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Junior english

2013-2014 CARMAN

Monday August 19
On your notecard, write the following: 1. Your name 2. Something you do when youre not doing schoolwork 3. A good book youve read within the last 12 months 4. Your current song/movie/obsession

Exit ticket:
Something youd like to get out of school this year

Something you are giving back to society this year

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Theres a prompt almost every day. Label each entry. Keep entries together & turn in on Friday (or Monday). Worth 3 points each. WRITE THE WHOLE TIME! If you miss a day, you must make up the bellwork.

Tuesday, August 20 bellwork

What makes for a good learning environment? What makes for a bad learning environment?

Your answer may be a list or a paragraph.

Wednesday, August 21 Bellwork

What tips and strategies do you have for note-taking?

1. Around 500 B.C.E., English was basically the same language as _________. 2. What made Old English nouns so difficult to learn? 3. What is the Old English plural form of book? 4. What is the Old English plural form of egg? 5. What is the Old English plural form of child?

How many of these questions do your notes help you answer?

Which question is most related to the videos main idea? 1. Around 500 B.C.E., English was basically

4. 5.


the same language as _________. What made Old English nouns so difficult to learn? What is the Old English plural form of book? What is the Old English plural form of egg? What is the Old English plural form of child? What group of people is responsible for

Friday, August 23 Bellwork

Describe yourself as a reader. You might consider the following: What kinds of books, magazines, websites, or articles do you like to read? What is your least favorite kind of reading? How do you focus? When and where do you like to read? How have you changed as a reader, since you were younger? How is reading useful to you? How would you like to improve as a reader?

Exit Ticket reflection (on back of notecard)

Write 3-5 complete sentences about how using this strategy affected your reading experience. What did you like or dislike about the strategy? How do you think this strategy will affect how you remember the story? What might you use this strategy for in the future?

Tuesday, August 27 Bellwork

Describe the society that Harrison Bergeron lives in. Provide 2 quotations that reveal something important about this society. What do these quotations reveal? Example: The society is
Quotation (pg. #) Quotation (pg. #) What it shows us about their society What it shows us about their society

Wednesday, August 28 Bellwork

Do you think cursive should be taught in school? Why or why not? Please write in complete sentences.

Tuesday, September 03 Bellwork Hows it going?

Write a journal entry about whatever is on your mind. (You will not be asked to share this with the class).

Whether or Weather?
I couldnt tell ________________ she was serious or not.

Theyre, There, or Their?

__________ are too many possible answers to this question.

Whose or Whos?
_____________ going to help me with this?

Effect or Affect?
Reading that book had a peculiar _____________ on Evelyn.

Uninterested or Disinterested?
I am completely ________________ in this movie.

Loose or Lose?
Im afraid shes going to ____________ her grandmothers wedding band.

Lieing, Laying, or Lying?

My mother has been _______________ in bed all morning.

Accept or Except?
She has apparently found it difficult to ______________ the circumstances.

Its or Its?
She apparently doesnt care about _____________ origins in antiquity.

Than or Then?
Its usually hotter _____________ this in July.

Cite, Sight, or Site?

The politicians cant seem to find an appropriate ______________ for the new community college.

Quite, Quiet, or Quit?

Ive never known the library to be __________ this quiet.

How to summarize a text

Wednesday, September 4 Bellwork

Use the SomebodyWanted-But-SoThen format to summarize a story you know. (It may be a fairy tale, novel, movie, etc.)

Thursday, September 05 Bellwork

Where are you on your heros journey? Spend at least 5 minutes writing

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