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7th Grade Business / Technology Overview 2013-2014

Unit Keyboarding Content Standards

Common Core English Language Arts / Writing W7.6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and link to and cite sources as well as to interact and collaborate with others, including linking to and citing sources.

Content Topics Keyboarding Technique Computer Ergonomics

Vocabulary Accuracy Speed Endurance Proper posture Home position Keystroke GWAM Numeric keyboard Qwerty keyboard Vocabulary Cyberbullying Online predator Chat rooms Netiquette Digital drama Expectations of privacy Internet Service Provider (ISP) Gaming Social networking Copyright Fair use Plagiarism Intellectual property rights Credible resource Edmodo Moodle Blog SkyDrive Shared folders Email Instant messaging Text Character

I Can
Consistently demonstrate correct fingering, posture and hand position with: Accuracy 80% Speed 28 WPM Endurance 2 pages

Graduates possess technological and information literacy

-They understand, manage and create oral, written and multimedia communication.

Unit Digital Citizenship

Content Standards
Digital Citizenship (NETS) Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. National Business Education Assoc Standard 1: Impact on Society Assess the impact of information technology in a global society. National Sexuality Education Standards (HR.8.SM.2): Healthy Relationships Describe strategies to use social media safely, legally, and respectfully. Iowa Core Technology Literacy: Understand the legal and ethical issues of technology as related to individuals, cultures, and societies. Common Core English Language Arts / Writing W6.8: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources. Grade 6 Unit 4: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving & Decision Making (NETS) Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.

Content Topics Internet Social Media Safety Legal and ethical use of technology Netiquette

I Can...
Report cyberbullying and possible inappropriate actions. Recognize online danger signs and know how to take appropriate actions to protect myself while using the internet and social media. Understand the consequences of sharing Personal Information. Use MLA to site references with guidance. Evaluate the accuracy, and relevancy of electronic information sources with guidance. Work with multiple teammates to complete a task using Web 2.0 Technology Tools. Develop and follow an action plan for collaborative activities. Create communication using proper etiquette for various audiences using Web 2.0 tools.

7th Grade Business / Technology Overview 2013-2014

Graduates possess technological and information literacy -They understand, manage and create oral, written and multimedia communication.

Spam Social media Web 2.0 Global citizenship

Unit Computer Applications

Content Standards
Critical Thinking, Problem Solving & Decision Making (NETS) Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Technology Operations and Concepts (NETS) Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations. * Select and Use applications effectively and productively National Business Education Associations. Standard IV: Input Technologies Use various input technologies to enter and manipulate information appropriately.

Content Topics Word Processing Spreadsheets

Vocabulary Ribbon Review Insert Page layout Home File View Spacing Margins Page orientation

I Can
Demonstrate appropriate use of word processing tools such as tables, print preview, hyperlink, word count, use of ruler, restore/minimize/ viewing multiple files simultaneously, thesaurus. Follow step-by-step directions to produce a graphic chart from a spreadsheet using the following skills: sheets, move a copy, maximize/minimize, sum/average and sort A-Z.

National Business Education Associations: Standard 6: Interactive Multimedia Use multimedia software to create media rich projects.

Unit Technology Operations and Concepts

Content Standards
Technology Operations and Concepts (NETS) Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations. * Select and Use applications effectively and productively National Business Education Assoc. Standard IV: Input Technologies Use various input

Content Topics Software Hardware File Management

Vocabulary Save Save as Folder Cloud Storage External Storage Devices

I Can
Develop and demonstrate problem solving skills to determine the most optimal place to save files. Rename a file. Know the advantages and

7th Grade Business / Technology Overview 2013-2014

technologies to enter and manipulate information appropriately.

Open Renaming Drive Server Operating system Control panel System software Application software Application software Start menu Printer Scanner Central Processing Unit (CPU) Mouse Keyboard Monitor USB Ethernet cable VGA Wireless External storage Webcam

disadvantages of different operating systems. Work through a troubleshooting checklist.

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