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Plutarco Elas Calles Goverment.

Mariana Gabriela Araiza Snchez Juan Francisco Hernandez Reyes Bryan Alexandro Lozano Galaviz Eduardo Nez Garca Marcela Vsquez Garca

Calles' presidency was supported by labor and peasant unions. The Laborist party which supported his government in reality functioned as the political-electoral branch of the powerful Regional Confederation of Mexican Workers (CROM), led by Luis Napolen Morones. Shortly before his inauguration he had travelled to Europe to study social democracy and the labor movement, and he tried to implement the things he had learned there in Mexico. Calles supported land reforms and promoted the ejido as a way to emancipate campesinos, but no large tracts of land were redistributed under his presidency nonetheless. Calles founded several banks in support of campesinos as well as the Banco de Mxico, Mexico's national bank. Calles's finance secretary Alberto J. Pani managed to achieve debt relief of a part of Mexico's foreign debt, but after a conflict with Calles, Pani resigned in 1927. Main points of Calles presidency: 1. He professionalize the army 2. He made Ley Calles 3. He created the Banco de Mxico 4. He created PNR party 5. He created the Banco de Credito Agricola 6. He improve education

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