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DOCUMENTATION: A comprehensive list of NetBackup (tm) 6.0 directories and commands relating to Unified Logging.

Manual: Veritas NetBackup (tm) 6.0 Troubleshooting Guide for UNIX and Windows, page(s): 74 - 87 Modification Type: Supplement Modification: NetBackup 6.0 introduces a new style of logging called Unified logging. This new style of logging is used by NetBackup 6.0 NetBackup Intelligent Resource Manager (IRM), Enterprise Media Manager (EMM) services as well as other NetBackup options. Unified logging is also used by other Symantec products as well. The previous style of NetBackup logging is now referred to as Legacy logging and is still used by other NetBackup daemons. The following is a comprehensive list of NetBackup 6.0 directories and commands relating to Unified Logging. Refer to TechNote 243778 in the "Related Documents" section below, for information on NetBackup Legacy logging. Different levels of VERBOSE Unified logging stores the verbose levels in the /usr/openv/netbackup/nblog.conf file. While this is a text file, it is not recommended to modify this file with a text editor. The vxlogcfg command should be used modify the global logging level, or the overrides for individual processes (known as originators). The vxlogcfg requires several options to configure VERBOSE logging.

First is the "-a" or "--add" option to add a value. The "-a" option can also be used to modify existing values in the nblog.conf file. The "-p" or "--prodid" is used to set the values for the NetBackup product (ProductID 51216). The "-o" or "--orgid" is used to set the default value or to override the default setting for a specific originator. Refer to TechNote 279564 for additional information on using this switch. Finally, the "-s" or "--setting" needs to be used to specify the values to be changed.

To set the maximum logging level for all daemons run:

# cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin # ./vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o Default -s DebugLevel=5 -s DiagnosticLevel=5

Note: For servers with high logging levels and lots of activity, the vxlogview command can take a long time to complete. This delay will be more noticeable the further back the query has to search. To return to the default level of logging for all daemons run:
# cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin # ./vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o Default -s DebugLevel=1 -s DiagnosticLevel=1

To disable logging for all daemons run:

# cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin # ./vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o Default -s DebugLevel=0 -s DiagnosticLevel=0

After setting these options run vxlogcfg -p 51216 -o Default -l to verify the change is in place. No process restart is needed for changes to Unified Logging to take affect. Note: This will not list any overrides for specific originators. To check for overrides run the command:
# grep DebugLevel /usr/openv/netbackup/nblog.conf Default.DebugLevel=5 116.DebugLevel=2

The output will list the Default setting as well as any overrides for a specific originator ID. This example shows an override set for originator ID 116 (nbpem). If only Default is displayed then no overrides have been set. Configuration Files used with Unified Logging Unified logging is meant to work NetBackup as well as other products. As a result, there are different configuration files used with Unified logging.

The /etc/vx/vrtslog.conf file stores a list of Product Id's that are configured to use Unified logging. This will contain entries for NetBackup as well as other products such as the VERITAS Shared Infrastructure Services (VxICS) or the VERITAS File System (VxFS). This file will not need to be modified when configuring Unified Logging for NetBackup.

The /usr/openv/netbackup/nblog.conf file stores a listing of Originator ID's used by NetBackup. This is the primary file that will be modified with vxlogcfg to configure Unified logging for NetBackup. Commands used with Unified Logging There are three primary commands used with Unified logging. These are:

vxlogview - This command is used to view the Unified log files. The vxlogview command allows the administrator to search by process (also known as an originator), Job ID, timeframe, etc. to display only the log entries needed to help isolate a problem. vxlogcfg - This command is used to configure Unified logging settings such as how many days to keep logs, when to rotate log files as well as other settings. vxlogmgr - This command is used to manage Unified log files and can be used to move or delete logs. This can also be used to upload logs to a directory which can then be sent to Symantec Enterprise Technical Support for analysis. There are additional Unified Logging commands called vxloggen and vxlogadmin. These are used by the VERITAS Shared Infrastructure Services to control Unified Logging at the Product ID level and are not needed to configure Unified logging for NetBackup.

Directories used with Unified Logging The /usr/openv/logs directory on the Master/EMM server stores log files. Unlike Legacy logging, no directories need to be created for Unified logging to take effect. By default logging is enabled at the lowest level and can be adjusted as needed using the vxlogcfg command.

The format for the file names stores in the /usr/openv/logs directory is as follows:

The <productID> for NetBackup is 51216. A list of Product Id's can be found in the /etc/vx/vrtslog.conf file. The <originatorID> will indicate what process the log is for. A list of Originator Id's can be found in the /usr/openv/netbackup/nblog.conf file. The <hostID> indicates the host ID of the machine.

The <date>indicates the date of the log and is in YYMMDD format. The <rotation> is used to rotate the logs to control log size and disk space usage.

The /etc/vx directory on the Master/EMM server stores product level configurations for NetBackup and other products such as the Infrastructure Common Services.

Daemons that use Unified Logging A listing of processes and originators that use Unified logging include, but are not limited to:

NetBackup Policy Execution Manager (nbpem) NetBackup Job Manager (nbjm) NetBackup Resource Broker (nbrb) NetBackup Enterprise Media Manager (nbemm) NetBackup Service Layer (nbsl) NetBackup Generic Job (nbgenjob) NetBackup Notification Service (nbnos) NetBackup for NDMP and ndmpagent NetBackup avrd and robotic processes NetBackup Operations Monitor (NOMTRS, NOMClient and NOMServer) Bare Metal Restore daemons (bmrd, bmbbd, bmrc, bmrs, bmrconfig, bmrsavecfg, bmrsrtadm, bmrprep, bmrsetupmaster, bmrsetupboot, bmrpkg, bmrcreatepkg, bmrcreatefloppy.exe, bmrrst.exe and bmrmap.exe) VERITAS Private Branch Exchange (VxPBX) Daemons that continue to use Legacy logging A listing of daemons that use Legacy logging include, but are not limited to:

NetBackup Master Server daemons (bprd, bpdbm, bpjobd, bpdbjobs, admin) NetBackup Media Server daemons (bpbrm, bptm, bpdm) NetBackup Robotic daemons (vmd, avrd, ltid and robotic daemons) NetBackup Client daemons (bpcd, bpbkar, tar)

For assistance with viewing Unified log files check the NetBackup 6.0 Troubleshooting Guide for UNIX and Windows. TechNote 278059 in the Related Documents section below also contains examples for using the vxlogview command to view Unified log files.

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