Errata For Operating System Design - The XINU Approach (Linksys Version)

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Errata for Operating System Design - The XINU Approach (Linksys Version)

Pages 36 & 37 KSEG0 has 16 megabytes of memory, so the hex ranges in the last paragraph on page 36 and in Figure 3.4 on page 37 need to have an addition hex digit. Pages 38 On the 2nd to the last line, the phrase "Y saves the value of 2" should say, "Y saves the value of q". Pages 183 & 184 In the code, the reference to screate should be semcreate. Page 187 In the code, the call to wait should precede the test of whether the port has remained allocated. Page 190 In the code, the reference to sreset should be semreset. Page 191 In the code, the reference to sdelete should be semdelete. Page 289 In ttyIner_in, the code wraps the output buffer pointer instead of the input buffer pointer. Page 347 In file net.h, the size of the UDP and ICMP payload areas should be 1500-28, not 1500-42 octets. Page 419 The index block IDs in the first sector are zero through six (not seven) and in the second, seven through thirteen. Page 442 The description of should say that when the byte pointer lies beyond the end of the current block, lfputc calls lfsetup. Page 522 A comment in file initialize.c should refer to start.S rather than startup.S. Page 556 In Figure 25.3, the top of the brace next to array toktyp is drawn incorrectly. Page 560 The last sentence of the first paragraph should read ``until the end of the line'' (not the ``end of the file'').

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