Akamai Presentation v1 2

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Implementing a Chopper Device to Provide Chopping Techniques for Ground-Based Observation Telescopes Aaron Ahue Engineering Technology Program:

MHPCC and PDS Mentors: Daron Nishimoto, Dave Schultz, and Dennis Douglas

Project Context
Problem: Daytime ground- based observations of astronomical objects because of the brightness of the background they are being compared to Solution: Chopping and Nodding techniques subtract these backgrounds and produce higher precision images

Explanation of Chopping and Nodding

Chopping and Nodding Process

Rendering a Higher Precision Image Through Pixel Subtraction

Project Overview
Introduce chopping techniques into any telescope by incorporating a chopper device

Project Objectives
Create a controller for the chopper device a) Assemble Hardware b) Code Microcontroller - Arduino Uno c) Develop Python code to implement user interrupts over a serial port Create a Graphical User Interface (GUI), provides ease-of-use for the user Testing Further development after implementation

The Chopper Device

System Diagram

Controller Hardware Components and Assembly

Arduino Uno and Servo Shield Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Housing Unit Completed Unit

Arduino Code Overview


Setup and Initiate Program

If Data is on Serial com port



Move Servo to specified Angle

Arduino Code Functionality

Move servos 10 from a fixed location, giving each servo a full 20 of motion Waits for variables and commands from Python program sent over the serial port

Python Code Overview


Wait Setup and Initiate Program User Input

If Data is Valid

NO Display Error


Commands and Variables

commands/variables over serial com port

Functionality and Obstacles of Initial Python Code

Functions: Sends commands as user needs to make adjustments Interrupts Arduino code Sends scripts utilizing serial port

Obstacles: Entering commands was tedious Python Shell: >>>import servo >>>servo.move(1, 45) -> (servo #, degrees) >>>servo.move(2, 60) >>>servo.move(2, 35)

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Created in Python Qt Creator Links functionality of Python code with a graphical user interface
Python Shell: >>import servo
Degree ) Servo # >>servo.move(1, 45) ->( servo # , degree

>>servo.move(2, 60)

Accomplished: Created chopper controller Created a GUI for the chopper controller Chopper controller is ready for initial testing and calibration Experience Gained: Python programming (GUI) creation Data collection of astronomical objects through the use of ground-based observation telescopes: Mount model: Calibrations for RC-16 telescope, made by mapping known astronomical objects during night observations

Future Implementation
Perfect servo mapping Add functionality to Python and GUI code Testing and calibrations Documentation and guides

Pacific Defense Solutions MHPCC This material is based upon work supported by the Akamai Workforce Initiative with funding from: the National Science Foundation (AST#0836053); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-101044); University of Hawaii; Air Force Research Laboratory; Kamehameha Schools; Thirty Meter Telescope

Thank You!

Paraxial Beam Deviation Equation Offsets

Declination and Right Ascension Axes Definitions

Declination Axis: The axis of an equatorially mounted telescope that is at right angles to the polar axis, about which the telescope is turned in order to view points at different declinations but at a constant right ascension. Right Ascension Axis: One of the two direction coordinates of a point on the celestial sphere in the equatorial coordinate system, usually combined with declination. Right ascension's angular distance is measured eastward along the celestial equator from the vernal equinox to the hour circle of the point in question.

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