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Join the

Blue Ridge Parent Teacher Student Association


Phone number:_________________________________________
Email address(our preferred method of contact):_____________________
Grade of child/children:__________________________________
How involved do you want to be in the Blue Ridge PTSA?______
Membership options: Please check amount paid.
___$5- PURPLE membership
___$35 or higher- GOLD membership (The gold membership gives you the
opportunity to make a larger donation. It also gives you the opportunity to donate your
money instead of your time. If you are too busy to help us with our efforts, become a gold
member and specify that you are not interested in giving your time.)
___enter amount here if more than $35____________
Mail form and check payable to:
Blue Ridge PTSA
1200 W White Mountain Blvd.
Lakeside, AZ 85929

Check out our PTSA blog at:


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