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Student Learning Map Topic: The American Dream Key Learning: The American Dream is a living concept that

is part of our national identity.

Unit Essential Question

What is the American Dream and how has it changed/developed over time?

Concept The American Dream

Concept Different Perspectives

Concept Essay of Argument

Lesson Essential Questions: What is the American Dream? What is the difference between a primary and secondary source? How have American Philosophical trends influenced literature and the concept of the American Dream?

Lesson Essential Questions: How do readers analyze reallife examples to understand how different cultures define the American Dream? How do readers use textual evidence as the basis for inferences? How do ideologies about money and work define the American Dream?

Lesson Essential Questions: What are the five elements of an essay of argument? How does a writer use evidence to support a claim? How do writers synthesize multiple sources to generate a working definition of the American Dream?

Vocabulary Primary Source Secondary Source Transcendentalism Deism Theism Pantheism

Vocabulary Social Classes Discrimination Gender Roles Characterization Perspective Evidence

Vocabulary Argument Counter Argument Denotation Connotation Rhetorical Devices

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