Aug 2013 Newsletter

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Alpha Sigma News

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Volume 49, Issue 1
Officers 20122014 President Shalan Inmon First VicePresident Marlene Wellman Second VicePresident Mickey Cole Recording Secretary Gencie Houy Treasurer Paula Miller Parliamentarian Connie Flores

August 30, 2013

Alpha Sigma Sisters, Welcome back to Alpha Sigma chapter meetings! What a wonderful variety of programs have been planned for your education, inspiration, and encouragement. Alpha Sigma was well represented at the state convention in Austin. Donajean, Mary Jo, Mary, Judy, Paula, Mickey, Gencie and I had a wonderful time and learned many new ideas. We will share the honors earned at our first meeting. In addition, we had chapter members attend the Southwest Regional Conference in Branson in July. Judy, Donajean, Mary Jo, Mary and I represented Texas and Alpha Sigma well. Our first meeting is Saturday, September 7. We will be having an informal tea and a time of sharing and getting to know our new members. Our chapter dues have not increased, and you will need to be prepared to pay Paula by our October meeting. Our new officers took over the leadership of the Texas State Organization on July 1. President Nancy Newtons theme is Expand the Vision: Educate* Inspire* Encourage. Your officers have learned some new ways of accomplishing some of our state requirements. Be looking for new items on our website that will help us achieve our goals. Mark your calendars with the dates on page two so you dont miss a single meeting. RSVP to Paula for our tea by Wednesday, September 4 and remit $10.00. Forward Moving Ever,

Shalan Inmon Newsletter Editor 2598 CR 3 Slaton, TX 79364 806-996-5307

Alpha Sigma Chapter Alpha State, Texas Area XII Chapter No. 42
Coming Soon-- Lubbock 2014, 85th State Convention

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.

September 7, 2013 10:00 a.m. Lubbock Womens Club Hostesses: Your Officers DKG Moment: Judy Evans Program: Whats New for You in DKG? Members will enjoy a lovely tea and playing a variety of games. RSVP to Paula Miller by Wednesday, September 4 Cost $10.00

Happy Birthday! August Shirley Shelton, 4th

Cindy Guinn, 8th Marsha Dea Davis, 10th Jacqui Daves, 21st Gloria Clawson, 23rd

Pat Brazell, 15th

Deanna Troub, 3rd Elizabeth Bowen, 4th

Meeting Dates for 2013-2014 September 7 October 5 December 7 January 11 February 8 March 25 April 5 May 3 June 19-21 Tea Regular meeting Christmas Tea Regular meeting Regular meeting New member orientation Initiates Brunch & Fundraiser Founders Day Luncheon 85th Alpha State Convention 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 5:30 10:00 11:30 Lubbock

Nancy Vaughn, Vaughn, 15th Judy Evans, 23rd Shalan Inmon, 26th

REMINDER! BEFORE October 31, 2013 Send your dues, $83 for active members $40 for reserve members to: Paula Miller 10617 E CR 7540 Slaton, TX 79364 **See budget for more information**


International Theme: Sharing Our Vision-Strengthening Our Society Texas State Organization Expand The Vision: Educate, Inspire, Encourage

Gencie, Mickey, and Judy attend officer installation in Austin.

PROPOSED Alpha Sigma budget 2013-2014

BALANCE, July 1, 2013. $ 640.16 ESTIMATED INCOME: Dues: Active 35 x $82..... $2870.00 Reserve 2 x $39 $ 78.00 (Fundraiser:) Scholarship: 37 x $1.00$ 37.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED INCOME $2985.00 TOTAL FUNDS AVA ILABLE. $3625.16 ESTIMATED EXPENSES: Dues: State and International Active 35 x $60.00..... $2100.00 Reserve 2 x $27.00...... $ 54.00 Scholarship 38 x $1.00 . Gift to State Scholarship Fund (Honors Chapter)... Printing and Postage (Newsletters, Minutes, Treas. Reports)....... Travel and Expenses (State Convention) Presidents Expenses.. Presidents Project.. Yearbooks Womens Club Dues Womens Club Set Up . Coordinating Council....... Committee Expenses $ 38.00 $ 38.00 $ 100.00 $ 500.00 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 $ 150.00 $ 198.00 $ 62.50 $ 40.00 $ 50.00

Other Operating Expenses $ 144.66 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 3625.16

Convention Pictures

Mary Jo and Gencie make presentations during the convention.

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