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Tools for area measurement

Here you will learn how to use Reconstructors

tools for measuring the area of portions of

surfaces, defined by point clouds or by meshes.

B28. Area

Tools for area measurement

Reconstructor distinguishes the following cases:

1. Measure the area of a portion of a mesh, selected with the 2D selection tools
2. Measure the area of a portion of a point cloud, selected with polyline and plane 3. Measure the area of a portion of point clouds, selected with the 2D selection tools 4. Measure the area of a mesh (quickly done with right-click on a mesh item, then Meshing tools -> Compute area)

B28. Area

To choose the operation youre interested in:

Press the Area button

Case 1. Area of mesh portion

Case 3. Area of cloud portion, selected with 2D tools

Case 2. Area of cloud portion,

selected with 3D polyline

B28. Area

1. Area of mesh portion

1. The recipe window area of mesh portion appears 2. Drag in it the mesh item you want to select a portion from 3. Use the selection tools to select a portion of the mesh 4. Press the Area button in the recipe window 5. A sub-mesh is calculated out of your selection, and its area is presented to you in a report dialog.

B28. Area

2. Area of cloud portion, selected with 3D polyline

By clicking this option, the process for selecting points with a polyline starts. This is already explained in the module B13 - Selection tools, from slide 9 on.

The recipe window for selecting points with polyline appears

When the selection is over, you can select Yes in the dialog below:

The selection you have made is then meshed with the Delaunay 2.5D algorithm (see
module B27), and the area of the resulting mesh is reported

B28. Area

3. Area of cloud portion, selected with 2D tools

1. The recipe window area of sampled cloud appears 2. Use the selection tools to select a portion of the point clouds you are viewing 3. Press the Area button in the recipe window 4. A mesh is calculated out of your selection, and

its area is presented to you in a report dialog.

B28. Area

3. Area of cloud portion, selected with 2D tools

The mesh resulting from the example in the previous slide is shown here.

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