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Synthesis of α- and β-glucose pentaacetates

Vaardigheden, Hogeschool Utrecht Date: 2009-03-05

Wouter Nieuwstraten,

Two glucose pentaacetate anomers are synthesized using two separate catalysts and acetic anhydride with
glucose. Iodine and sodium respectively yield α- and β-glucose pentaacetate.

5Results and discussion

Glucose exists in equilibrium of two different
anomers; α- and β-glucose. The difference Scheme 2: Mechanism of esterification with acetic anhyd-
between these two stereo isomers is the location
of the hydroxyl group on the C1-atom. This Hypothesized is that the sodium acetate in the
10equilibrium is pH dependant and described in reaction mixture will not change the pH drastic-
Scheme 1. ally, but will buffer the acetic acid co-product
According to the citations used, the α-glucose is enough to prevent formation of the α-anomer.
formed in acidic solution, while the β-glucose is 45The iodine has no buffering properties; the
formed in basic solution. In neutral pH, the solution will become acidic, consequently the
15glucose prefers to be in the β-state. This state α-anomer will form.
has less hindrance since all hydroxyl groups are When the hemiacetal is formed into the more
in equatorial position. In the α-state, the C1-hy- stable acetal (hydroxyl group is converted to an
droxyl exists in axial position, which is less fa- 50ester/ether), the anomerization will not occur
vorable due to some steric hindrance from the anymore. Therefore the pentaacetate glucose
20C2-hydroxyl. anomers created can be isolated and tested for
their properties.
In total three experiments were performed, of
55which one experiment was performed with
galactose in stead of glucose. The galactose
Scheme 1: Acid-Base equilibrium of α- and β-glucose pentaacetate could not be isolated.
The found data on all products are displayed in
The different anomers form because of anomer- Table 1. To view the experiment description,
25ization; the hemiacetal bond (C1) breaks open to 60see the Experimental section.
form the aldehyde (and alcohol). The aldehyde Table 1: Physical data and constants, all reactions per-
will close the ring to form the hemiacetal again. formed with acetic anhydride.
Depending on the conditions, the hydroxyl Reagents Product data
Catalyst Sugar Yield Appearance Mp. α/ β
group on the hemiacetal will form the α- or β- NaOAc D-Glucose 68% White solid 130°C β

30anomer. I2 D-Glucose 87% White ndls. 91°C α

I2 D-Galactose No isolatable product formed

When glucose is reacted with acetic anhydride The anomers are determined by comparing the
and a catalyst the pentaacetate forms. Depend- H-NMR spectra of the products; according to
ing on the type of catalyst used in the reaction, 65the given literature, the resonance peak at 6.6
either α- or β-glucose pentaacetate is synthes- ppm for the β-anomer (Figure 1) is shifted to
35ized. The acetic anhydride reacts with the hy- 7.3 ppm for the α-anomer (Figure 2).
droxyl groups in a general ester reaction
The IR spectra should be nearly exactly the
(Scheme 2).
same for both products. However, the α-

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70anomer’s IR spectrum has a distinctive hydro- Synthesis of α-D-galactose pentaacetate
gen bridge peak at around 3200. This may be 10 mL of acetic anhydride is added. 2 g of D-
caused by some trapped methanol/water in the 115galactose is carefully added. While stirring with
crystalline structure of the product. It may also a magnetic stirrer, add few crystals (max. 0.5 g)
be caused by some residing hydroxyl peaks, but of iodine.
75these should have been washed away from the
Keep this mixture at room temperature while
stirring for at least 40 minutes. When the reac-
The melting point (mp.) found unexpected 120tion has proceeded, a solution of 10% sodium
properties in the α-anomer. Instead of a melting bisulfite is added until the solution’s color turns
point of 110 °C (Literature ), a melting point of to pale lemon yellow.
8091 °C was found. This may correspond to the
The remaining solution is mixed with approx-
IR spectrum found earlier, as impurities may
imately 50 g of ice and is stirred until all ice is
(will) lower melting points. In the β-anomer, no
abnormalities have been discovered; a melting 125dissolved. The powder is then filtered off. The
filtered product is recrystallized from a 1:2
point of 130 °C was obtained, while 130-131
solution of water/methanol.
85°C was discussed in the synthesis in Literature .

Experimental Literature
1. Blokboek VC6R 2008-2009, Vaardig-
Synthesis of α-D-glucose pentaacetate 130 heden, C. Schneiders, p. 15-17
To a 50 mL round bottomed flask, 10 mL of
acetic anhydride is added. 2 g of D-glucose is
90carefully added. While stirring with a magnetic
stirrer, add few crystals (max. 0.5 g) of iodine.
Keep this mixture at room temperature while
stirring for at least 40 minutes. When the reac-
tion has proceeded, a solution of 10% sodium
95bisulfite is added until the solution’s color turns
to pale lemon yellow.
The remaining solution is mixed with approx-
imately 50 g of ice and is stirred until all ice is
dissolved. The powder is then filtered off. The
100filtered product is recrystallized from a 1:2
solution of water/methanol.

Synthesis of β-D-glucose pentaacetate

To a 50 mL round bottomed flask, 2.5 g of D-
glucose and 2 g of sodium acetate is added. Add
10512.5 mL acetic anhydride and apply cooler to
flask. Heat the mixture to 100°C for 1.5 hours
while stirring.
After the reaction, mix the solution with 125
mL of ice water (0°C!). Keep mixing at 0°C for
110another 10 minutes. Filter off the product and
recrystallized from a 1:2 solution of

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Figure 4: IR of the pentaacetate formed with

iodine as the catalyst.

Figure 1: 1H-NMR of the pentaacetate in CDCl3 formed

with sodium acetate. The anomer formed is the β-anomer.

Figure 2: 1H-NMR of the pentaacetate in CDCl3 formed
with iodine as catalyst. The anomer formed is the α

140Figure 3: IR of the pentaacetate formed with sodium acet-


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