlets to be removed by water-
blasting and/or manual wire brush.
c) inspect the hull structure and record all evidence of damage caused by docking
of shuttle tankers or tug boats.
d) Determine the extent and type of marine growth present on the structure.
Remove marine growth in specific areas as required for inspection purposes.
e) Inspect anodes, confirm the integrity of mountings and determine depletion

1.6.5 Special Survey Platform / Facility Damage Inspection

Platform/Facility Damage inspection is carried out when damage is suspected. The
following provides a base scope of work for platform damage assessment. As the
inspection progresses it is expected that the scope will be augmented / superseded by
the Client with more detailed requirements once the extent of damage is determined. Jacket Structure

Carry out a general visual inspection on all areas of the structures and those attachments
that may have been damaged. Report all areas of damage, corrosion or debris items
present on the structure. Verify the presence, condition and security of attachment of
Stills Photographs are required of all areas of damage or significant defects. Take
sufficient photographs to assess the size of and to accurately locate each defect. Debris Survey

Carry out a debris survey of the structure; and surrounding seabed to a distance of 18
meters out from the perimeter mud brace members and report:-
a) Any damage caused by debris.
b) The type, size and location of all significant debris items present.
c) Photographs should be taken of all such large debris items which may require
special provision of cutting or lifting equipment for its safe removal from the
d) A scale diagram should be produced to identify and locate all significant debris . Risers and Pipelines

Survey portions of the Risers and Pipelines which may have been damaged and report:-
a) Damage to risers or pipelines or coatings.
b) Dented, bent, kinked or buckled pipe.
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c) Corroded or leaking pipe.

d) Unsupported span(s).
e) Pipeline crossing(s).
f) Pipe support device(s).
g) Major debris on or near the pipeline.
h) Valves, tie-ins and protection cages.
i) Expansion joints.
j) Buckle arrestors.
k) Temporary or permanent repair damps.
I) Riser and clamp defects. Flooded Member Detection

Flooded member detection (FMD) may be specified for structural members that are
suspected of having sustained damage. Selected Weld Inspection

Welds may be selected for detailed inspection if preliminary inspection data indicates
the possibility of weld damage. Dimensional Verification

Carry out taut-wire out-of-straightness measurements (in two planes @ 90 deg) on all
significantly damaged structural members. Measure the depth and orientation of all
dents or other defects. Use a straight-edge to determine the depth of localized defects. Pipelines & Riser Damage Survey

The following provides a base scope of work for pipeline damage assessment. As the
inspection progresses it is expected that the scope will be augmented/superseded by the
Client with more detailed requirements once the extent of damage is determined. It is
intended that the majority of the base work scope be performed using the ROV.
However, should significant damage exist then diver intervention will be required. Risers and Pipelines
Survey portions of the Risers and Pipelines which may have been damaged and report:-
a) Damage to risers or pipelines or coatings.
b) Dented, bent, kinked or buckled pipe.
c) Corroded or leaking pipe.
d) Unsupported span(s).
e) Pipeline crossing(s).
f) Pipe support device(s).
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g) Major debris on or near the pipeline.

h) Valves, tie-ins and protection cages.
i) Expansion joints.
j) Buckle arrestors.
k) Temporary or permanent repair clamps.
I) Riser and clamp defects. Barge / Rig Move Seabed Debris Survey

Seabed Debris Survey may be required before a barge/rig takes up location or on
completion of its works at that location. Such inspections are used to quantify the
amount of debris deposited on the seabed by the barge/rig.
The standard scope of work will normally include the following :-
a) Debris/Damage To The Structure and Pipelines
Visually inspect the structure and pipelines to determine the presence of any debris or
damage caused by debris, the barge, or mooring lines. Record the exact location of each
item of debris or area of damage and take stills photographs to show the extent of the
b) Seabed Debris
Visually inspect a rectangular area covering the combined seabed footprints of the
rig/barge and offshore structure/wellhead, but extending a minimum of 50 meters
outboard from the barge footprint.
Report all significant debris items present. Produce a scale diagram to locate and
identify all significant debris items found.
c) Seabed Condition Survey
The grid of inspection "passes" using the ROV (or alternative survey techniques if
carried out by divers) shall be based on the prevailing conditions at the time of
inspection. Seabed "passes" should be at a maximum of 3 meters separation (where
visibility and sonar accuracy permits).
Produce drawing detailing the ROV stages (including seabed passes) used and mark the
locations of all items of interest reported. Seabed Survey (Including Seabed Gas Seepage Survey)

Seabed survey may be required for many different reasons. The standard scope of work
will normally be as follows :
a) Visually inspect the area required using a grid search pattern of "passes" at a
maximum separation of 3 meters (where visibility and sonar accuracy permits).
Report all unusual seabed features or other items of interest. Stills photographs
and a concise summarized video record of all items of interest are normally
Produce a scale diagram to locate and identify all items of interest present
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within the survey area. If the survey location is remote from structures and
pipelines use GPS or company-supplied navigation package to determine the
coordinates of the survey area and any items of interest reported.
b) If the survey location is adjacent to a structure then relate the locations of all
items of interest to the platform center co-ordinates and / or specified jacket
legs at seabed level.
c) If the survey location is remote from offshore structures, but adjacent (within
50m) to a pipeline, record the KP of the closest point of the pipeline as well as
the GPS coordinates. Seabed Gas Leak Monitoring

Depending on the location and on a number of safety considerations it is probable that
the preferred resource for gas leak sampling will be the ROV, although diver
intervention may be required under certain circumstances.

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The tasks grouped within this section are those that normally can be performed without
special tools or Intervention, i.e. 'observation & detection' tasks. The tasks may be
performed by ROV Inspection Controller or by diver, and a number of the tasks can be
performed concurrently, or at least within the same dive.
The tasks generally relate to 'global' inspection, i.e. covering many parts of, or all of a
structure and commonly require layout drawings of the structure to be available both for
reference and for first-hand mark-up of any findings.
The tasks included are:

Spec. Sheet No. Task Title

Task Code
















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2.1 Component Check VI-OK

Objectives 1.0 To detect the following without prior cleaning :-
a) Gross damage to, defect in, or deformation of a component or sub
component, including leaks & obvious corrosion
b) Signs of unintentional movement including subsistence, and signs of
restriction to intended movement
c) Obvious variations from given information & drawings, including
unidentified & missing attachments and supports
d) Other obvious, potential risks to structural & pressure integrity.
2.0 a) To routinely log obvious debris, and the presence of any of the above
b) To further describe and code any of the above anomalies

3.0 To identify and log any debris items in close proximity (< 50m) to the platform
structure both internally and externally.

4.0 To identify and log any debris items and/or scour in the path of a "jack-up" rig spud
can position.

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 2.1.1
Data Capture VI-OK
Performed By Diver or ROV
Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience
Preparation Required None (No Cleaning Required)
Equipment Required Subsea Video Equipment
Stills Camera
Stand Off & Close Up Lenses
Ident. Board & Accessories

Relevant Standards No specific standard

Task Procedure Consult drawings of structure during inspection

Combine where possible, other visual work scope tasks for concurrent operation.
Annotate drawing with each anomaly location and/or debris item

Minimum Inspection Coverage is as follows :-

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Task Procedure a) Horizontals & Vertical Diagonals : Upper 30% of circ. (full)
Report on condition, marine growth, anomalies including missing coating, dents,
damage, missing bracings, etc
b) Legs : Outer 75% of circ. (full)
Report on condition, marine growth, anomalies including missing coating, dents,
damage, etc.
c) Verticals, Caissons, Conductors : 50% of circ. (full)
Report on condition, marine growth, anomalies including loose or damaged
supports, loose clamps, dents, damage, bell mouth debris, etc.

d) Nodes, Supports, Critical Areas : 75% of surface area

Report on condition, marine growth, anomalies including, damage..

e) Guide Frames : 75% of upper surface

Report on condition, marine growth, anomalies including missing coating, dents,
damage, missing bracings, etc.

f) Risers : 75% of circ. (full)

Report on condition, marine growth, anomalies including missing coating, dents,
damage, loose or damaged clamps, etc.

g) Pipelines : Upper 60% of circ.

: + 2m either side
Report on condition, anode condition, anomalies including missing coating, dents,
damage, etc.

Jacket Internal Seabed Debris Survey.

Assess the extent of any metallic debris in contact with the structure. A diver Visual
inspection and cathodic potential measurements may be required where such
contact exists and the debris is deemed by the Client Site Representatjve to be
excessive or likely to pose problems for the structure's cathodic protection system.
Photographs should be taken of all significant debris items in contact with the
structure. Inspect the point of contact for damage or corrosion.

Seabed survey can be carried out either by divers or by the ROV. If carried out
using an ROV, all inspection is to be recorded on video whereas with divers, video
recording is required only if anomalies are located.

If metallic debris is located inside the jacket or in contact with the structure or
pipelines it should be recovered to the surface. If the debris cannot be recovered to
surface it should be moved to a specified location outside the structure (and at least
1 m from structural members and pipelines). If the debris cannot be moved due to
non-availability of divers, then the location and dimensions of each item shall be

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Task Procedure Jacket External Seabed Debris Survey

Assess the extent of any metallic debris in contact with the structure or pipelines
and on the surrounding seabed. Carry out a close Visual inspection where such
contact exists. The seabed should be surveyed (along each 3 m. interval ) to a
distance of 18 m out from the external jacket members and photographs taken of
significant debris items present.

The survey can be carried out by any resource, AIR, SAT or ROV. With ROV
surveys, all inspections shall be recorded on video. Diver survey normally only
requires video recording when anomalies are located .

Seabed Condition Survey

Report the exact location of the area surveyed. Describe all seabed
features, debris items or other items of interest found.

Debris Coding

- (blank) No obvious debris 6 Gas bottle/pressure vessel

1 Minor, non metallic debris 7 Fishing net/line
2 Minor wire/hose/rope <2m 8 Area debris (brief
3 Minor metal/scaffold/pipe <2m 9 Large metallic item (e.g.
4 Wire/hose/rope >2m 10 Other significant debris
5 Metal/scaffold/pipe >2m

Anomaly Found

Provide a brief description and position of each anomlay or item of

debris observed.

Complete a detailed anomaly report.

If no debris or anomaly is observed, no data is required for this


Safety Considerations No special requirements

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2.2 Support Check VI-SUP

Objectives 1.0 For any support, such as a clamp, guide or fabricated support, to attempt to detect
the following without prior cleaning :-
a) Obvious failure of the support device
b) Missing bolts, studs or nuts
c) Missing or existing liner, which is at variance with the spec.
d) Obvious signs of relative movement of the support or supported item.
e) Obvious signs of misalignment, including unintended or non uniform gaps
between component parts of the support.
2.0 To determine that all intended supports as per the specification or drawing are
actually in place.
3.0 a) To routinely as found log bolt, liner & alignment status, any remedial work
and the presence of any anomalies.
b) To further describe and code any of the above anomalies

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 2.2.1

Data Capture VI-SUP

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience

Preparation Required Confirm the Cathodic Protection Specification, (je. whether the support is designed to
be in electrical contact with the structure/riser/attachment)

Equipment Required Subsea Video Equipment

Stills Camera
Stand Off & Close Up Lenses
Ident. Board & Accessories

Relevant Standards No specific standards

Task Procedure 1. Consult the drawings of the structure during inspection.
2. Annotate the drawing with each anomaly location.
3. Confirm the cathodic protection specification in advance of the inspection to
determine whether insulating liners are required or whether an impressed current
system is present (risers). Identify the clamp type.
4. Inspect and report bolt condtion and tension, clamp type, the presence and
condition of the neoprene insulation liner (if fitted), all clamps including riser-
clamps , adjustable arms should be cleaned and inspected.
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Task Procedure Report all areas of damage, paint condition if the clamp is coated.
Bolt status should be reported as follows :-
NNI-INN 2 nuts, then clamp flanges, then 2 nuts
BI-INN bolt head, then clamp flanges, then 2 nuts
BWI-IWN bolt head, washer, flanges, washer, then single nut

5. Badly corroded/damaged or missing clamps should be reported to the CSR so

that replacement can be authorised while the vessel is still on location.
Riser clamps should be identified where possible using standard Riser Clamp
terminology for "Support Type" 1 to 7.

Safety Considerations No special requirements

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2.3 Anode Wastage Check VI-ANO

1.0 To estimate & record the wastage of an anode without dedicated cleaning.
2.0 To record any variance between as-found & as-specified anode positions (if not
identified during other inspection tasks).

Supporting Procedures SI-D-PR-00001 Anode Inspection Procedures

Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 2.3.1

Data Capture VI-ANO

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience

Preparation Required None unless specified by Client. Minimal marine growth may be removed to allow an
estimate of wastage.

Equipment Required Video

Stills Camera
Stand Off & Close Up Lenses
Ident Board & Accessories
Wire Brush, Hand Scraper
Relevant Standards No specific standards
1. Confirm the presence and security of each anode on the structure.
Task Procedure
2. Reference each anode to the as-built drawing. Anode unique identifiers are to be
used to complete the Data Capture sheets
2. Estimate its percentage depletion as accurately as marine growth cover permits.
(See Data Sheet No. 2.3.1)
3. If anode is totally obscured by marine growth, list wastage as "0" and complete
an anomaly report coded MG = Marine Growth Anomaly.
4. If an anomaly is detected, notify the CSR immediately so that he can specify
further action if required while the team is on location. Raise and complete an
anomaly report for every anomaly reported.

Safety Considerations No special requirements

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2.3.1 Anode Integrity Check VI-ANO


Objectives 1.0 To record any variance between as-found & as-specified anode positions (if not
identified during other inspection tasks).

2.0 To identify the condition of each anode and its supporting brackets

Supporting Procedures SI-D-PR-00001 Anode Inspection Procedures

Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 2.4.1

Data Capture VI-ANI

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience

Preparation Required Ensure that the transformer / rectifier's power supply is switched OFF. No cleaning
should be required for a working impressed current anode. Cleaning the anode may
damage the Platinum or Niobium layer.

Equipment Required Nil

Relevant Standards No specific standards

Client dependant

Task Procedure Confirm the structural integrity of the anode and its support bracket. Report on the
condition of the anode material (usually Platinum or Niobium). Should anomalies be
found additional tasks may be required.

Safety Considerations Ensure that the impressed current power supply is switched off and isolated prior to
diver inspection of the impressed current anode.

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2.4 Scour Check VI-SCR


Objectives 1.0 To detect evidence of erosion of the sea floor from around near-sea bed or sea bed
penetrating components excluding pipelines.

2.0 To estimate the distance between a fixed and obvious structural datum and the sea

3.0 To record sufficient information to allow basic plotting of scour profile along
perimeter members, or around legs/piles.

Supporting Procedures SI-D-PR-00002 Scour Survey Procedures

Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 2.4.1

Data Capture VI-SCR

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience

Preparation Required None

Equipment Required Measuring stick / tape-measure / ROV.

Relevant Standards No specific standards

Task Procedure Measure the distance between the component (either the underside of the mud mat
or underside of bottom elevation horizontal) and the seabed at the locations
specified in the work scope. Where the component is a horizontal, record the
compass direction of the centre line.

Where the component is buried record the depth of burial.

Report all piles exposed by >1.0 m and areas of localised scouring.

Refer to previous reports to determine whether there is a significant change to the

seabed profile. If scour is determined, even if not appreciable, create a drawing
using anomaly report code "VS" - Variation to Specification.

If build up is noted to be greater than 1m above last reported seabed level, report
and code as "BU" - Burial/Partial Burial Anomaly.

Take one (1) CP measurement and two (2) wall thickness measurements on each
exposed pile. Photograph the exposed piles if visibility permits.

On instruction from the Client, protect piles exposed by >1.0 metres from further
scouring either using sand-bags, cement-bags or grout-bags or gravel-dumps.

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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2.5 Obstruction Check



Objectives 1.0 To detect any obvious obstruction to inlets or outlets, such as pump or sump
caisson ends.
2.0 To detect obvious obstacles to intended movement (e.g.) debris wedged within
3.0 To detect potential obstacles to deployment or installation of sub sea plant or

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 2.5.1

Data Capture VI-OBS

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience

Preparation Required Nil

Equipment Required Video

Stills Camera c/w Stand Off Lens

Relevant Standards No specific standards

BSP dependant

Task Procedure Identify and log any obstacle that may be outside the criteria of the objectives
Measure the depth of each sump/caisson mouth inspected
Take measurements of any obstruction thought to be in the way of deployment or
installation of planned attachments.
Complete an anomaly form for each obstruction identified
Should anomalies be found additional tasks may be required on the authorisation of
BSP to remove the obstacles.

Safety Considerations Ensure that all sumps and caissons in the area are closed down, including fire pump
Divers to confirm no discharge from sumps prior to approaching.
Fire pump risers to be inspected in a predetermined sequence such that they can be
"locked out" in turn prior to the diver or ROV inspecting.
Divers and/or ROV to ensure a clear route of egress from the platform.

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2.6 Marine Growth Check VI-MGI


Objectives 1.0 To estimate the coverage and thickness of marine growth on a component, without
the need to measure or photograph the growth
2.0 To detect obvious growth pattern anomalies (e.g.) growth far in excess of norm,
or a total absence of growth where it is expected.
3.0 To record sufficient information for a structure, such that a basic plot of growth
cover & thickness against depth can be generated.

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 2.6.1

Data Capture VI-MGI

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience

Preparation Required None

Equipment Required 50 mm wide tape-measure or calibrated band, Marine growth photographic ident,
Stand-off camera.

Relevant Standards Divers should be able to discriminate between soft and hard groups of marine
fouling organisms and provide an estimate of percentage cover for each group.

Task Procedure The task should normally be performed concurrently with the Component Status
All checks are to be conducted on the main horizontal face members and leg sections
as specified by the Client.
Report the following :- Soft Growth %age Cover
Soft Growth Average Thickness
Soft Growth Type
Hard Growth %age Cover
Hard Growth Average Thickness
Hard Growth Type

Where soft growth hinders the ability to visually estimate the underlying hard growth,
use any nearby area where soft growth has been abraded or cleared to provide the
At specified intervals (WOR), check the accuracy of visual estimation by using a
graduated probe adjacent to the edge of the growth.

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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2.7 Coatings Check VI-CTG


Objectives 1.0 To identify the presence or absence of a coating, and where possible, the condition
of the coating, but without prior removal of marine growth.

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 2.7.1

Data Capture VI-CTG

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience

Preparation Required None

Equipment Required Video

Stand-off camera.
Ident. Board

Relevant Standards No specific standards

Task Procedure At locations specified by the Client, report on the condition of the coating(s). Do not
remove or damage coating unless instructed by the CSR.
Report the presence of blisters and/or the nature of other visible deterioration.
Approximate the "Area Checked (m2)" and report. The minimum area considered
acceptable for an accurate assessment is 100mm x 100mm (0.01 m2).
In any survey area where damage or absence of coating is reported, complete an
anomaly report.

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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2.8 Function Check OP-CHK


Objectives 1.0 To confirm or quantify the results of an operation (e.g.) the stroking of a sub sea
valve, or the setting of an anchor, and where necessary, to monitor or periodically
check the status or result of an operation (e.g.) the serviceability of operating
equipment or the gradual pressurisation of a hose.

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 2.8.1

Data Capture VI-CHK

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications Activity : Client approval based on experience

Data logging : "Inspection Controller" with a minimum of a CSWIP 3.1U unless
dispensation or other approvals are accepted by BSP.

Preparation Required None

Equipment Required Video

Stand-off camera.
Ident. Board

Relevant Standards No specific standards

Task Procedure At locations specified by the Client, conduct the task according to the work scope.
Identify each "check" or "function" performed with a unique identifier.
Log each step of a function check with accurate time measurement (e.g.) "Valve
begins opening" to the nearest second.
In any survey area where damage or anomaly is reported, complete an anomaly

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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2.9 Misc. Operations Logging OP-LOG


Objectives 1.0 To log any inspection tasks or operations for which no more specific data
requirements have yet been developed in a format consistent with other inspection

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 2.9.1

Data Capture OP-LOG

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications Activity : Client approval based on experience

Data logging : "Inspection Controller" with a minimum of a CSWIP 3.1U unless
dispensation or other approvals are accepted by the Client.

Preparation Required None

Equipment Required Task specific

Relevant Standards Client dependent standard

Task Procedure Task specific

Raise and complete an anomaly report for all identified anomalies.

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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2.10 Debris Check VI-OK


Objectives 1.0 To identify and log any debris items in close proximity (< 50m) to the platform
structure both internally and externally.
2.0 To identify and log any debris items and/or scour in the path of a "jack-up" rig
spud can position.

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

SI-D-PR-00002 Debris Survey Procedures
SI-D-PR-00003 Scour Survey Procedures

Supporting Documents Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Data Capture VI-OK

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on specification and/or experience.

Preparation Required None.

Equipment Required ROV or Diver Hat Mounted Inspection Video Camera.

Relevant Standards No specific standards

Task Procedure Jacket Internal Seabed Debris Survey.

Assess the extent of any metallic debris in contact with the structure. A diver visual
inspection and cathodic potential measurements may be required where such
contact exists and the debris is deemed by the CSR to be excessive or likely to pose
problems for the structure's cathodic protection system. Photographs should be
taken of all significant debris items in contact with the structure. Inspect the point
of contact for damage or corrosion.
Seabed survey can be carried out either by divers or by the ROV. If carried out
using an ROV, all inspection is to be recorded on video whereas with divers, video
recording is required only if anomalies are located.
If metallic debris is located inside the jacket or in contact with the structure or
pipelines it should be recovered to the surface. If the debris cannot be recovered to
surface it should be moved to a specified location outside the structure (and at least
1 m from structural members and pipelines). If the debris cannot be moved due to
non-availability of divers, then the location and dimensions of each item shall be

Jacket External Seabed Debris Survey

Assess the extent of any metallic debris in contact with the structure or pipelines
and on the surrounding seabed. Carry out a dose Visual inspection where such
contact exists.

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Task Procedure The seabed should be surveyed (along each 3 m. interval ) to a distance of 18 m out
from the external jacket members and photographs taken of significant debris items
The survey can be carried out by any resource, AIR, SAT or ROV. With ROV
surveys, all inspections shall be recorded on video. Diver survey normally only
requires video recording when anomalies are located.
The survey may be carried out by the ROV on an area of seabed covering the
combined seabed foot prints of the rig/barge and offshore structure / wellhead, but
extending a minimum of 50 metres outboard from the barge / rig footprint.
Report all significant debris items present. Produce a scale diagram to locate and
identify all significant debris or other items of interest. A pre-rig-move survey
should be recorded an video and should report any major metallic debris, coral
heads, boulders, seabed depressions or other items which might obstruct spud can
penetration. 3-meter inspection passes is the minimum requirement.
Sandbagging around the spud can may be required in the event of insufficient
penetration of the spud can into the seabed. This is carried out to prevent scouring
around the spud can. Debris removal by the diver may also be required (especially
in the area of spud can penetration) before the rig moves into location.

Seabed Condition Survey

Report the exact location of the area surveyed. Describe all seabed features, debris
items or other items of interest found.

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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The tasks grouped within this section are those that normally can be performed with the
aid of simple measurement tools such as tapes, pit gauges & scales, although more
sophisticated tools can be used. These tasks also require various degrees of cleaning,
from bulk growth removal, to grit blasting standard. The tasks will most readily be
performed by diver, however, some may be performed by ROV with a manipulator and
specialist tooling. The choice of intervention, diver or ROV, will normally be left to
GIAP after consulting with the Client, provided that the objectives and data recording
accuracy of the individual Spec. Sheets can be complied with.
The tasks generally relate to intervention at specified sites on a structure, and commonly
require localised detail drawings of the structure to be available both for reference and for
firsthand mark-up of any findings. General layout drawings may also be required for
dive route planning.
The tasks included are:

Spec. Sheet No. Task Title Task















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3.1 Close Visual Inspection (CVI) CU-CVI


Objectives 1.0 After necessary cleaning and with close attention to detail :-
a) To fully describe the area or item being inspected, with dimensions & any other
appropriate reference systems.
b) To detect and quantify damage & defects, including cracks & corrosion, with
smallest dimension > 2-3mm.
c) To identify any restrictions to the specific inspection, such as obscuring
d) To identify signs of previous inspection or remedial work, inclusive of datum
marks, grinding areas and defect end points.
2.0 To report the inspection findings in unambiguous and uncluttered format, adopting
standard terminology & using tables & appropriate scaled drawings.
3.0 By comparison with any available, previous inspection reports, to identify any
changes in the condition of the inspected item, and in particular to identify any
extension of crack like defects.

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 3.1.1

Data Capture CU-CVI

Performed By Diver

Personnel Qualifications C.S.W.I.P. 3.1U minimum and Client approval based on experience.

Preparation Required Grit-cleaning, possibly preceded by water jet cleaning.

Equipment Required Tape-measure, pit-gauge, centre-punch & hammer, paint-stick.

Stills Camera with Stand Off & Close Up lenses
Ident. Board

Relevant Standards Establish datum and mark with three punch-marks at 12 O'clock top dead centre

Task Procedure Close Visual Inspection is carried out on selected welds or on areas of damage or in-
service defects

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1. Ensure preparatory cleaning is sufficient to identify all defects on the component;

including the weld or heat affected zone (HAZs). If necessary, carry out further
cleaning. Remember, the inspection will normally be deemed unacceptable if traces
of marine growth or coatings are visible on the photographs.

Task Procedure 2. Establish zero datum and record its position. If applicable, mark the datum point
with three punch marks above the NODE side toe at the edge of the HAZ.
3 Establish a millimeter graduated tape measure around the weld (on the MEMBER
side) so as not to obscure the weld, the heat affected zones or to prevent the
identification of any possible defects
4 Report the length to 3 o'clock, to o'clock 9 o'clock and total weld length in mm.
5. Begin the Inspection from datum working either clockwise left to right or top to
bottom dependant on the weld configuration. The area to be Inspected includes both
heat affected zones, the weld toes and weld cap.
6. For weld CVI clearly identify the Chord, Chord Toe, Weld Cap, Brace Toe & Brace
areas on the drawing produced and use these as identifying features in the Data
Capture form.
7. Mark any areas of interest of defects clearly with paint stick
8. If any corrosion pitting is observed, CP measurement shall be performed in
accordance with Task CP-CON
9. The following defects should be reported :-
a. Areas of previous MPI grinding
b. Presence of weld stubs or dogs (from fabrication)
c. Presence of all additional welds (e.g.) seam welds
d. Undercut greater than or equal to 2 mm depth
e. Missing weldment or lack of reinforcement greater than or equal to 2 mm depth
f. Corrosion pitting greater than or equal to 2 mm in depth Record the longitudinal
and transverse dimensions of the pits as well as depth of pitting
g. All cracks or crack-like indications
h. All denting or other mechanical damage
i. Porosity, blow-holes, slag inclusions, gouges or other fabrication defects
greater than 2 mm in depth.
Record the start and stop positions of each feature in millimeters from datum, its
position relative to the weld under inspection, its width, breadth and height if
applicable, plus any other information which may be useful
10. Make additional sketches where necessary

11. The following are to be reported as anomalies:-

a. Crack like indications - Feature Code CLI
b. Physical Damage - Feature Code PD
c. Pitting greater than 25% of inspected (C/P or C/Z > 25%)

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d. Increase in size or coverage of previously reported defect - "Extension" =


Safety No specific requirements


3.2 Support Detailed Inspection CU-SUP

Objectives 1.0 For any support device, such as a clamp, guide or fabricated span support, and
after necessary cleaning :-
a) To check the general integrity of the support component parts, including its
attachment to the structure.
b) To check the presence & tightness of each stud or bolt & its nuts, individually.
c) To determine which parts of the support have liners fitted, if any.
d) To check for & measure any evidence of support misalignment, such as
irregular gaps between clamp flanges.
e) To check for & measure signs of relative movement between support parts
and/or supported items.
2.0 To report the inspection findings and to log any remedial work in an unambiguous
and uncluttered format, using tables, and if necessary, drawings.

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 3..2.1

Data Capture CU-SUP

Performed By Diver

Personnel Qualifications C.S.W.I.P. 3.1U and Client approval based on experience.

Preparation Required Water-jet cleaning where necessary.

Equipment Required 10,000 psi water-blaster.

Tape measure
Stills Camera c/w Stand Off Lens

Relevant Standards No specific standard

Task Procedure The inspection relates to any support device, including span rectification supports.
Ensure as-built drawings are studied prior to commencement and during the
execution of the inspection to determine conformance.

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Clean the device to be inspected only to the degree necessary to adequately carry
out the inspection.

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Task Procedure Check the following (if present) :- : Clamp Type

: Clamp Alignment
: Bolt Presence
: Bolt Tightness
: Lining (if shown on as built)
: Clamp Movement
: Irregular Clamp Gaps
: Security of component held
in or on support.

Any variation, including such data as clamp type, to the as-built drawing requires
the completion of an anomaly report under code "VS" Variation to Specification.
Any anomaly report in this category will require a dimensioned sketch.

Notes : Any bolt head under flush with nut constitutes an anomaly

Identify riser clamps according to Standard format (1 – 7)

Bolt Status Reporting :- "-|-|-“ format

e.g. NNI-INN = 2 nuts, then clamp flange, then 2 nuts

BI-INN = bolt head, then clamp flanges, then 2 nuts

BWI-IWN = bolt head, washer, flanges, washer, then single nut

Safety Considerations Divers should ensure that the water blaster is safely rigged since cleaning supports
may involve considerable movement. Water-blasters are potentially lethal.


Impressed Current Cathodic protection voltages and amperages on supports are

normally too low to pose a safety risk to divers.

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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

3.3 Anode Wastage Measurement ME-ANO

Objectives 1.0 On a selected anode and with prior cleaning :-
a) To record the anode's average dimensions for calculation of the anode wastage.
b) To record the nature and pattern of the anode's sacrificial corrosion.
2.0 To compare the anode's wastage and condition before and after cleaning, such that
its status can be used to calibrate other less intensive anode assessments (i.e.) VI-

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

SI-D-PR-00001 Anode Inspection Procedures

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 3..3.1

Detail Sheet No. 3.3.2 - Cleaning for Inspection (CL-INS)

Data Capture ME-ANO

Performed By Diver

Personnel Qualifications C.S.W.I.P. 3.1U and Client approval based on experience.

Preparation Required Removal of marine growth from the anode, immediate supports & non sacrificial core
by water blaster, hydraulic brush or hand scraper/ brush.
Removal of soft corrosion products from the anode as above.

Equipment Required Water-blaster

Stand-off camera
Ruler/ tape-measure.
Relevant Standards Nil

Task Procedure Ensure the as-built drawing is referred to. annotate the drawing to confirm the
location of the selected anode.
Estimate wastage & take a stand-off photograph of the anode prior to any anode
cleaning. Assess the wastage according to the procedure VI-ANO.
Remove marine growth as detailed above
Take measurements of the anode length and circumference/side and record.
Calculate wastage %age as follows :-
= (1 - (Calc. volume / Orig. volume)) x 100
= (1 - (side2 x length/[orig. Length x Breadth x Width])) x 100
"side" = Circumf/4)
If an anomaly is reported, complete an Anomaly Report and inform the CAR.

Safety Considerations Safety considerations during high-pressure water-jet cleaning operations.

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3.4 Scour Measurement ME-SCR


Objectives 1.0 To detect evidence of and quantify erosion of the sea floor from around near-sea
bed or sea bed penetrating components excluding pipelines.
2.0 To estimate the distance between a fixed and obvious structural datum and the sea
3.0 To describe the composition of the sea floor at the scour measurement site.
3.0 To record sufficient scour measurements to allow plotting of the scour profile
along perimeter members, or around the legs/piles of a structure.

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

SI-D-PR-00003 Scour Survey Procedures

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 2.4.1

Data Capture ME-SCR

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience

Preparation Required None

Equipment Required DIVER : Measuring stick / tape-measure

ROV : Acoustic ranging device
Profiling sonar device

Relevant Standards No specific standards

Task Procedure Measure the distance between the component (either the underside of the mud mat or
underside of bottom elevation horizontal) and the seabed at the locations specified in
the work scope in sufficient detail to map abrupt changes along or around a
component. Where the component is a horizontal, record the compass direction of
the centre line.
Each site requires the capture of the seabed profile over a 6m X-section at 90 0 to the
site/member to indicate contour.
Report the seabed composition (e.g.) "soft sand/silt - easily stirred up"
Where the component is buried record the depth of burial.
Report all piles exposed by >1.0 m and areas of localised scouring.
Refer to previous reports to determine whether there is a significant change to the
seabed profile. If scour is determined, even if not appreciable, create a drawing using
anomaly report code "VS" - Variation to Specification.

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Task Procedure If build up is noted to be greater than 1m above last reported seabed level, report
and code as "BU" - Burial/Partial Burial Anomaly.
For reports requiring more than one record on a single component, ensure each is
identified uniquely by reference to a fixed horizontal reference point (e.g.) node
On instruction from the Client, protect piles exposed by >1.0 metres from further
scouring either using sand-bags, cement-bags or grout-bags or gravel-dumps .

Safety No specific requirements


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3.5 Marine Growth Measurement ME-MGI


Objectives 1.0 In general terms :-

a) To collect more accurate data with which to calibrate the general Marine
Growth Checks (VI-MGI)
b) In conjunction with those checks, to allow a representative profile of growth
thickness against depth to be generated for a structure (for retrospective
engineering analysis of static and dynamic loadings).
c) To identify potential trends in growth distribution and growth rate.

2.0 More specifically, on a selected component basis, and at specified depth

increments :-
a) To measure the effective growth thickness
b) To determine predominant types of growth, both hard and soft, and their
c) To determine whether the orientation of a surface has influence on the
growth rate and pattern.
d) To detect localised growth pattern anomalies (e.g.) absence of growth or
growth obviously in excess of the norm.

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 4.2.5

Data Capture ME-MGI

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications C.S.W.I.P. 3.1U and Client approval based on experience.

Preparation Required Removal of growth (typically 150mm sq.) from each site to determine accurate
thickness measurements for underlying growth.

Equipment Required DIVER : Hand scraper / wire brush

50 mm wide tape-measure or calibrated band
Marine growth photographic ident
Stand-off camera.
ROV : Acoustic/laser/stereo devices
Water blaster

Relevant Standards Divers should be able to discriminate between hard and soft growth marine fouling
organisms and provide an estimate of percentage cover for each group.

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Task Procedure All checks are typically conducted on a selected leg at 5m intervals between 0m and
50m. or as specified by the Client.
At each specified location take (3) circumferential measurements around the jacket
leg (or other specified component) including the marine growth. The three (3)
measurements should be taken at 0.5 m depth separations using the 50 mm wide
Effective Thickness should be calculated for each depth increment as follows.
Where P = the mean circumference measurement (mm)
and O.D. = the nominal pipe outside diameter (mm)
Measurement of marine growth depth/density are taken at the four cardinal points
(i.e.) Jacket N, S, E, W using a graduated probe/ruler.
Stand-off and profile photography and video recording is required at each depth
increment and each measurement point.
Report the following : Depth/Position/Orientation
: Soft Growth %age Cover
: Soft Growth Thickness (ave)
: Hard Growth %age Cover
: Hard Growth Thickness (ave)

Safety Considerations On certain platforms there may be marine growth that produces severe dermatoid
reaction. Such reactions have been known to cause skin burns that require

Ensure that gloves are worn at all times, with barrier creams around the wrists and

Where such growth is suspected, wear full dry suit protection and use barrier cream
to ensure safety.

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3.6 Coatings Inspection CU-CTG


Objectives 1.0 Where marine fouling has first been removed :-

a) To identify the presence or absence of a coating, and where possible, the
generic type (eg) bitumastic wrap.
b) To describe the condition of the coating and to quantify the deterioration (e.g.)

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 3.6.1

Data Capture CU-CTG

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications C.S.W.I.P. 3.1U and Client approval based on experience.

Preparation Required Cleaning with wire brush or low pressure water jetting.
Area to be cleaned at each identified location : 300mm sq.
Note : If area cannot be cleaned without damaging coating, complete an anomaly
report under code "CD" Coating Damage

Equipment Required Hydraulic / Handraulic Wire Brush (or LP Water Blaster)

Stand-off camera.
Ident. Board

Relevant Standards No specific standard

Task Procedure At locations specified by BSP, report on the condition of the coating(s). Report the
presence of blisters and/or the nature of other visible deterioration. Blistering should
be reported with Blister % and Blister Burst %.over the inspection area.
Approximate the "Cleaned Area (mm2)" and report. The minimum area considered
acceptable for an accurate assessment is 300mm x 300mm
Take Stand Off Photogrpahs of the area cleaned prior to any remedial work or further
Do not remove or damage coating unless instructed by BSP CAR. If so instructed,
remove damaged areas of coating and report on the presence of underlying
deterioration and/or pitting.
If corrosion pitting is present, further cleaning will be required in accordance with
CU-COR and CP Readings taken in accordance with CU-CON. Photographs will be
required of such anomalies.
In any survey area where damage, extensive pitting or absence of coating is reported,
complete an anomaly report.

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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3.7 Corrosion Inspection CU-COR


Objectives 1.0 After removal of marine fouling, surface deposits and all coatings to bright or white
metal, to closely examine the metal surface and to quantify pitting or other
corrosion related defects.

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 3.7.1

Data Capture CU-COR

Performed By Diver

Personnel Qualifications C.S.W.I.P. 3.1U and Client approval based on experience.

Preparation Required Cleaning by high pressure water blaster with grit entrainment
Area to be cleaned, unless otherwise specified to be 300mm sq.

Equipment Required HP Water Blaster

Pit Gauge
Stand-off Camera.
Ident. Board

Relevant Standards No specific standard

Task Procedure At locations specified by BSP, clean the object to bright or white metal using a high
pressure water jet with grit entrainment and in accordance with 4.4.1 - Cleaning for
Inspection (CL-INS)
Approximate the "Cleaned Area (mm2)" and report. The minimum area considered
acceptable for an accurate assessment is 300mm x 300mm
Take Stand Off Photographs of the area cleaned prior to any remedial work or further
If corrosion pitting is present, CP Readings are to be taken and accurate "pit gauge"
measurements obtained. BSP may require a mould casting to be taken. Refer to the
appropriate procedure.
In any survey area where damage, extensive pitting is reported, complete an anomaly

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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3.8 Cathodic Potential Measurement CP-CON


Objectives 1.0 To verify the correct operation & full coverage of a structure's cathodic protection
2.0 To measure the cathodic protection potential (CP) at specified locations on a

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

SI-D-PR-00004 Cathodic Protection & Calibration Procedures

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. .3.8.1

Data Capture CP-CON

Performed By Diver or ROV fitted with Contact Probe

Personnel Qualifications C.S.W.I.P. 3. 1U

Preparation Required Spot cleaning to bare metal.

Equipment Required Hand-scraper, Roxby Bathycorrometer (Diver Method)

Topside Display
Calomel Reference Electrodes
Zinc Calibration Block
Manipulator - mounted contact C.P. probe (ROV Method)

Relevant Standards Pre- and Post-Calibration of meters must be within the range -1025 mV to - 1050
mV on pure zinc.
Report all measurements less negative than -825 mV. All C.P. measurements more
negative than -1200 mV should be reported because over protection can cause
hydrogen embrittlement.

Task Procedure Carry out pre- and post-calibrations. Ensure that the meter or half-cell has been
soaked in clean seawater for at least 60 minutes prior to use (or 6 hours if not used
within the preceding 10 days). Calibration measurements should be within the range
-1025 mV to -1050 mV on pure zinc.
For contact C.P. measurements clean the surface to be inspected sufficiently to
allow the probe-tip to contact bare metal. Ensure that the meter has stabilised prior
to reporting the C.P. measurement.
For any reading outside the acceptable range, two further readings will be recorded
in that location. Should the reading continue to be outside limits, readings are to be
taken from points immediately adjacent to the area, working outward until
acceptable readings are obtained.

Safety Considerations Divers should be aware of the locations of impressed current anodes or other areas of
high impressed currents and should avoid contact with them.

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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

3.9 Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Measurement WT-DIG


Objectives 1.0 To determine the wall thickness of pipe or plate by digital readout ultrasonic

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 3.9.1

Data Capture CP-CON

Performed By Diver or ROV fitted with UT meter

Personnel Qualifications C.S.W.I.P. 3.1U and Client approval based on experience.

Preparation Required Spot Hand-cleaning .

Equipment Required Hnad Wire Brush

Cygnus UT Meter
Calibration Block

Relevant Standards Section No. 4.4.4 WT Probe Calibration (WT-CAL)

Section No. 4.4.1 Cleaning for Inspection (CL-INS)

Task Procedure Take pre-and post-calibration measurements on the step-block. Calibration

measurements should be within +/- 0.2 mm for each calibration range (5.0mm,
10.0mm, 20.0mm, 30.0mm and 50.0mm).
After hand-cleaning to remove all coating from the area to be measured, place the
wall thickness meter's probe flat against the member. The reading must be steady
and should be compared with the nominal wall thickness. Two individual readings
are to be taken at each location. If the second reading varies by more than 1mm,
repeat and record the lowest of the three readings.
Use the calibration curve to obtain the corrected minimum thickness.
If the measurement obtained is less than 70% or greater than 105% of the nominal
wall thickness specification it should be repeated. If the repeated reading is still less
than 70% it should be recorded as an ANOMALY . For excessively thick pipe a
figure of 105% of the specified is also regarded as an anomaly.
Any such anomalous readings should be subject to an extensive grid survey based
on 50mm increments. All such readings should be marked up on a grid reference

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

3.10 Dimensional & Alignment Survey ME-ITM


Objectives 1.0 To determine the position, dimensions, orientation and/or straightness of an item
or surface.

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 3.10.1

Data Capture ME-ITM

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications CSWIP 3.1U Minimum and BSP approval based on experience.

Preparation Required Cleaning by Hand, Waterjet or Grit-blasting dependant on work scope and item being

Equipment Required 300 mm and 1.0 metre steel rulers, 30 m tape-measures

Thorpe or Welding institute approved pit gauges
Centre-punch, hammer
Taut-wire 10 - 30 m with clamps and stands
Straight-edge, calipers, profile gauge, paint-stick
Chain angle measuring devices (for SBM).

Relevant Standards All inspection measurements should be in "System Internationale" (SI.) Units.
The only normal exception to this METRIC-ONLY rule is the classification of
certain standard pipe-diameters in inches (e.g. 6", 8", 10", 12" etc.) However, all
MEASUREMENTS of pipe diameter or circumference should be in metric Please
note that a given pipe can be classified as (say) 14" but is measured metres and
Measurement tasks include damage surveys, dimensional verification for
construction purposes and quantification of items of interest.

Task Procedure All positional measurements are to be referenced to a datum point which must be an
obvious and permanent structural feature. The datum must be suitable for re-use
during future inspections. All measurements must be in metres and millimetres. A
table of specified or expected measurements should be prepared in advance so that
discrepancies are detected immediately and further confirmatory measurements
taken if required. The Diver should report any factors which might adversely affect
the accuracy of the survey.

Linear Measurements
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Fibre-glass type reel tape-measures are to be used for the majority of dimensional
verification tasks. The tapes should be zeroed at the datum position. For general
dimensional verification tasks such as measurement of anode or riser-clamp
position only minimal hand-cleaning will be required unless marine growth
obstructs the tape-measure Measurements should be as accurate as possible and
divers should report any factors which might adversely affect the accuracy of the

Detailed Survey
For detailed measurements the area will require prior cleaning either by HP water-
jet or by grit-blasting. Detailed measurements are normally only required on welds,
areas of damage / corrosion or other anomalies. When required the datum point
should be permanently marked using a centre-punch.
Taut wire measurements are generally required on areas of damage to structural
members and are usually specifically requested by site instruction. The taut-wire
should be set up along the member with the wire ends set as close as possible to the
end nodes. The taut wire should be installed along an area clear of obstructions and
in a position such that the wire is not in contact with any attachments.
Whenever possible, the 12:00, 03:00, 06:00 or 09:00 positions should be used.
Ensure that both ends of the wire have exactly the same orientation. The exact
location of the wire datum positions (where the wire leaves the stand-off frame)
should be measured and recorded prior to the inspection. Stand off measurements
along structural members should be taken every 0.5 m with additional
measurements in areas of deformation (or other special interest) as required.
Taut wire measurements should be carried out in two planes at 90 degrees to each
Dent Measurements
A straight edge should be used along the longitudinal axis of the damaged
component to determine the depth of damage. A grid should be drawn ove the
damaged area to assist the diver in locating the measurement points as accurately as
possible. The straight edge should be sufficiently long to cover the entire area of
deformation. The spacing of measurements should be determined once the extent
of damage is known and should be related to the possible structural importance of
the defect.
Wall Thickness Measurements

Refer to the relevant task procedure for details of ultrasonic thickness


Safety Considerations No specific requirements.

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3.11 Pipeline Triangulation ME-SPN


Objectives 1.0 To determine the position, dimensions, orientation and/or straightness of a pipeline

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 3.11.1

Data Capture ME-ITM

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience

Preparation Required Unless pipeline movement is suspected, repeated pipeline triangulation is not

Equipment Required Equipment Required :

1) ROV or diver-held sonar transponders and position fixing equipment.
2) 2 x 50m tape-measures (Diver only)

Relevant Standards No specific standards

Task Procedure 1) ROV / Diver plot the pipeline position using DGPS or equivalent and sonar at
the intervals specified in the work scope. Produce a scaled pipeline drawing
from the fixes thus obtained.
2) If no position-fixing equipment is available, the diver should measure out 3-
meter increments along the pipeline and mark these with paint-stick or similar.
Affix two (2) 50m tape-measures to datum points at both sides of the pipeline
(usual datum points are the comer jacket legs). Record the tape-measurements
at each 3 metre position on the pipeline starting at the lower (pipeline) riser
elbow butt-weld.
Prepare a draft pipeline triangulation drawing using graph-paper and compasses as
each measurement is recorded.
For both ROV and Diver pipeline triangulation, record details of pipeline burial /
exposure as the pipeline is surveyed.

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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3.12 Span Measurement ME-SPN


Objectives 1.0 To provide sufficient information on the nature of the span, such that a
retrospective engineering assessment of its cause and criticality can be made
2.0 More specifically :-
a) To measure the distance between touch down points on a free spanning section
of pipeline.
b) To record the absolute position of the span with reference to some permanent
pipeline or seabed feature, or position reference system.
c) To estimate the average & maximum span heights (i.e. line bottom to seabed
directly underneath)
d) To determine the typical cross sectional profile for the span (e.g.) within
trench/depression or on level seabed.
e) To describe the nature of the touch down points support (e.g.) soft sand, hard
rock, sand bagged support or line cross over.

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

SI-D-PR-00006 Free Span Correction Procedures

SI-D-PR-00007 Pipeline Support Installation ROV Procedures

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. .2.12.1

Data Capture ME-SPN

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience

Preparation Required Nil

Equipment Required Equipment Required :

1) ROV or diver-held profiling sonar devices and position fixing equipment. (DGPS
or Short Base Line Nav Systems) and/or acoustic ranging devices or a
combination of these.
2) 2 x 50m tape-measures (Diver only)
3) Pneumofathometer

Relevant Standards Support may be required due to free spans exceeding the safe unsupported length of
pipeline or to provide further support should engineering calculations show the bend
radii to be exceeded with a single mid point support.
Typical free span maximum unsupported lengths are 30 x the line nominal diameter.

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Task Procedure On identification of a free span location and prior to commencement of free span
correction operations, a full ROV or diver survey should be undertaken as follows :-

1. The ROV or diver shall carry out an inspection of the pipe line to provide data on
length of span, height along the route of the free span, seabed condition and
midpoint position of the free span
2. The free span inspection is to be carried out by a combination of visual (i.e.) camera /
video which will be taped, and sonar references. Height above seabed, taken at 1
metre intervals is taken by reference to an object of known height, or if preferred, by
graduated measuring device held in the manipulator jaw or by diver held measuring
3. It is normal that all measurements be referenced to field joint numbers. (i.e.) distance
from touch down, distance of free span, etc. are all written as distances from specific
field joint(s).
4. The ROV or diver will commence from a touch down point if possible.
Measurements of free spans are normally taken at 1 meter intervals. The
Observer/Data Recorder will note all data on the inspection report form He will
report the distance from the underside of the pipeline to the seabed and report on the
bottom conditions (i.e.) firm or soft. If a particularly soft or uneven bottom profile is
found, it may be necessary to create a partial base of cement bags or similar
5. Seabed softness shall be determined within rough estimate by means of a colour
coded probe fastened to the ROV and by subsequent observation by the
pilot/technician. Actual conditions shall be confirmed by the diver when on bottom.
6. Dependant on the method of ROV deployment and the type of vessel employed, the
survey may continue over several field joints or be done in stages. Considerations
for the type of survey carried out must be made based on the relevant sections of the
Manuals regarding ROV operations from D.P. Vessels or anchored vessels.
7. Cross Profile is reported as follows :
1 = Level seabed below pipe
2 = Symmetrical scour, trench or depression below/around pipe
3 = Asymetric seabed profile (eg) scour one side, level other
(Note : this finding requires an anomaly report)
4 = Other irregular, unusual or potentially unstable profile
(Note : this finding requires an anomaly report)
8. If an existing support is found, report as found condition.

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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3.13 SWAIN Meter Operations ME-CFM


Objectives 1.0 To measure the strength of cathodic potential current flow through an anode stub,
pipeline or other structural item.

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

"Swain" Meter Calibration Procedures
"Swain" Meter Operator's Hand Book

Supporting Documents Nil

Data Capture ME-CFM

Performed By Diver

Personnel Qualifications SWAIN Meter Operator Course Certificate

Client approval based on experience.

Preparation Required Hand-cleaning of the anode bar, stubs, pipeline, or other component sufficient to fit
the Swain Ammeter Sea Clip.
Note : Anode material (Zn, Al, etc) should not be cleaned prior to carrying out
SWAIN measurements as this increases anode activity.

Equipment Required W.H. Swain Ammeter (D.C. AMP Clip).


Task Procedure Operating Procedure for Swain Meter Current flow measurements.
a) Connect up the umbilical, meter and appropriate "sea-clip".
b) Check the meter is initially set to zero.
c) Run the "clip" to the work site.
d) Diver holds the clip stationary about 2-3 meters away from any anodes or
e) Switch on the meter and use the right hand zero knob to zero it.
f) Clean the anode bar, stub, riser, pipeline or other specified component
sufficiently to fit the clamp (which is delicate and never to be used for scraping
marine growth).
g) Place the "sea-clip" around the anode bar, riser, pipeline or other specified
component, and hold it stationary.
h) Starting on the maximum range (100A) work down through the meter ranges
until a reading is obtained an the meter.

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Task Procedure Take measurements as follows :-

1) Take measurements at four (4) clock positions evenly spaced around the
2) Reverse the clip and take measurements at a further four (4) clock positions
(use the reverse polarity switch on the topside meter to obtain readings).
3) For anode current output measurements repeat both sets of measurements on
the other anode stub. Report the total anode current output (both stubs).
4) For riser / pipeline SWAIN measurements report the direction of current flow
(i.e. polarity) as per "Preliminary Operating Instructions for DC AMP CLIP".
Note : A steady reading must be obtained at each position. Mean current output
measurements are calculated for each anode stub. The output of an anode is
the sum of the current output from all the anode stubs.

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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3.14 Mould Casting ME-MLC


Objectives 1.0 To take a mould of a damaged area, such as structural member, boat landing.

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Nil

Data Capture CU-MLC

Performed By Diver

Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience

Preparation Required Cleaning by HP water-jet and grit-blasting

Equipment Required Mould-casting materials, such as injected peelable silicon compounds, plasticine,
"Splashzone" or other approved material.

Relevant Standards No specific standards

Task Procedure Place the moulding material on the area to be cast. Ensure that a datum point eg.
punch-marks or weld distance idents are present in the area to be cast. Once the
mould has cured, carefully remove it and place it in a suitable protective container
for recovery to surface On deck, a Plaster of Paris cast of the mould may be
If large casts are required (e.g. of long lengths of weld), the casting should be
carried out in a number of smaller sections. If multiple casts are required, ensure
that sufficient overlap is present to enable detailed study of every part of the

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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The tasks grouped within this section are those which normally require specialist tools
and operator/inspector skills. The tasks will most readily be performed by diver,
however, some may be performed by working-class ROV and specialist tooling. The
choice of intervention, diver or customised ROV, may be left to GIAP after consultation
with the Client, provided the objectives and data recording accuracy of the individual
Spec. Sheets can be complied with.
The tasks generally relate to intervention at specified sites on a structure, and commonly
require localised detail drawings of the structure to be available both for reference and for
firsthand mark-up of any findings.
The tasks included are:

Spec. Sheet No. Task Title Task Code



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4.1 Crack Detection & Reduction CU-CDR



1.0 After necessary cleaning and with the aid of NDT :-

a) To detect and quantify surface breaking or near surface, crack like features,
with lengths greater than 10mm.
b) To compare the positions and dimensions of such defects with known defects,
and in particular to note any extensions.
2.0 To report the inspection findings in an unambiguous & uncluttered format,
adopting standard terminology, and using tables & appropriately scaled drawings.
3.0 Unless instructed otherwise, to attempt to remove such crack like features by
controlled & limited surface grinding.
4.0 To unambiguously, obviously and permanently identify the current "as left" end
points of any defect.
1.0 To verify the integrity of a weld or node by close visual inspection using MPI
2.0 More specifically to :-
a) To verify the presence or absence of cracks in a weld
b) To verify the presence or absence of cracks in any member
c) To verify the integrity of the weld
1.0 To determine by eddy current wave generation the presence or absence of flaws in
any steel object.
2.0 To determine the presence or absence of lamination in any steel object

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 4.1.1

Data Capture CU-CDR

Performed By Diver

Personnel Qualifications GENERAL/CVI/MPI

CSWIP 3.2U minimum
Topside Operator C.S.W.I.P. Eddy Current Operator
Sub sea Operator C.S.W.I.P. Eddy Current Operator or C.S.W.I.P 3.2U with adequate
instruction by the topside operator.

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Personnel Qualifications ACFM

Topside Operator C.S.W.I.P. ACFM Current Operator
Sub sea Operator C.S.W.I.P. ACFM Operator or C.S.W.I.P 3.2U with adequate
instruction by the topside operator.
CSWIP 3.2U minimum and Client approval based on experience.
Note that any diver carrying out remedial grinding may be required to complete a
prequalification trial prior to commencing the remedial work.

Preparation Required GENERAL/MPI

HP Water-jet and/or grit blast cleaning to remove all coatings back to bright metal.
Water-jet cleaning , Grit-blast cleaning , General Visual Inspection , Close Visual
Inspection and (possibly) Magnetic Particle Inspection
Water-jet and grit-blast cleaning
Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI)
Eddy Current/ACFM Flaw Detection
Close-up mosaic photography.
Determine from past inspection records whether the weld has been ground previously.

Equipment Required GENERAL

HP Water Jet with Grit Entrainment
Stand Off Camera
Ident Board
Hydraulic power-pack, umbilical and hydraulic pencil grinder
OSEL or O.I.S MPI-Unit c/w ( Ink Pump, Ultra-violet Light, Sutherland Flask and
Lux Meter, Coils, yoke assembly and 2 x 20 kg pull permanent magnets.
Magnaglo 14A Ink (nocturnal MPI) Dayglo ink (day light MPI).
Eddy Current Probes
Eddy Current Detection and Interpretation Equipment (Surface Monitoring) Cable and
relay system
Calibration blocks

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Equipment Required ACFM

ACFM Probes
ACFM Detection and Interpretation Equipment (Surface Monitoring) Cable and relay
Peanut grinder with tungsten carbide spherical and "x-mas tree" burrs of the
appropriate dimensions for the indication, node orientation and final profile' required.
Thorpe or Welding Institute-approved pit-gauge / weld gauge.

Relevant Standards MPI

Flexible Cable Technique Using Coils.
Flexible coils up to 8 m long should be used The coils are to be wrapped around the
member close to the weld A magnetising force of 30 Oersteds is required. The
current output must be variable in order to produce the optimum magnetic flux
NOTE : Refer to BS 6072 par. 10 & 17 for further details of current flow
Permanent Magnets
Magnets should only be used where coils cannot be used. The area of magnetic
polarisation by permanent magnets is considered to be only that between the poles.
All permanent magnets used must of more than 20 kg pull. All magnets must be
tested prior to inspecton to ensure that they exert the required pull.
Magnaglo 14A ink under UV light is to be used whenever possible. Daylight inks
(such as "Dayglo") are to be used only for MPI photography or if daylight MPI is
required for operational reasons.
All inks should be freshly mixed immediately prior to use because storage of mixed
ink results in separation of the flourescent ink form the magnetic particles. The ink
should be mixed to the manufacturer's specified concentration for the task and
method of application. Wetting agents are permissible.

Field strength, ink sensitivity and illumination shall be checked "on site" by the use
of a type 1 Burmah Castrol test strip or alternative flux measuring device. Checks
should be made before, during and after the inspection, at the 4 major cardinal
clock positions. The type 1 strip requires a field strength of 28 Oersteds to display
"3 lines". This is considered the minimum acceptable flux strength. The intensity of
the U.V. light should be confirmed using a calibrated black light meter placed at the
inspection surface. U.V. intensity should be greater than 55 lux.

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Relevant Standards Reporting

All indications should be reported to the Client. EDDY Current Flaw Detection
should be used to confirm the indication and provide an indication of defect depth
for all Indications in order to determine whether the defect can be removed by
remedial grinding to 85% (remaining) effective wall thickness.
Remedial Grinding
Refer to remedial grinding task procedures. All indications are to be assessed in
terms of remaining effective wall-thickness as described in procedure grinding
carried out on the specific instruction of the Client.
MPI Photography
Refer to MPI procedure for details of MPI photographic techniques.
The instrument should be set up so that the defect indicator responds to any defect
equivalent to or greater than the 0.5 mm calibration slot.
Refer to the procedure (Remedial Grinding)

Task Procedure MPI

Refer to past inspections with special reference to previous indications and areas of
prior remedial grinding.
1. Ensure that preparatory cleaning is sufficient to Identify any defects in the weld
or either of the heat affected zones. If necessary carry out further cleaning.
2. Establish zero datum and record its position. If applicable, mark the datum
point with three punch marks above the NODE side toe on the parent metal
outside the heat affected zone
3. Establish a millimeter graduated tape measure around the weld (on the
MEMBER side) so as not to obscure the weld details or prevent the identification
of defects
4. Report the total weld length in millimeters
5. Commence the inspection at datum and work either clockwise, left to right or top
to bottom, depending on the weld configuration. The area to be inspected
includes both heat affected zones, the weld toes and weld cap
6. Mark any defects or areas of interest clearly using a paint stick so that they will
be easily identified
Permanent magnets should be used only when coils are impractical (e.g. on anode
stubs and gusset plates, seam welds, where access is difficult or on seam welds
where coil restraint is a problem). Electromagnetic yokes are preferable to
permanent magnets, however "prods" are not normally approved as they cause
damage to the structure. Coils should be set-up to give a minimum magnetising
force of 30 Oersteds.

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Task Procedure Permanent magnets should be used only when coils are impractical (e.g. on anode
stubs and gusset plates, seam welds, where access is difficult or on seam welds
where coil restraint is a problem). Electromagnetic yokes are preferable to
permanent magnets, however "prods" are not normally approved as they cause
damage to the structure. Coils should be set-up to give a minimum magnetising
force of 30 Oersteds.
Set up the coils close to the weld. Use the (pre-calculated) required number of coil
turns and adjust the current to give a minimum flux density of 30 Oersted (= 3
indications on type 1 Burmah Castrol Strip
Carry out MPI at night under U.V light using Magnaglo 14A Ink whenever
possible. MPI may be carried out during daylight only if poor visibility and depth
provide sufficient darkness.
Daylight MPI requires Dayglo ink as per MPI photography. Daylight ink is not
nearly as sensitive as Magnaglo 14A and Daylight MPI should only be carried out
for the purposes of MPI photography or under Client Site Instruction for operational
Set up the equipment for the coating thickness present and scan the surface to be
inspected using the manufacturers recommended technique and choice of probes.
The component is to be scanned in lengths not exceeding 300 mm If defects are
recorded then location, orientation, length and depth are to be recorded. The
scanning of the work area is to be monitored using a Video camera
All defects found using the inspection techniques may be compared against the
results obtained using the other technique. Eddy current/ACFM may be specified as
a first-pass weld-screening technique (with less rigorous cleaning requirements than
for MPI). Alternatively, eddy current is used to obtain an indication of defect depth
prior to MPI grinding.
This procedure is intended to provide unambiguous instructions for remedial
grinding in order to permit removal of certain defects. The approach i.e. calculation
of Effective Wall Thickness will be provide a reproduceable means of assessing
whether any given weld should have remedial grinding carried out.
It is essential to ensure that excessive grinding does not occur. The "bottom-line" of
the procedure is that a minimum of 85% of effective wall thickness must remain
after grinding, otherwise the defect must be referred for an engineering assessment.
No grinding is normally permitted deeper than 4.0mm (2.0mm of defect + 2.0mm
of undercut, previous grinding or other defect such as Lack of Weldment). The use
of Eddy Current Flaw detection to determine the depth of the defect prior to (and at
intervals during) grinding is an integral part of the procedure.

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Review of most crack defects clearly shows that most defects have initiated in
existing undercut (typically 1.0 to 2.0mm deep) in the weld toes. In order to
reach the start of the defect to carry out remedial grinding it is therefore
necessary first to profile-grind the undercut.
The existing undercut is a stress-raising defect which has already effectively
reduced the ember wall thickness and contributed towards initiation of the
Given that defects are present together with undercut, it follows that the
Effective Wall Thickness remaining after profile grinding of undercut should be
clearly established before proceeding with remedial grinding. Only in this way
can the overall percentage of wall thickness reduction be calculated.
A minimum of 12 pairs of wall thickness measurements and weld-gauge
Undercut depth measurement is required at each "clock position" around the
weld. Additional pairs of measurements are required if, as in the examples
shown, the defect is located between clock positions.
It is important to grind the areas of undercut containing defects to a smooth
profile. Weld profiles and access constraints make it difficult to produce
definitive profiling procedures that are applicable to all nodal welds. However,
the diver should :-
Minimise member wall penetration.
Use the appropriate grinding burr.
Dress the edges of the ground area to provide a smooth transition to the adjacent
unground member/leg and weldment surfaces.
1. This procedure applies only to nodal welds, fillet welds are excluded.
2. This procedure applies only to member wall thickness greater than or equal to
0.322" (8.2mm.).
On finding a crack defect :-
CASE 1. If the defect is a visual crack (width >= 1.0mm) or a toe weld :-
Carry out EDDY CURRENT flaw detection to establish the depth of the defect.
Carry out MPI to establish the length of the defect.
At each of the 12 clock positions around the weld use a weld gauge placed along
the longitudinal axis of the member/leg to measure the depth of any existing
undercut (or previous grinding).

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Task Procedure Take wall thickness measurements at the same 12 clock positions on the
member/leg parent metal as close to the weld toe containing the defect as access
permits. Subtract the above weld gauge measurement from the wall thickness
reading to obtain a set of "Effective Wall Thicknesses" for comparison with
specified wall thickness during subsequent crack propagation analysis.
Issue an Anomaly Report and DO NOT carry out remedial grinding unless with the
specific instruction of the Client .
CASE 2 If the defect is an MPI indication, a hairline crack (width <= 1.0mm) or a
feathered fatigue crack :-
At each of the 12 clock positions around the weld use a weld gauge placed along the
longitudinal axis of the member/leg and record the depth of any existing undercut (or
previous grinding).
Take wall thickness measurements at the same 12 dock positions on the member/leg
parent metal as close to the weld toe containing the defect as access permits. Subtract
the above weld gauge measurement from the wall thickness reading to obtain a set of
"Effective Wall Thicknesses" for comparison with specified wall thickness during
remedial grinding.
If any of the defects present are located between the above 12 clock position
measurements take an additional pair of wail thickness and weld gauge
measurements at the mid-point of the defect.
Profile grind the undercut to the above measured depth tie. to the start of the
Carry out EDDY CURRENT flaw detection (after profile grinding of the undercut to
ensure that EDDY CURRENT measures only the defect and not the undercut) and
determine the depth of the defect.
Carry out Magnetic Particle inspection to determine the length of the defect.
Effective wall thickness remaining should be calculated as the "Mean of measured
wall thickness minus measured undercut depth, divided by the specified wall
thickness" prior to commencement of MPIG remedial grinding.
If the defect depth is confirmed by EDDY CURRENT to be not greater than
2.0mm, AND if the Effective Wall Thickness remaining prior to commencement of
remedial grinding is greater than8S%, proceed with remedial grinding in 0.5mm
steps to a maximum of 2.0mm (excluding the previously-ground undercut).
Recalculate Effective Wall Thickness as remedial grinding progresses and ensure
that the total effective wall thickness remaining (after both undercut profile
grinding and remedial grinding) exceeds 85% of the specified nominal wall
In all cases the combined depth of undercut-profiling and remedial grinding must
not exceed 4.0mm (measured by weld gauge along the longitudinal axis of the
member or leg adjacent to the weld toe containing the defect) without referral for
further grinding.

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Task Procedure CASE 3 If the defect is not removed by remedial grinding as per CASE 2. above :
Document the remaining MPI indication on reaching 85% effective wall thickness.
Issue an Anomaly Report that fully describes the extent, location and depth of
grinding carried out and refer the defect for crack propagation analysis and further
CASE 4 If authorisation is given to grind to more than 85% effective wall
All grinding deeper than the 85% restriction should be the subject of a written
instruction based on structural engineering input and should be preceded and
succeeded by profile-gauge measurement and photography.

Safety Considerations Refer to GRINDING procedure for details of safety considerations associated with
the use of sub sea hydraulic grinders

Ensure the grinder is fitted with a proper guard and that no loose
webbing or rigging is within reach of the grinder



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4.2 Flooded Member Detection FM-DET


Objectives 1.0 To determine whether a closed tubular or component is flooded and to what extent.

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 4.2.1

Data Capture FM-DET

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications C.S.W.I.P. 3.1U and Client approval based on experience.

Preparation Required Hand-cleaning or water-jet cleaning. Confirm member diameter.

Equipment Required Gascosonic Flooded Member Detector or similar for diver operations.
ROV probe Flooded member Detector for ROV operations.

Relevant Standards Nil

Task Procedure After water-jet cleaning to remove hard and soft marine growth from a 0.5 m x 0.5 m
area. align the ultrasonic probe with the member to be inspected. The diver should
attach the magnetised ultrasonic probe assembly to the member and adjust the
alignment under instructions from the topside operator. When satisfactory alignment
has been achieved, the topside operator should initiate the ultrasonic test of the
member and report whether it is dry or flooded.
If flooded, further visual inspection is to be carried out to determine the cause of
flooding. Additional cleaning and detailed NDT inspection to determine the cause
of flooding may be required if GVI proves unable to determine the cause of
Refer to the manufacturer’s operator manual for details of Flooded Member
Detector's screen displays for typical flooded and dry members.

Safety Considerations No special requirements

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4.3 Bolt Tensioning


Objectives 1.0 To provide guidance for the use of bolt tensioners

Supporting Procedures Manufacturer's Hand Book

Manufacturer's Procedures Hand Book

Supporting Documents Nil

Data Capture Nil

Performed By Diver

Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience

Preparation Required Task dependant.

Clean the flange faces to remove marine growth, rust, coatings etc. which could
interfere with nut / flange seating

Equipment Required Appropriate sizes of Hydratight Sea Serpent (or equivalent) jacks, plus auxiliary
whips, down line, hydraulic pump etc.

Relevant Standards Project Dependant

Task Procedure Install the bolt-tensioning jack over each bolt to be tensioned and retain using a
reaction nut. connect together all the jacks into an hydraulic manifold. Link the
manifold to the hydraulic pump using the hydraulic down line.
Use the air-driven pump to pressurise the hydraulic system to the required jack
pressure. This simultaneously tensions all of the bolts in a single smooth operation.
Retain the bolt extension by tightening down the (slack) nuts using a tommy-bar
Repeat the tensioning operation (total of 3 cycles) to overcome any losses due to
embedment, imperfections, grit on component faces, etc.
Refer to the detailed work scope for details of hydraulic pressure tensioning
sequence and bolt tensions. Refer to the manufacturer's operator manual for details
of back pressure areas etc used to determine the required hydraulic pressure
On completion of tensioning recover the tools and manifold (or for 50% tensioning
sequence transfer them to the adjacent bolts).

Safety Considerations Hydraulic bolt tensioners operate at extremely high pressures and apply floange
closing forces which can cause sudden failure of defective components. Operators
should exercise caution and take all possible precautions against bursting hydraulics
and sudden flange failures.

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4.4 Riser Inspections RI-INS


Objectives 1.0 To conduct an inspection of a riser to determine :-

a) Damage
b) Cathodic protection
c) Clamp condition and security

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Nil

Data Capture RI-INS

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications C.S.W.I.P. 3.1U and Client approval based on experience.

Preparation Required Water-jet cleaning

Equipment Required 2,000 psi to 10,000 psi water-blaster.

Relevant Standards No specific standards

Task Procedure Topside Riser Inspection (MSL to level I)

Although Topside (Level) riser clamp inspection is not part of the underwater
inspection scope of work, inspect and report on the condition of the riser between
level 1 and MSL in as much detail as resources and sea conditions permit.
Subsea Riser Inspection (MSL to -15m)
Hand-clean or water-jet clean (to remove marine growth but NOT coatings) a strip
of riser 75mm wide from MSL to -15m (the riser should also be cleaned at each
clamp). If pitting is present, further cleaning , inspection, measurement of depth of
pitting and photography will be required. Report all pitting deeper than 2mm as an
Record the depth of termination of all coatings. Report all areas of defective
coating, corrosion or damage

Safety Considerations Divers should ensure that the water-blaster is safely rigged since cleaning a vertical
strip down a riser involves considerable movement. Water-blasters are potentially
Impressed Current Cathodic protection voltages and amperages on are normally too
low to pose a safety risk to divers.

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The tasks grouped within this section are not inspection tasks, but tasks required in
support of inspection work. Some tasks, such as cleaning work, are required to prepare a
job site for inspection, whereas others, such as CP probe calibration, may be performed
on surface before or after a dive.
These tasks will most readily be performed by diver, or Inspection Controller if topside,
however, some may be performed by customised or work class ROV with specialist
tooling. The choice of intervention, diver or customised ROV, may be left to GIAP after
consultation with the Client, provided the objectives and data recording accuracy of the
individual Spec. Sheets can be complied with.
The tasks included are:

Spec. Sheet No.Task Title Task






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5.1 Cleaning For Inspection CL-INS


Objectives 1.0 To remove marine growth, corrosion products, defective coatings and any other
coverings from a surface, such that inspection or NDT can be performed

Supporting Procedures Section 7 Anomaly Codes & Actions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 5.1.1

Data Capture CL-INS

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience

Preparation Required Possibly prior Water-jet cleaning or hand-cleaning to remove thick marine growth.

Equipment Required a. Air-entrained grit supply of adequate pressure and volume for the working depth
b. 20,000 psi H. P. water-jet with slurry entrainment.

Relevant Standards Selected welds :

Remove all marine growth and coatings to a minimum of 75 mm out from each
weld toe
Ultrasonic Flaw Detection
Remove all coating and marine growth to a minimum of 150 mm out from the area
to be inspected.
The only acceptable grit types to be used are silica sand, garnet, ceramic or plastic
grit. Metallic grit shall not be used.
If water blasting is used to clear thick growth, the nozzle tip shall be such that the
metal cannot be damaged under normal conditions.

Task Procedure Remove all traces of marine growth and coating from the area to be inspected. Weld
inspections are normally be deemed invalid if marine growth is apparent in
photographs .

Safety Considerations 1. Grit Blaster

2. Water Blaster
Refer to HSE Manual for Safety Precautions

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5.3 CP Probe Calibration CP-CAL


Objectives 1.0 To ensure that any cathodic potential (CP) measurement probe or system is
functional & accurate throughout its period of use for BSP.

Supporting Procedures Cathodic Protection & Calibration Procedures

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 5.3.1

Data Capture CP-CAL

Performed By Diver or ROV

Personnel Qualifications CSWIP 3.1U

Preparation Required Nil

Equipment Required Cygnus CP Meter

Calomel Electrodes for Probe Calibration
(ROV Stab / Proximity Half Cell)

Relevant Standards Nil

Task Procedure See "Supporting Procedures" (above) for reference to detailed procedure

Safety Considerations No specific safety requirements.

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5.4 UT Meter Calibration WT-CAL


Objectives 1.0 To ensure that any digital readout, ultrasonic wall thickness (WT) measurement
probe or system is functional & accurate throughout its period of use for BSP.

Supporting Procedures Manufacturer's Calibration Procedures

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet. 5.4.1

Data Capture WT-CAL

Performed By Diver

Personnel Qualifications CSWIP 3.1U

Preparation Required Nil

Equipment Required Roxby Bathycorrometer

Step Wedge for Calibration

Relevant Standards Nil

Task Procedure

Safety Considerations No specific safety requirements.

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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual


The tasks grouped in this section relate to the pictorial illustration of findings from other
inspection tasks. They should not be considered as inspection tasks in their own right,
and will not be the primary means of logging data. The content and quality of images
must always be designed to satisfy the objectives of an inspection task, and not
necessarily to maximise resolution or color fidelity.
Commonly, image capture & video recording tasks are be required to illustrate
anomalous fmdings. Video (media) numbering & cataloguing requirements are given in
the relevant Spec. Sheets.
The Drawing & Sketching task specification applies both to presentation of inspection
fmdings and to prior preparation of drawings as part of any reporting system.
The tasks included are:

Spec. Sheet No. Task Title

Task Code




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Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

6.1 Video Recording VD-REC


Objectives 1.0 To provide accurate, well defined and unambiguous close up photography of any

Supporting Procedures Manufacturer's set up and operating instructions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 6.1.1

Data Capture PH-OTO

Performed By Diver

Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience.

Preparation Required Job dependant .

Equipment Required Scoones MD 600 underwater housing with close-up probes.

Olympus OM 1N camera and 50 mm lens pre-set to 0.45 m.
Olympus Auto Winder II.
Subatec 5-100 underwater flash.
Kodacolor Gold 100 ASA film.

NOTE : These photographic procedures are based on the "industry Standard" Scoones

Relevant Standards Only photographs which are properly composed, exposed and focused will
normally be acceptable. All photographs must have the correct idents.

Task Procedure Close-up photographs are typically taken of the following subjects.
a) Weld inspection (full mosaics required)
b) Abrasion/wire scars (partial mosaics if large area)
c) Corrosion (mosaics)
d) Anomalies (full mosaic depending on damage)
e) MPI indications
Close-up photographs are taken using distance probes (prods) to keep the subject in
the plane of focus. A flash is required to provide sufficient light to maximise depth
of field. A reference tape or set of reference idents must be included in every
photograph, showing its location relative to datum. An "ident shot" showing a
complete set of location idents should be taken first at each site. Mosaic
photographs should overlap by 25% to 50% to ensure that no subject matter is

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Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

6.2 Still & Digital Photography PH-OTO


Task Procedure Settings :

1) The Olympus camera should be set to 1/60 sec shutter speed for flash
2) The camera should be set to f16 to produce the maximum depth of field and
the exposure adjusted by use of different flash power settings or adjustment of
flash to subject distance.
3) The 50 mm lens should be set to 0.45 m.
4) 1/4 power should be used with Subatec strobes for subjects of the same
reflectivity as cleaned welds. Uncleaned subjects should be taken at 1/2
power. Flash to subject distance is approximately 300 mm.
5) Use an opaque diffuser over the front of the flash to reduce flare.
6) The Olmpus Auto Winder II should be set to single-frame only.
These settings are only a guide for subjects of "cleaned weld reflectivity". Flash
settings, flash to subject distance or aperture may have to be modified for less-
reflective subjects. Extremely reflective subjects should be photographed with a
polarising filter over the camera lens. If a polarising filter is used, the exposure
should be corrected by increasing the flash power 4 x (2 f-stops) or by opening
the aperture accordingly.

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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Project No: Prepared:  D. Brighouse
Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

6.2 Still & Digital Photography PH-OTO


Objectives 1.0 To provide accurate, well defined and unambiguous close up photography of any

Supporting Procedures Manufacturer's set up and operating instructions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 6.2.1

Data Capture PH-OTO

Performed By Diver

Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience.

Preparation Required Task dependant.

Equipment Required Scoones MD 600 underwater housing, Olympus OM1 camera and 21 mm lens,
Olympus Auto Winder II, Subatec underwater flash.
NOTE : These photographic procedures are based on the "industry Standard" Scoones

Relevant Standards No specific standards

Task Procedure 1) The camera should be set to 1/60 sec shutter-speed for flash synchronisation.
2) The camera should be set to the minimum possible aperture (refer to (5)
below) to maximise depth of field.
3) The camera should be set to the required stand-off distance (1 meter is the
most commonly used setting).
4) The Auto Winder II should be set to single-frame only.
5) Exposure is adjusted by changing the flash power settings. The correct
exposure is calculated as follows:-
f-stop = Guide Number divided by the flash to subject distance.
Note: The Subatec S100 flash has a (full power) guide number of 16 meters for 100
ASA film. (= 11 meters for 50 asa, = 32 meters for 400 asa)
6) Use of an opaque diffuser over the strobe is required to spread the illumination
evenly over the full picture area of the 21mm lens. Please note that accurate
strobe positioning is the key to successful underwater flash photography. If the
strobe position is adjustable check it before every shot. Try to keep about a 45"
angle between the lens axis and the strobe axis to minimise back-scatter.
7) Note that all inspection photographs must have the correct ident including a
Note : The photograph should be composed such that the component (clamp, weld,
etc.) is the primary subject, not the ident board.

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Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

6.2 Still & Digital Photography PH-OTO


Task Procedure 8) Weld Photograph

Welds are to be photographed at 12, 03, 06 and 09 O'clock. The close-up weld
idents should still be in placed on the weld.
9) Riser Clamps
Photograph the riser clamps from the 12, 03, 08 and 09 O'clock positions . Ensure
full coverage of the riser clamp. Photographs are also required of the member clamp
and adjustable arm clamp(s).
One representative photograph of each riser clamp should be included in the report.
10) Anodes
Photograph the anode from an oblique side / end View to show both the attachment
stubs and the anode material.
11) Marine Growth
Marine growth stand-off photographs should cover the whole jacket leg (or other
specified component) at the selected elevation. The ident board should be parallel to
the film-plane of the camera and graduated to act as a reference scale for the marine
growth thickness.
12) Topside Stand-off Photography
During routine platform inspection, a number of topside subjects may require stand-
off photography

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

6.2 Still & Digital Photography PH-OTO


Objectives 1.0 To provide accurate, well defined and unambiguous photography of MPI
inspection results

Supporting Procedures Manufacturer's set up and operating instructions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 6..2.1

Data Capture PH-OTO

Performed By Diver

Personnel Qualifications C.S.W.I.P 3.2U and Client approval based on experience.

Preparation Required Water-jet cleaning , Grit-blast cleaning , Close Visual Inspection , Magnetic Particle
Inspection and possibly Eddy Current Flaw Detection and remedial grinding .

Equipment Required Scoones MD 800 Housing c/w Olympus OM-1, 50 mm lens.

Subatec S-100 flash.
400 ASA Kodakcolor Film (methods A and B) 100 asa (method C).
1 x Woods Filter/ 2x polorising fitters / camera clamping device.
NOTE: These photographic procedures are based on the "industry Standard" Scoones

Relevant Standards No specific standards

Task Procedure On completion of conventional MPI and/or remedial grinding , mark the extent of
the indication to be photographed. Switch off the coils and clean the indication
using a wire-brush to remove the Magnaglo 14A ink. Re-magnetise and if necessary
increase the flux density by increasing the current or by substitution of a pair of 20
kg pull permanent magnets instead of the coils.
Apply "Dayglo" ink until the indication is clearly visible. Wipe off any excess ink
from the surrounding area. When satisfied that the indication is highly visible, carry
out MPI photography using one of the four methods below.
Method A Fluorescent Flash MPIP
Attach Woods filters securely over the front of each of two Subatec S-100 strobes
flash such that no white light escapes around the edges. Mount the flashes so that
they are pointing at 45 degrees to the indication and are 200 mm (8") from the
centre of the line joining the prod tips. Use 400 ASA film; 1/60 sec; f5.6 on full
power with two SUBATEC 5-100 strobes.
On completion of conventional MPI and/or remedial grinding , mark the extent of
the indication to be photographed. Switch off the coils and clean the indication
using a wire-brush to remove the Magnaglo 14A ink. Re-magnetise and if necessary
increase the flux density by increasing the current or by substitution of a pair of 20
kg pull permanent magnets instead of the coils.

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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual


Task Procedure Apply "Dayglo" ink until the indication is clearly visible. Wipe off any excess ink
from the surrounding area. When satisfied that the indication is highly visible, carry
out MPI photography using one of the four methods below.
Method B Long-Exposure Fluorescent-MPIP
If weld orientation, photographic conditions and time permits, the camera may be
securely attached to the weld using some sort of damping device, the aperture closed
down to F16 and a long exposure usually around one minute) taken. Take additional
exposures of 30 seconds and 2 minutes to bracket the exposure. During such long
exposures the weld should be illuminated solely by the MPI light with no strobes
used. This procedure is totally dependant on secure clamping of the camera.
Method C Crossed Polarising Filters
Place one (1) 49 mm diameter linear polarising fitter over the camera lens with the
alignment mark at the top. Place a second, 77 mm diameter polarising filter on the
flash and secure it in position so that the alignment mark is at 90 degrees to the filter
on the camera lens. Try to allow some adjustment of orientation for the diver since
the relative orientation has to be plus or minus about 5 degrees.
Use 400 ASA film; 1600 sec; f16 on full power with a SUBATEC S-100 strobe.
Method D Normal Close-Up Photography
Set up the camera for normal close-up phography and photograph the indication
using "Dayglo" ink.
Use 100 asa film 1/60 sec, f18, 1/4 power with SU BATEC S-100 strobe.
This method is quite reliable, but can only produce results for strong indjcations it
should be used first since close-up cameras should be immediately available on site.
Method A provides greatest contrast but is unreliable.
Method B produces excellent results if a suitable clamping device is available, but is
difficult to set-up. If the camera is not fixed securely the results are hopelessly blurred.
Method C provides good depth of field and clear weld details but is notoriously
Method D is most reliable but is only effective on strong indications.
Whichever method is used, it is essential to process the film immediately as "re-
shoots" are frequently required

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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Project No: Prepared:  D. Brighouse
Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

6.2 Still & Digital Photography PH-OTO


Objectives 1.0 To provide accurate, well defined and unambiguous photography of weld grinding

Supporting Procedures Manufacturer's set up and operating instructions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 6.2.1

Data Capture PH-OTO

Performed By Diver

Personnel Qualifications C.S.W.I.P. 3.1U and Client approval based on experience.

Preparation Required Water-jet cleaning or grit blast cleaning , Close Visual Inspection , Magnetic Particle
inspection and MPI grinding.

Equipment Required Close-up camera , Profile gauge (needle-gauge), Profile gauge ident c/w 5mm grid.

Relevant Standards No specific standards

Task Procedure The profile gauge is set up at 90 degrees to the weld axis over the area to be ground
and the profile needles depressed to the bottom of the defect. The profile gauge
must extend at least 20mm onto the adjacent chord/brace walls in order to define
the weld geometry. The gauge is then carefully placed into a profile frame and
photographed using the close-up camera. The profile frame contains a set of indents
and a background scale (5mm squares grid) to aid in taking measurements from the
profile photograph. The close-up camera should be loaded with 100 ASA film, set at
closest focus, f:6 and 1160 sec.
Profile gauge spacing should be at intervals of 1/10 of the crack length, (subject to a
minimum spacing of 20mm and a maximum spacing of 50mm).
The locations of each profile should be marked using a centre-punch in case the
profile needs to be repeated leg. for MPI Grinding). Ensure the gauge is placed on
the weld at the correct node/member orientation.

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

6.2 Still & Digital Photography PH-OTO


Objectives 1.0 To provide accurate, well defined and unambiguous stereo photogrammetry

Supporting Procedures Manufacturer's set up and operating instructions

Supporting Documents Detail Sheet No. 4.5.2

Data Capture PH-OTO

Performed By Diver

Personnel Qualifications C.S.W.1.P. 3.1U and Client approval based on experience.

Preparation Required Subject dependant.

-Equipment Required Photogrammetry is a specialist task which is only utilised where detailed
measurements are required. The preferred equipment for the task is therefore a twin-
medium-format camera system such as UMEL or CAMEL C17070 (or equivalent)
cameras, fitted with Reseau Plates etched with Fiducial Marks. The cameras must be
calibrated before use on an accurately-constructed Test Target as approved by the
Camera manufacturer. Photogrammetric accuracy is improved by the use of
accurately-machined scale-bars attached to the surface of the subject.

Relevant Standards No specific standards

Task Procedure The photographs required for Stereo Photogrammetry are taken as easily as normal
underwater photographs. The same guidelines apply for determining exposure and
no special training is required to operate the cameras. However, a specific
procedure will be issued for each photogrammetric survey, in order to define the
exact photographic requirements, overlaps and scare-bar positions. This procedure
will be generated by the photogrammetric survey company which will carry out the
stereo analysis.
Stereo fields of view normally range from 350 x 500mm to 1400 x 1700mm and
accuracy of measurement range from 1:1000 to 1:5000 (dependant on the type of
subject and prevailing water conditions).
Stereo Photogrammetry includes analysis of the photographic images using an
Analytical Stereoplotter, Analogue Stereoplotter or Stereocomparator. Measurement
results are produced faster and with enhanced operator control using an Analytical
Stereoplotter. If required, the data file can be utjlised by an interactive graphics
computer and interpolated contours and isometrics produced.

Safety Considerations No specific requirements

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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

Oxy-Arc Cutting


Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience

Preparation Required Possibly Water-jet cleaning, Hand-cleaning and Measurement.

Equipment Required Welding power supply and umbilical,

Oxygen supply,
"BROCO/SEACUT" cutting torch and rods.

Relevant Standards Refer to the Global General Safety Manual details of oxy-are cutting standards and
If the job is more complex than chopping off damaged bolts, removing ribs or
making debris ready for recovery, a written PROCEDURE should be agreed by the
Client before undertaking the work.

Task Procedure Cut the steelwork to the specifications in the work scope Use a burning-guide
whenever possible to ensure a neat cut. Refer to the manufacturers specifications for
oxygen pressure and welding current.

Safety Considerations Cut adequate vent-holes to prevent gas build-up in voids Check correct grounding
of the welding generator. Avoid stray arcs from poorly-insulated burning
umbilicals. Ensure correct positioning of the earth clamp to avoid the risk of the
diver receiving unacceptable current flow by "shorting" from the gun (-)ve to earth
(+)ve. Ensure adequate rigging is deployed to prevent falling steelwork on
completion of the cut

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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

Debris Clearance


Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience.

Preparation Required None

Equipment Required No specific requirements

Relevant Standards No specific standards

Task Procedure All significant debris should be recovered to the surface whenever practicable.
Soft non-hazardous debris can be left in place unless it poses a hazard All large
metallic debris, or other debris items which could interfere with safe diver or ROV
operations, should be recovered to the DSV where practicable. If debris recovery
is not practicable then the debris should be removed outside the jacket to a
minimum distance of 1 m from members or pipelines. Ensure that all ropes
(especially wire ropes) which cannot be removed from pipelines are cut so as not
to interfere with pipeline lifting: should the requirement arise
Report all damage caused by debris in contact with structures or pipelines

Safety Considerations Divers should be aware of the dangers of recovering debris items, including
falling debris and snagging of hoses during crane operations. Use a properly
constructed debris basket wherever possible to minimise the risk of falling debris

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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

Gas Leak Sampling


Personnel Qualifications Client approval based on experience

Preparation Required Completely fill the sampling pressure Vessel with fresh potable water. Close the
pressure-vessel's 1/4-turn valve and fit the upended funnel to the ROV. Open the
funnel vent 1/4-turn (or invert the funnel) to permit the volume of the funnel to be
vented until gas sampling commences.

Equipment Required Gas sampling pressure-vessel and gas sampling funnel, Inspection class ROV with
manipulator arm.

Relevant Standards No specific standards

Task Procedure Position the ROV close to the source of leakage (close the funnel vent valve if
fitted) open the pressure vessel 1/4-turn value and fill the sampling bottle with gas.
Record the start time of the gas sampling operation. Filling time, volume and depth
should be noted so that a flow rate can be calculated as follows :-
Ambient Pressure Volume of Sample-Bottle
Rate of Leakage = (Bars Absolute) x (Litres)
(litres/Minute) Time taken to fill the Sample-Bottle

Safety Considerations This inspection is usually carried out by ROV as diving close to a gas leak is
potentially hazardous.

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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

Stud Friction Welding


Personnel Qualifications Client approval based specification and/or experience.

Preparation Required Localized cleaning to remove marine growth and coatings.

Equipment Required Ramstud S1004 STUD FRICTION WELDER and auxilliary equipment.
The minimum size of air hose is 1" I/D with a safe working pressure of 200 psig.
Couplings fitted to this hose must be full-bore, and of recommended pattern.
Regulators should be a minimum of 1 1/2" of approved manufacture.

Relevant Standards Client approved weld procedure qualification.

Ramstud S1004 Operating Procedures Manual.

Task Procedure Air supply / pressure from compressor, is regulated to machine pressure and volume
and fed to the machine through the lubricator. During machine operations, care must
be taken to ensure that the oil fog lubricator does not run dry.
Motor Ready To Start
The stud welder is connected the compressed air supply with the main valve
operating handle in the "OFF" position. Air will not pass to the motor.
As the 5 Port switch is in the "OFF" position air will pass through the regulator to
the back of the piston, maintaining the piston in the "reverse ram" position.
Air will be vented from the other side of the piston via the 5 Port switch, thus
ensuring that the system is maintained in equilibrium.
Depression of the main valve operating handle to the "ON" position, allows
compressed air to pass via the cut off valve, to the motor rotor, causing the motor to
commence running up to speed.
As the 5 Port switch is still in the "OFF" position, the piston will be maintained in
the reverse ram position by full ram air pressure.
Motor Running - Ram Operating (Weld Phase)
With the main Valve operating handle depressed, motor running at full operating
speed: the 5 Port switch is moved to the "ON" position.
Immediately full ram air pressure will pass to the top side of the piston through the 5
Port switch, and air on the reverse side of the piston vents to atmosphere.

This causes the piston carrying the chuck and work piece (stud) to be driven
forwards to touch down the main work area. Friction heating commences.

After a predetermined stud burn-off, the air supply is cut off from the motor rotor by
movement of the piston operating the cut off valve.

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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual



Task Procedure Ram Fully Forward, Motor Cut Off (Weld Completion)
With the full ram air pressure maintained, speed of the motor under the flywheel
energy and inertial farce rapidly slow to zero, and the forge phase commences.
Operating Handle Release - Pressure Still on Ram (Forge Phase)
The operating handle is released, removing air supply to the cutoff Valve which
will still be closed because of the ram position.
Full ram air pressure is still being maintained through the 5 Port switch to hold the
ram and work piece (stud) in the forward position during the forge phase.
The forge pressure must be maintained for a minimum of 5 seconds to complete the
welding !forging process.
Pressure Released, Ram Retracting (Cycle Complete)
Movement of the 5 Port switch from the "ON" (operating) position back to the
"OFF" : position will now switch the ram air pressure to the reverse ram side of the
piston, withdrawing the check from the stud, air from the forward side of the piston
being vented to atmosphere.
At the same time, movement of the piston will open the cut off valve in readiness
for the next motor operation when operating handle is pressed.
Weld Quality Surface Finish
The S1004 friction stud welding system is very tolerant to rust, paint and
irregularities of the surface finish. Care must be taken, however, to ensure that the
thickness of the surface contaminants is not such that it will increase the stand off
of the machine to such a point that the burn-off is reduced to a figure below that
acceptable for the materials in use.
When using magnetic clamping methods, there is a limit to the gap allowable
between the poles of the magnet and the effective surface of the substrate. Provided
this is not exceeded, the magnet will provide sufficient resistive force to produce a
satisfactory weld.
As with other surface contaminants, the R1004 is tolerant of oil or grease on the
surface of the substrate.
When using ferrous materials, only non-free-cutting steels are suitable for friction
welding, i.e. sulphur content must be below 0.03%.
If continued problems are experienced when all machine / weld parameters are
correct, a check of sulphur content may be made quite simply by means of the
A sample of the offending material must be polished to a fine finish using wet and
dry carborundum paper. This sample is then dipped in a 10% solution of sulphuric
acid, and the polished surface placed onto a piece of photographic paper for one
minute. A brown imprint on the paper indicates the revel of sulphur in the steel.

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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual


Task Procedure Anything more than a very pale imprint is unacceptable far friction welding.
Regulator and Lubricator Specification
a. Regulator required in Martonair p/n B15 F-3, with 1-1/2" ports.
b. These components were carefully selected for the lack of now loss under
operational conditions.
a. The S1004 machine operates at high speed, and particularly when used in harsh
environments, requires a constant flow of lubricant through the motor and
b. Oils specified for use with the system are listed below. These oils have superior
lubrication and cleansing properties, avoiding gummy deposits, and are
compatible with all materials used in the construction of the R1004.
CAUTION - These lubricants are toxic. Avoid ingestion, inhalation and prolonged
contact with the skin.
c. Before and after use the machine must be blown through by pouring oil directly
into the air line, then running the machine. It is recommended that, particularly if
the machine is being used underwater, it is stored, immersed in lubricant.
d. Steps must be taken to ensure that the oil fog lubricator does not run dry during
e. In addition to the above, ensure that the regulator water-trap is drained at regular
intervals, or fit the optional automatic drain valve available through Martonair

Safety Considerations The lubricants specified for use with the Ramstud S1004 are toxic. Avoid ingestion,
inhalation and prolonged contact with the skin.

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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual


7.1 Anomaly Codes

To allow retrospective analysis of anomalous findings, each anomaly shall be allocated a two character
code according to its generic anomaly type. Each Anomaly Report arising from an inspection work scope
shall have at least one such code, and possibly several if the initial anomaly also has apparent causes and
effects. The codes are listed below.

Certain anomalies should prompt the inspector to make a more intensive inspection, e.g. abrasions on a
member may imply structural damage, or debris on or about the member. Other anomalous findings may
prompt for minor remedial work, e.g. missing clamp nuts should be replaced, or blocked inlets/outlets,

The following two pages of this section tabulate the anomaly criteria and possible remedial actions to be
discussed with and to be authorised by the CSR. The more common remedial and repair actions are
discussed further in Section 6.


AB Abrasion, including obvious removal of marine growth

AW Excessive or untypical anode wastage
BL Bolt/stud/nut anomaly
BO Blockage or obstruction
BU Unexpected burial or partial burial
CD Coating damage or deterioration
CN Unintended clearance or gap
CP Low or high cathodic potential reading
CR Corrosion pitting or flaking
DB Significant debris
JS Job safety hazard
LK Leak
MG Excessive or untypical marine growth coverage
PD Physical damage
RM Unintended relative movement
RP Repair performed
SC Scour
SP Excessive spanning
VS Variation to specification (or given information)
WD Weld defect
WT Low wall thickness
XX Extra information (not necessarily anomalies)

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Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

Anom Anomaly Description Initiating Potential Actions1 Check also for

& Criteria Tasks2 (require authorisation) Anomalies









AB Abrasion VI-OK 1. Dimensioned drawing (VI-DRG) DB, CD

- bare metal visible 2. Clean & CVI (CL-INS & CU-CVI)
Abrasi - obvious removal of marine growth 3. Measure wall thickness (WT-DIG)


g (VI-
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Anom Anomaly Description Initiating Potential Actions1 Check also for

& Criteria Tasks2 (require authorisation) Anomalies









AW Anode wastage anomaly VI-ANO 1. Clean & measure (CL-INS & ME-ANO) CP, DB, PD
- >50% wastage 2. Replace wasted anode (RW-LOG)
- untypical wastage for structure
BL Bolt anomaly VI-SUP 1. More detailed support insp. (CU-SUP) CN
- damaged or missing bolts/studs/nuts VI-OK 2. Replace bolts/nuts (ANOM or RW-LOG)

BO Blockage or obstruction VI-OBS 1. Clear obstruction (ANOM or RW-LOG) DB,MG

- Inlet/outlet reduced I size by >25% VI-OK 2. Clean off bulk marine fouling (CL-MFR)
- Free movement restricted
- Function impaired
BU Burial or partial burial VI-SCR 1. Measure &/or map depths (ME-SCR) SC

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Anom Anomaly Description Initiating Potential Actions1 Check also for

& Criteria Tasks2 (require authorisation) Anomalies









- untypical seabed contour VI-OK

- significant change from given data
- function or purpose of item affected
CD Coating damage CU-CTG 1. Clean & inspect (CL-INS & CU-CTG) AB
- bare metal visible VI-OK
- obvious deterioration of coating
CN Clearance or gap VI-SUP 1. Measure accurately (CU-SUP) PD, BL
- unintended clearance between items VI-OK 2. Dimensioned drawing (VI-DRG)
- non parallel flange gap 3. Remedy (ANOM or RW-LOG)
- lack of support (eg span support)
CP Low or high cathodic potential reading CP-CON 1. Clean site & retry CP (CL-INS & CP- CR, AW, DB
- outside of range –850mV to –1100mV on steel CON)
- >50mV difference between ‘connected’ items 2. CP mapping (CP-CON)
3. Clean & corrosion insp (CL-INS, CU-

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Anom Anomaly Description Initiating Potential Actions1 Check also for

& Criteria Tasks2 (require authorisation) Anomalies









CR Corrosion CU-COR 1. CP-CON (required if pitting >25%) CP

- any visible pitting or flaking CU-CTG 2. Extend clean & insp (CL-INS & CU-
3. Measure wall thickness (WT-DIG)
4. Light grinding (ANOM & WT-DIG)
5. Moulding of surface (ANOM & CU-COR)
DB Significant debris VI-OK 1. Remove AB, PD, CP
- debris codes >5 (see Spec Sheet VI-OK)

JS Job safety hazard VI-OBS 1. Stop task ! VS, RM

- - prevents work scope task execution VI-OK 2. Remove/mitigate hazard (OP-LOG)
- - hazard cannot be avoided or made acceptable 3. Re-schedule work
- - unforeseen & arises during execution of work 4. Remove task from scope (CAR to sign)
LK Leak VI-OK 1. Find source (CL-INS or OP-LOG) PD, CR
- passage of fluid where not intended 2. Clean & inspect area (CL-INS & CU-

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Anom Anomaly Description Initiating Potential Actions1 Check also for

& Criteria Tasks2 (require authorisation) Anomalies









- gas bubbles observed CVI)

3. Repair (RW-LOG)
MG Marine growth anomaly VI-OK 1. Stepped growth checks (VI-MGI) AB
- soft cover >200mm thick over >25% of surface 2. Stepped growth measurements (ME-
- hard cover >50mm thick over >25% of surface MGI)
- hard cover >100mm thick anywhere
- untypical marine growth coverage

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Anom Anomaly Description Initiating Potential Actions1 Check also for

& Criteria Tasks2 (require authorisation) Anomalies









PD Physical damage VI-OK 1. Clean & CVI (CL-INS & CU-CVI) AB, LK, VS
- Damage to structure or attachments VI- 2. Measurement/quantify (ME-ITM)
Abrasi SUP 3. Dimensioned drawing (VI-DRG)
on - Crack (if not weld, ie. If not a WD) 4. Crack detect (CL-INS & CU-CDR)
5. Repair (RW-LOG)

g (VI-

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RM Relative movement VI-SUP 1. Clear marine growth (CL-MGR) CN, BL, JS, PD
- Signs of unintended movement between parts 2. Measure (CU-SUP, CU-CVI or ME-ITM)
VI-OK 3. Dimensioned drawing (VI-DRG)
4. Remedy (RW-LOG)
RP Repair performed CU-SUP 1. Log details (RW-LOG) XX
- non work scope repair work performed 2. Re-inspect (CU-CVI)
- unexpected repair work performed

SC Scour VI-SCR 1. Stepped scour checks (VI-SCR)

- Untypical scour for particular structure VI- 2. Stepped scour measures (ME-SCR)
OK 3. Detailed drawing (VI-DRG)
- Scour >1m (between intended & actual level)
SP Excessive spanning ME-SPN 1. Remedy (ANOM &/or RW-LOG)
- Span length greater than specified, or
- Span length >30 x diam (if not specified)
VS Variation to specification VI-OK 1. Measure/survey (CU-CVI or ME-ITM) RP
- Item or configuration not as shown on 2. Dimensioned drawing (VI-DRG)
drawings 3. Remedy (RW-LOG or CU-SUP)
- Dimension or position not as given VI- (eg. Remove clamp liner)
- Substitute item chosen VI-
WD Weld defect CU-CVI 1. Further clean/insp (CL-INS & CU-COR CR, CP
- Crack like defect or indication CU- 2. Further crack detect/reduction (CU-
- Weld physical damage 3. Profile moulding (CU-COR or OP-LOG)
- >25% weld area with corrosion pitting 4. Other NDT technique (CU-CDR)
- other weld defect which has extended
WT Wall thickness reduction WT-DIG 1. WT Mapping of area (WT-DRG) VS
- Thickness less than specified CU- 2. Light grinding (OP-LOG & WT-DIG)
COR 3. Moulding of surface (CU-COR or OP-
- Thickness outside 70%-105% given thickness LOG)
XX Extra information VI-OK 1. Consider other tasks (OP-LOG, VI-
- When task databox is inadequate/too small OK,etc)
- When no other Anomaly Code fits

Notes :

1. The CSR shall be informed of all anomalies as & when they are found. Video coverage (VD-
REC) and photography or image capture (PH-OTO) should be considered as possible
immediate actions. All other actions or remedies require authorisation from the CSR.

2. “Initiating Tasks” are the tasks most likely to be in progress when a particular anomaly is
discovered. If an anomaly is discovered at some other time, e.g. While travelling to or from a
dive site, or during some other inspection, then adding an “initiating task” to the work scope
may be considered, if it will give extra information relating to the anomaly or its general

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7.3.1 Common Requirements

The following subsections give guidance on typical remedial works that may be required. The
section covers the minimum controls & data-recording requirements for all such remedial works.

For significant repair operations, e.g. pipeline repairs or member replacement, then prequalification
tests and job specific procedures will normally be required. Such operations are outside the scope
of this document.

7.3.2 Anode Remedial Work

a) Broken anode-to-bracket connections and broken, loose or missing anode cables (on mud
line shear frames), may be repaired by wet welding to non-structural, non-critical steelwork,
provided that the welding complies with subsection 7.3.8, below.

b) Wasted anodes (exceeding Client allowances) may also be removed by cutting the
supporting core rods at their bracket connection, provided the cutting procedure and
equipment have had prior approval from the Client, and there is minimal risk of damage to
structural components or other attachments.

7.3.3 Clamp Remedial Work

a) Missing bolts, studs & nuts may be replaced provided the replacements are of the same
specification as the remaining fastenings. Nuts must be tightened by approved tools and
procedures, which allow control of torque or bolt tension.

b) Clamp liners may be installed where these are missing, e.g. between clamps and risers,
provided that the compliance & thickness of the new liner does not prevent a uniform
contact between the clamp shells and the enclosed riser or component, provided that the liner
provides total electrical insulation between the clamp and the enclosed component, and
provided that replacement studs/bolts/nuts are installed per item a) above.

c) Inappropriate liners, e.g. between clamp parts which should be in the same electrical path for
cathodic protection, can be removed, provided that the clamp shells and enclosed component
are cleaned to bare metal, provided that the bare clamp shells will uniformly support the
enclosed riser or component without the clamp flanges first coming into contact, and
provided that replacement studs/bolts/nuts are installed per item a) above.

d) Where the 'clamp' is in fact a guide, with allowance for some relative movement, then such
movement allowance or clearance must be maintained.

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7.3.4 Coating Repairs

Where coating damage, which reveals bare metal, is apparent in the splash zone, and where the
component is not always submerged, and therefore protected by cathodic protection systems, the
damage can be repaired, provided that the damaged area can be totally cleaned to bare metal and
prevailing conditions allow application of an approved splash zone coating. The cleaning standard
shall be in accordance with the particular coating's application instructions.

Coatings which are always submerged do not normally require to be repaired.

7.3.5 Leak Repairs

Where a leak is not in production or pressurised pipe work, and where safe to do so, then an
attempt may be made to plug or patch the leak via mechanical means, provided that the procedure
and materials are approved by the Client. Leaks that may be remedied in this way are generally
restricted to small & localised holes or punctures in tubulars, legs sections, conductors and utility
caissons where pressure differentials are unlikely to exceed 5psi against the plugging direction.
Possible plugging/patch techniques are mechanically expanded bungs, magnetic patches, 'putty-
like' substances or saddle/bandage devices.

Where the leak is in pressurised pipe work, or otherwise deemed significant, then job-specific
procedures, which are acceptable to & scheduled by the Client need to be developed, prior to repair

7.3.6 Riser Knee-brace Removal

Where riser bottom bend knee-braces have been left in place after riser-to-pipeline tie-ins, these
may be removed by unbolting the clamps or by cutting the braces clear of welded clamps.

a) In the case of bolted clamps, the procedure should be approved by the Client, and the removed
components shall be recovered to surface. Additionally, the opportunity shall be taken to
perform a coating inspection, per Spec. Sheet CU-CTG at the site of both removed clamps.

b) In the case of welded attachment of the brace, the cutting procedure and tools must be
approved by the Client, the cuts shall be at least 5Omm from the welded attachments to riser,
and there shall be minimal risk of damage to the riser. Additionally, photographs or other
captured images shall be obtained to fully illustrate the size and condition of the cut-off stubs

7.3.7 Span Rectification

Where span lengths approach the acceptable limits, or where the existing span supports are
considered inadequate (unsupported pipeline crossing, transient support, stress raising, etc.), then
additional pipeline supports can be installed, provided that the support mechanism & installation
procedures have been approved.

The location for a new support must be approved by the CSR and shall be selected to provide best
support for the longest period of time, e.g. not necessarily under a riser bend where structure
subsidence may conflict with support and where span length increases can be at the opposite end
only. If previous span reports are available for the intended span rectification sites, then the
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historical movement of the pipeline relative to level seabed away from the line should be checked,
such that line self-burial conditions are not hampered by inappropriate support installation.

Consideration should also be given to the adequacy of the supporting mechanism. Small contact-
surface supports in soft or transient seabed conditions are not advisable. Also, as one of the failure
mechanisms for unsupported pipe is fatigue caused by line vibration, supports should be designed
to partially cradle the line to prevent oscillation In both horizontal and vertical planes.

The location of new supports shall be recorded unambiguously, but additionally shall include span
longitudinal & cross profile sketches to illustrate the support position relative to fixed datum's, and
to illustrate adequacy of support.

7.3.8 Wet Welding

Under normal circumstances, wet welding will not be performed on any structural member, riser or

Wet welding repairs may be carried out, however, on non structural, non-critical components, such
as anode attachment brackets, existing pad-eyes, and clamp parts, without specific written
approval, but only provided that the welding procedures have been approved by the Client.

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8.1 Overview

It is necessary to generate the data-recording and reporting systems for all work scopes.

This section specifies the minimum requirements and templates for these systems.

Examples of data recording proformae and data content to illustrate this section are included in the

For any underwater maintenance reporting there are essentially six areas of data presentation to

a) Work site operational reporting, e.g. dive logs, ROV logs & timesheets;

b) Project progress reporting, i.e. the 'daily progress report";

c) Work site technical data-recording, e.g. data sheets, video logs & anomaly reports;

d) Media labelling & cataloguing, e.g. video cassette labels & work site video tape register;

e) Final project reporting at or after job completion, to present the findings;

f) Feedback comments from the contractor to promote improved performance.

It is necessary that the data-recording and reporting systems address all six areas.

The format and content of the first item, the spread logs, are not covered in this document, in that
Global have established formats for these, all of which should be acceptable to the Client. Also,
the 2nd item, the Daily Progress Report, is not covered, in that its format is specified elsewhere The
remaining four items are covered in subsections 8.3 to 8.7.

Subsection 7.2, following, introduces some common nomenclature systems.

8.2 Nomenclature Systems

There are standard naming & numbering conventions applicable across all presentation
documentation, as follows.

8.2.1 Field & Platform Identification

The full identification for a platform is an alphanumeric code of up to 8~characters, comprising a

2-character Field identifier, a 2-character platform function identifier, and a unique number.

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8.2.2 Substructure & Component Identification

a) Substructures & Substructure Groups

The underwater sections of fixed platforms, such as legs, frames. Pipe work systems and other
'common-function' areas, often require to be categorised into "Substructures' for convenient
generation of work scopes and for summary of inspection results.

Those substructures which form the basic support framework are collectively termed the jacket
"Primary Structure'. The substructures which depend on the primary structure for support
(excluding risers) are collectively termed the 'Secondary Structure'. Unless more specific
terminology is given In a particular work scope, then the following substructure terminology has
been adopted.

Substructure Type Description

Primary Structure :
Frame Any convenient planar group of tubulars
Row Vertical frame numbered A, B, C etc. but excluding main Legs & Line non
supporting legs.
Line Vertical frame numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. excluding main Legs but including
non supporting legs.
Leg The Jacket main supporting legs, normally at the corners only.
Level Horizontal frame numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. (top down)
Mudmat Jacket support on seabed (until piles are installed).
MSF Mudline shear frame and its jacket attachment clamps.
PSA Pile Sleeve Assembly at the base of a Leg for piles clustered around the
leg (but not a minor pile guide).
Pile Any pile type (insert cluster or MSF)
(Jacket The jacket overall can be classed as a “substructure” if convenient for
work scope & report generation purposes.)
(Node Welds Critical items of common type, such as node welds, can be grouped
together as a ‘substructure’ if convenient for work scope & report
generation purposes.)
Secondary Structure :
Caisson Utility system pipe work (sumps & pumps) including supports
Conductor Well fluids pipe work, including isolated supports/guides
Guide frame Multiple-guide framework or lattice for pipe work (normally conductors).
Boat landing Boat landing and its jacket attachment clamps.
Fender Boat bumper, riser protection cage, etc.
Miscellaneous Substructures :
Seabed Sea floor within & to 10m out from any other substructure.
(Splash zone Splash zone components/areas can be grouped together as a
‘substructure’ for works copes & report generation purposes.)
Pipeline Substructures :
Riser Production system pipe work including supports, bottom tube turn (900
bend), flanges, valves, etc.
Pipeline Approach Pipeline from riser tube turn out to 50m, inc. supports, etc.
(Pipeline A pipeline overall can be classed as a ‘substructure’ if convenient for
work scope & report generation purposes.)

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b) Component Identification

Smaller component parts of a platform commonly need to be categorised by 'Component

Type', for convenience of task allocation & analysis of results.

Common types are as follows:


Member Any structural tubular

H, V, HD or VD Horizontal, vertical, horiz. Diagonal or vert. Diagonal tubular
Leg Section (LS) Leg Section between two structural Levels
Node (N) Junction of two or more tubulars
Weld (Normally only) node or nozzle weld
Clamp Bolted and fully restraining support
Guide Support allowing some movement, normally
Anode Any cathodic protection system anode
Pipe Section Any part of a riser or caisson, & normally between supports,
flanges or valves.
Flange Flanged connection, normally including both halves
Hose Flexible connection pipe
Splash Zone ‘Part’ of any substructure which is at MSL +/- 3m

Where a unique identification or tag number is not provided by BSP, then individual
components will have to be identified, where possible, by specifying their Component Type,
as above, plus a unique identity.
The unique identity should be based on a generic Row/Line/Level ("RoLLe') grid
numbering system for the platform.
As an example, a Horizontal on Row B between Line 1, Level 2, and Line 2, Level 2, would
be designated "H-B1L2/B2L2', whereas a Vertical Diagonal between Row A, Line 2, Level
2 and Row B, Line 2, Level 3 would be designated "VD-A2L2/B2L3'. This numbering
system is illustrated further, below.

Component Identification using 'RoLLe' (Row/Line/Level) grid system:

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A riser or secondary substructure component can often be identified by its depth or Level range,
e.g. Riser #1 between Levels 2 & 3 = R1-L23.

In addition to identifying a component in this way, its position should always be illustrated on a
drawing accompanying the particular work scope or report. For components or sub-components
which cannot be simply coded, then more detailed illustration is required, possibly with
sequential numbering, e.g. for anodes along a member, or bolts around a flange.

8.2.3 Work Pack, Report & Media Numbering System

Unless instructed otherwise, for any reports submitted, the "Report Number" shall be a
combination of both the platform identity ("Platform ID") and the work pack number, e.g.

Report No : FAGP-4 - 97/014

Each report must also have a concise and unambiguous title. In the event that a report relates to
work away from any platform, and therefore, a platform identity cannot be included meaningfully
in the Report Number, then the title must specify the work location clearly.

Any data sheets, logs, Anomaly Reports, drawings, video tapes, films, or attachments to a Report
must also be identified by the Report number + a sequential number, per type of attachment, for

Datasheets FAGP- 4 - 971014 - 001 to 008,

Drawing FAG P- 4 - 971014 - 001,
Anomaly Reports FAG P- 4 - 971014 - 001 & 002,
Video Tapes FAGP- 4 - 971014 - 001, 003 & 006.

Provided that the title of a report, or the title box of an attachment, already contains the Report No
(Platform + Work Pack), then the Platform name & Work Pack No. need not be repeated within
the lesser subsections/data tables of that document.

Note that the attachment type does not require a specific identifier such as 'V' for video, "F' for
film, etc., as the type of an attachment should normally be obvious by its appearance or title box,
and if not obvious, then it must always be labelled unambiguously.

This numbering system is reinforced in the individual Spec. Sheets relating to Drawing, Anomaly
Reporting, Media Numbering, etc.

8.3 Routine Data-recording

For every inspection task performed, the data to be recorded is tightly specified in the relevant
task's Spec. Sheet (Chapters 4 & 6).

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The collective term for all such data-capture pro formae or screens is 'Databox'. There is some
flexibility In how the various task databoxes are customised and combined with drawings for
convenient handling at the work site. As identified in the Spec. Sheets, each databox should have
some 'Header' information, which is common across most tasks, and a "Data Record" for
capturing the task specific details, perhaps repeatedly.

A simple listing of data records down a page, with a single common header, e.g. for listing
photographs in a film, is termed a 'Log". A combination of task databoxes or logs on one sheet is
termed a "Datasheet'.

The following are basic rules for, and guidelines on, the layout of logs, datasheets & drawings.
Examples (for a paperwork system) are given in Attachment A3.

8.3.1 Logs

When a task requires repeated data records, but the header information remains virtually the
same, then it is sometimes convenient to use a log format to record the data. e.g. for film & video
coverage details, or out-of-straightness measurements along a member's length. The basic
requirements are :


a) The log Header must include the following task databox information :-
• Platform identifier (e.g. FAGP-4)
• Work Pack No. (97/014)
• Task or Log Title (e.g. Video Log, or Marine Growth Log)
• Log sheet number (001, 002, etc.)
• Page number (of n pages
b) Additionally, if the log is a list of references to video, photographic or other non hard
copy data, then the format or medium of that data must be stated, eg.
• Format (video = PAL/NTSC, film = neg/slide, image = *ipg, etc.)
c) The Data Records section of the Log must have a simple column/row format.
d) Any (simple) reference drawing should be incorporated into the log sheet in
preference to attachment of a separate drawing page.
e) The log sheet can be viewed or copied in black & white at A4 size with all data
remaining legible.

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8.3.2 Datasheets

Any number of task databoxes can be combined on a single datasheet, provided that the
following rules are adhered to:


a) The tasks included on any one datasheet are associated either by

inspection type, intervention mode, or area of the structure.
b) Riser & Pipeline related databoxes are not combined with Jacket related
c) For simplicity of layout, the data requirements common to each databox
header are extracted and entered in a single datasheet header.
Commonly this will be :
• Platform identifier (e.g. FAGP-4)
• Workpack No. (e.g. 97/014)
• Substructure Identification (e.g. Line 4)
• Data Recorder Name
• Date
d) The datasheet’s header also includes the datasheet specific information
• Title box (e.g. General Visual Inspection)
• Datasheet No (e.g. 001)
e) The data requirements common to each databox record are not
unnecessarily duplicated, e.g. Anomaly Report No & Code data may be
included once only.
f) Where tasks are included which could be performed on different dates,
e.g. CU-CVI, then CU-CDR, the date of completion is required for each
g) Where possible, any reference drawing is incorporated into the
datasheet in preference to attachment of a separate page.
h) The datasheet can be viewed or copied in black & white at A4 size with
all data remaining legible.

Where databoxes & drawings can be incorporated on datasheets which comply with the
categories & areas of inspection in a final report (see 7.7 following), e.g. 'Defects,
Damage, Corrosion & Debris – Boat landings, or "Corrosion Protection", this can make the
report presentation more coherent.

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8.3.3 Drawings

When a drawing is created independently of a Datasheet, Log or Anomaly Report, the drawing
needs to be formatted and have a title box, in accordance with Spec. Sheet 4.5.3 - Drawing or
Sketching (VI-DRG). When incorporated within a datasheet, log, etc., then the primary drawing
title box details are already covered.

A drawing may be generated prior to an inspection as part of a datasheet, ready for results to be
marked up, or it may be generated at the work site in response to findings.

8.4 Anomaly Reporting Requirements

Whenever an anomaly or anomalous data is encountered, the details & circumstances must be
reported separately, and in addition to, routine data in the form of an Anomaly Report. The
standard data requirements for all Anomaly Reports are specified on the ANOMALY

An example Anomaly Report proforma is given in Attachment A3. A completed example is given
in Attachment A4.

The details of the anomaly or anomalous data are normally presented as a textual description. but
should include tables, drawings, photographs or digitised images, as required to fully illustrate the

8.5 Media Numbering & Labelling

Commonly, video tapes & photographic films will be generated as a result of an inspection
programme. Occasionally, other data or materials will also be collected, e.g. marine growth
samples, data disks, etc. The term "media' is taken to cover all such data or material types, which
cannot be bound, photocopied and filed as part of a conventional hard copy report.

The term 'label" covers any description or identification attached to or marked on an item of
media, e.g. a film wallet cover-sheet, video cassette label, or computer disk label.

To ensure that all media are consistently labelled, clearly cross-referenced to conventional data, and
presented in a format acceptable to the Client, basic rules and guidelines have been established.
These are presented on the following sheet.

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Project No: Prepared:  D. Brighouse
Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

8.6 Media Cataloguing & Transmittal

A media 'catalogue' is a list of media. Note the difference between a media catalogue, such as a
register of all films taken, and a specific media, such as a film log (per Spec. 4.5.2). If several
media items, e.g. video cassettes, are accumulated for a particular contract, then the relevant
catalogue section shall be included as an attachment to any final reports presented for that

To ensure that media are consistently catalogued and managed in their transmittal between work
site and onshore, basic rules and guidelines have been established. These are presented on the
following sheet.

A media catalogue shall be maintained for each type of media used, one for videocassettes, one
for film, etc.

8.7 Final Reporting

The aim of a final report is to present all the significant findings of a work programme in a
concise and end-user-friendly format. The completed data-recording pro formae used to specify
and capture data become of secondary importance, for inclusion as report appendices.

8.7.1 Report Structure

To ensure that the final report aims are met for the BSP end-user, the following report 'Contents
List' shall be used as a template. The sections not applicable to a particular report should be
omitted. Guidelines on individual section contents are given on the following pages. Special, one-
off project reports may be customised to their specific subjects.

8.7.2 Report Content

A) Excerpt

This should be a single A4 page which summarises the report's more significant information. The
main topics are...

B) Introduction

The "Scope of Report' shall be a simple reference to the original work scope document by name
or Work Pack Number, a summary of its main components, cg. 'General Visual Inspection & Scour
Survey, and details of any omissions or additions to that scope, e.g. reduction in scour
measurements, added weld inspection, new technique testing, etc.

The 'Operational Summary' shall state the contractor's name, vessel name. methods of
intervention, e.g. ROV & air-range diver, and dates of work. It shall also summarise the sequence
of operations, including significant interruptions.

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Date: 25 August 1998 q:\qa\qa\ma\dma00011.doc Page: 119 of 120
Project No: Prepared:  D. Brighouse
Approved:  C. Broussard
Global Industries A/P Pte Ltd NDT Inspection Manual

c) Inspection Findings

The conventional- inspection findings shall be categorised by type and structural area into five
sections (2.1 to 2.5) and dependent subsections. On occasions, specialist Inspection or survey work
may require additional sections (2.6.... ).

For each subsection identified in the Contents List (2. 1. 1.... 2.5.1..), where feasible, data shall be
extracted from the original data-capture system and presented according to the following pattern. A
single sentence or paragraph may suffice for each topic. An illustration, e.g. photo, digitised image
or sketch, should be included directly in the text, in preference to making reference to appendices.

D) Remedial & Preventative Maintenance Work

A summary of any significant maintenance actions shall be included, divided into three subsections

The main work steps and the as-left status of items on which work has been performed shall be
noted, along with the reasons for any incomplete work. Such incomplete work shall be clearly
itemised as a list of outstanding maintenance tasks.

Minor and routine maintenance work, i.e. removal of small debris, bolt replacement & tightening
and clearance of inlets/outlets, shall have been summarised briefly in the relevant Inspection
Findings subsections, and therefore shall not warrant mention in this section.

E) Technique Appraisal

This section shall be used, when appropriate, to document any Contractor (or executor) comments
on maintenance & inspection techniques or procedures, including data-recording methods. In
particular, if the "Guidance Notes" section of a task Specification Sheet can be improved or tuned,
or a new Specification Sheet is recommended, then comments to this effect shall be included.

F) Appendices

Finalised drawings & sketches, logs & data sheets, and Anomaly Reports resulting from a project
shall be submitted as appendices to the report. They shall have been checked for accuracy &
correct cross-referencing. They should be typed or printed.

If data are captured via a computerised system, then the data shall be supplied to the Client on disk
or other media. The media shall be properly catalogued and labelled in accordance with Spec.
Sheets 7.5.1 & 7.6. 1, and the catalogue shall be inclu5ed in Appendix IV. Hard copy printout of
the data shall also be supplied per the requirements of Appendices I to Ill.

The appendices may be bound separately, if they are substantial.

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