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“We Are Boston 2009”

Individual/Organization & Heritage Table Sponsorship Form

Mayor Thomas M. Menino, the Office of New Bostonians and the “We Are Boston 2009 ”Event Committee invite
you to be a Individual/Organization or Heritage Table Sponsor at this exciting event in honor of Yo Yo Ma,
world renowned Cellist and other outstanding individuals and organizations. All Table Sponsors will receive a
special listing in the Program Book. Heritage Table Sponsors can contribute an inspiring heritage quote or
saying to a new Heritage page in the We are Boston 2009 Program Book.

Individual/Organization & Heritage Table Sponsorship, ten guests ($1,000.00)

I wish to sponsor ___(number) of Individual/Organization Table(s).  Please list as indicated below.

Individual/Organization listing:______________________________________________________________

I wish to sponsor ___(number) of  Heritage Table(s). Please list my Heritage table as indicated here: 
Heritage Quote:_________________________________________________________________________

Contact Person:   ________________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________

Phone: _________________________E­mail: _________________________________________________

Enclosed is my check for $____________ For more information please contact Mayra Canetti at 617-635-2980 or
e-mail Please make checks payable to Boston Educational Development
Foundation (Exemption Number E 22-2514-422). Send checks to Office of New Bostonians, Boston
City Hall, Room 803. Boston, MA 02201.

Contributions are tax deductible as permitted by law under IRS Code 501 (c) (3)

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