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TO THE CITIZENS OF GRAND FALLS-WINDSOR: This town is at a crossroads in its history. The local economy at this point in time is dependent on workers who leave the town to work on projects in Labrador, Long Harbour and Alberta. While this is fine in the short term, we need to work to have industry back in the local area. We have vast resources in forestry that needs to be utilized. As well, post-secondary education in the town needs further development. The economic and social benefit of increasing access to more programs through both the public and private colleges in the area should be a priority. The Provincial Government need to honor their commitment to Grand Falls-Windsor to construct new Med Labs needed for programs to ensure that students who start the program can complete the program here. While we have many challenges to overcome; it can be done. If those who are chosen to lead the town in the next four years have the ability to unite the business people and residents of the town in a common cause, we can build a prosperous future. On September 24 , I respectfully ask for your support.

For a Stronger Voice

Tom Pinsent for Councillor


To Contact Tom Pinsent Email:

If you require transportation on voting day please call: 489-4384

Tom Pinsent and family.


Born and raised in Grand FallsWindsor. Completed High School at St. Michaels High School in Grand Falls-Windsor. Joined the Canadian Armed Forces and served for 11 years in CFB Gagetown, New Brunswick, Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre St. Johns, CFB Shearwater, Nova Scotia and 727 Communication Squadron in St. Johns leaving the service at the rank of Sargent. Graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Graduated with a Bachelor of Vocational Education Degree from Memorial University of Newfoundland. Employed with the College of the North Atlantic in Grand FallsWindsor as a Business Instructor since September, 1992. Owner and operator of two local businesses employing ten people.

I PLEDGE TO: - Increase the Economic Development Budget to help promote the towns current businesses and to aid in attracting new business. - Work with local law enforcement agencies to reduce the amount of drugs that are becoming increasingly available within the town. - Respectfully work to ensure that the area receives a fair return on our hydro and wood resources in order to enable us to attract new investors. - Work with the public and private colleges to help offer more programs and course offerings for students wishing to continue their education in Grand FallsWindsor. - Work towards having an affordable student residence in the area which will attract students to Grand Falls-Windsor. - Work towards making Grand FallsWindsor an entertainment centre for special events by utilizing Centennial Field and Red Cliff for more events such as the Salmon Festival. - Work towards improving the development of the High Street, Main Street and other business areas. - Invite more involvement of local residents, businesses and volunteer groups by having them involved in the process of

helping the town grow both socially and economically. - Complete an audit of all town departments to ensure that rules and regulations are followed fairly for everyone. - Work towards ensuring that an environmental cleanup of the former Abitibi Bowater Mill is completed in a timely manner and a development plan put in place for the site. - Work with the other town councils in the area to help develop a regional collective voice. - Encourage public involvement in the economic development process to ensure that social and economic concerns are met. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: President of the Main Street Business Association. Member of 75th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Windsor. President of NAPE Local 3402 at the College of the North Atlantic.

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