Would You Electrocute Someone?

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I F H I T L E R A S K E D YO U T O E L E C T R O C U T E A S T R A N G E R , W O U L D Y O U ?

Philip Meyer wrote an article based on the works of Stanley Milgram. Milgram was a social psychologist who had a plan to prove that Germans were different from everyone else. Germans were more obedient, he thought, and so he would test a few Americans, test a few Germans, and then decide why Germans were more obedient. But he didnt have to take the test anywhere because he found out that the Americans were every bit as obedient as he expected the Germans to be, if not more. His project consisted of a scripted situation in which everyone except one person was aware of what was going on. The person who was unaware was a teacher while a harmless looking individual was a learner strapped to an electrode set. The teacher would ask questions and the learner would answer them. If the answer was wrong, the teacher would shock the learner. And sometimes the shocks were intense. Intense enough to be labeled dangerous. But more than Milgram expected, people were surprisingly obedient enough to press the button to shock people, and when the script was rewritten to show the learner not wanting to participate anymore, the teacher was told to force down the learners hand in obedience to the person telling him what to do. The startling truth of Milgrams work is not only bone chilling but terrifying. And it clearly explains why so many people listen to people in power. There isnt any questioning. Milgram didnt have to go to Germany at all because his thesis was proven wrong from the get go.

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