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The moment attention moves away from self it looses center goes off center or off beat.

. From concentral (concentrating/reecting) it goes to conceptual (conceiving/theorizing) which is going from real living reality or the Now (which is where Self lives) to (a) construct or a constructed abstract reality. An infered reality derived from a derivative. A generalizationa virtual realitya map. We end up in a mental construct, really a virtual reality which entraps the very creator of it. We are entrapped in our own video game. If attention remains on self: con-centric, in place of con-ceptual, it remains outside of all the boxes or limiting ideas soaring the land of innite possibilities effortlessly, which is the eternal Now. There are no worries in the now, because worries are always pre-occupations (preoccupied) which are projections, generalizations. The Now is always new and pristine. This is why they use all these words which stand for freedom to sell all these boxed in things: New, natural, real, fresh, pristine, transparent, sustainable, green, free Yet nothing in a construct, contrived, controlled, designed, in a program, box or machine can ever bear these labels as quality mark or stamp

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