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Childhood is the happiest time of a persons life because its a stage of dreams and games and when everything

seems to be perfect, and life resemble magic. Whwn you are a child youre naive and gullible, you think that troubles are for older people and the only thing you must do is play, dream, imagine and crate perfect world and make perfect friends; you dont have to worry about the price of life or some assignment you forgot to do, when youre Young life is perfect. Parents take care of yourself. They do not just do it by feeding you every day , they also do it by taking you to the supermarket and buying you every candy and tibdit you ask for,and the super sugary cereal you love but your parents hate. Yoy also dont have to worry about your security, except for the monster in your room behind your door or in your clset,or well, tah also can be solved by taking a brave visit to your parents bed or calling your mom in the middle of the night. Besides that your parents will be aware of your security outside the house, like when you go to a friens house or you go to a party at that super-fun mall with all that wonderful games with your friends. Money is not a problema for you, you think it comes from the trees or fals down from heaven, it doesnt matter where it comes from, it is there and it is for you. You dont have to worry for almost nothing, except of course, the time of your favorite TV show, the new fancy toys in that toy store, what you are gonna play with your friends tomorrow during recess, and stuff like that; you dont have to worry of things that really matters lke your assignments or your teachers. School when youre child its destinated to have fun, not for learning the acbs or delivering your homework early and on time. For most children the importance of learning is reduced to one thing: exams. Youre not thinking about if that knowledge is gonna be neccesary for the rest of your ife, even if your parents tell you so. Exams have always been a headache for students, even since elementary school, some hear the Word exam and start thinking in monster or difficult, a 6 in an exam was the most awful grade, it meaned the worst, however in university and high school, a 1 means that you did a great job, an excellent effort, and an averageable grade. In elementary school, overcoat in 1st and 2nd grade, everyone got ten, it was like too easy, and all of the classmates were proud of themselves. When youre a child, life is easyer. Stuff like adapting to new kind of groups didnt exist, they were just people, and more people; having friends was some kind of challenge if you were too shy, but anyways you will have to find like somekind of soulmate by the end of the first week, and there are not judgements, problems with your friends could be solved in a game of tazos or cartoon cards, everythign was the same, except of course the rivalries between the popular gruop and the not popular group, but that ones are classic. Being a child is the most wonderful step in a persons life because nothing is complicated, children are creative and always find solutions for all kind of problems, creative solutions, they dont judge people, they just accept them how they are, and above all that, fun is a priority.

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