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Literature has been the best way in expressing someones sentiments toward society. It has also been a bridge in revealing someones experience. It is a tool that can carry the readers imagination into a dream where they can actually conceptualize the reality. Some writers exploit the society to make a remarkable story by using their imaginations and their creativity, inspired by the experience of every individual in the society. Many authors write short stories according to what they have seen in the society and most of which are the social oppression experiencing by most women. These authors style of writing and probably their school of thought falls under Realism. Since the day has set in motion, women tend to be dependent on men given the fact that men are the supreme beings in the society. Oppression among women is a concept that describes a relationship of dominance and subordination between men and women in which men benefits from the systematic abuse, exploitation, and injustice directed toward the women, because basically women dont have the capacity to work in a society. Their productive role was determined by the family, to which they belonged, by the man to whom they were subordinate. This economic dependence determined the second-class status of women, on which the cohesiveness and continuity of the patriarchal family has always depended. However, philosophically speaking, it can be argued that these oppressions and struggles that are deemed by most of society as negative can always create a positive long term effects in the society. The object of this research is to prove through the selected short stories just that. Violence, discrimination, abuse etc. all of the things that mankind has tried to put an end since the day we decided that we should be civilized are all for naught that men have been going against nature when the day we told ourselves that we should purge evil. The study is intended to identify the cultural oppression among women found in the selected short stories of Don Pagusara, a short story writer who resides in Davao city, Philippines. By analyzing

Don Pagusaras literary works, the researcher might contribute to Mindanao studies. After which, the researchers shall identify its effects and the reasons why these oppressions turn out to be beneficial for the characters and the social setting alike in the selected short stories.

Statement of the Problem This study aims to provide emphasis on the feminist view of the selected short stories of Don Pagusara by answering the following questions:

1.) What are the feminist stages in the selected short stories of Don Pagusara? 2.) What are the the mechanisms of group hierarchy oppression the female characters in terms of; a.) Aggregated individual discrimination b.) Aggregated institutional discrimination c.) Behavioral Asymmetry 3.) What are the effects of these oppressions to their characteristics?

Objective of the Study This study aimed and intended to identify the feminist stage of women and the cultural oppressions they have encountered and its effects in the female found in the selected short stories of Don Pagusara.

Significance of the Study

Students. It may help the students to acknowledge and appreciate the works of Sir Don Pagusara and help them know more about the social oppression among women and effects in the society. This may serve as the solution for them to go further than what is stated and written.

Teachers. This may also help the teachers in having further knowledge about social oppression among women and may share to their students the positive effects of it in the society, and how it is presented in the story.

Future researchers. The future researchers may consider this study a fundamental analysis of social oppression among women and its effects in Don Pagusaras selected stories. Moreover, this is a substantial contribution to the larger body of knowledge in the literature department.

Scope and Limitation of the Study This study is limited only in identifying the feminist phases and social oppressions among women and analyzing its effects in the society through the selected short stories of Don Pagusara, Dream Paths, Norhaina, Talia Migrante, Little Footprints, Heart String (a yoyo for Karlo).The descriptive method using Feminist approach.

Definition of Terms Feminist Approach - It is the critical analysis of literary works based on the feminist perspective. In particular, feminist literary critics tend to reject the patriarchal norms of literature .that privileges masculine ways of thinking or points of view and marginalize women politically, economically and psychologically. Feminine Stage involves imitation and submissiveness of the prevailing modes of the dominant tradition and internalization of its standards. Feminist Stage involves protest these standards and values and advocacy of minority right.

Female Stage this is the phase of self-discovery, a turning inwards freed from some of the dependency of opposition, a search for identity. His stage when the women characters finally realize their own identity as a female who has the freedom and right to choose. Aggregated individual discrimination - Simple, daily, and sometimes inconspicuous individual acts of discrimination by one individual against another.

Aggregated Institutional Discrimination - Recall our definition of institutions of social control. Also consider economic, education, and political institutions that oppressed.

Behavioral Asymmetry - consist of attitudes, values, beliefs, stereotypes and ideologies that provide a moral and intellectual justification for social practices that influence groups.

Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter reviews the related literature. It includes the Feminist Approach,synopses of the selected short stories, the biographical sketch of the author and the theoretical framework as well as the conceptual framework of the study.

Feminist approach Feminist criticism is concerned with the impact of gender on writing and reading. It usually begins with a critique of patriarchal culture. It is concerned with the place of female writers in the cannon. Feminism searches for a feminine theory or approach to the text. It may cover the subject on Marxism,Psychology, and Anthropology. Feminist criticism is political and often revisionist. It often argues that male fears are portrayed through female characters. Feminists argue that gender determines everything,or just the opposite and that all gender differences are imposed by society

and gender determine nothing. This approach has taken the stance on the gender inequality and focuses on gender politics,power relations,sexuality and the promotion of women 's rights and interests. Elaine Showalter Elaine Showalter was born in January 21, 1941, an American literary critic, feminist, and writer on cultural and social issues. A well-known and respected author in both academics and popular culture fields, she has written and edited numerous books and articles that focused on variety of subjects, from feminist literary critics to fashion, sometimes sparking widespread controversy, especially with her work on illnesses. Showalter classified feminism into three stage: The feminine stage, feminist stage, and female stage.

Theory According to Elaine Showter's a literature of their own ,there are three major phases in literary subcultures She labels these stage the feminine stage,feminist stage,and the female stage. In the feminist stage,this involves imitation of prevailing modes of dominant tradition where bound to a male-dominated society. In the feminist stage this involve protest against value and advocacy of minority rights where women have tendency to be religious. And, the female stage, this the phase of self-discovery, a turning inwards freed from some of the dependency of opposition, a search for identity where they can freely choose the life they want to live.

Social Dominance Theory Is a theory of intergroup relations that focuses on the maintenance and stability of groupbased social hierarchies. According to the theory, group-based inequalities are maintained through three primary intergroup behaviors specifically: institutional discrimination, aggregated individual discrimination, and behavioral asymmetry. Social Dominance Theory proposes that widely shared cultural ideologies provide the moral and intellectual justification for these intergroup behaviors.

Social systems engage in certain types of social practice. Social practices are responsible for distributing social value in social systems. Legitimizing myths make up the attitude and values that fuel moral and cognitive justification for the social practices. Legitimizing myths are a way in which group based social hierarchies are produced and maintained. Legitimizing myths consist of attitudes, values, beliefs stereotypes, and ideologies that provide moral and intellectual justification for the social practices that distribute social value within the social system (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999, p. 45). Legitimizing myths can be broken down into two distinct groups: hierarchy-enhancing legitimizing myths (HELM) and hierarchy-attenuating legitimizing myths (HALM). HELM's not only organize individual, group, and institutional behavior in ways that sustain dominance, they often lead subordinates to collaborate with dominants in the maintenance of oppression (Pratto, Sidaneous, Levin, 2006, p. 275). On the other hand, HALMs act as a counterweight and attempt to provide a more symmetric playing field for inferior groups. Examples of HALM's are political doctrines such as social democracy, socialism, and communism, religious doctrines such as the preferential option for the poor or inclusive and egalitarian themes in the New Testament, and humanist doctrines such as the universal rights of man, feminism, and human rights (Pratto, Sidaneous, Levin, 2006; p. 275).

Biographical Sketch of Don Pagusara Agustin Pagusara, often known as Don Pagusara, is one of the most prominent writers in Mindanao who makes brilliant short stories out of what he observed in the society. His affection in writing brings him to the top and has expressed his ideas and diplomacy as an activist. He has written twelve short stories during his stay in Bago Aplaya, Davao City. Some of these short stories are responsible of Don Pagusaras success in his career as a literary artist. A few of the stories have received awards. The very first is Salamat Mama sa Pahinumdom. Which was judged best story published in the Bisaya for the year 1999? The story Dalandalan sa Damgo, takes prominence and is chosen as the books title, because its Tagalog version Mga Landas ng Pangarap won the First Prize Award in the Palanca. It also happens to be a celebration of the student activists role in the political engagements. It evokes a sense of reminiscence being one of the most remarkable phenomena in his life. Talia Migrante, which also won Second Prize in the Palanca, has attracted the literary interest of Tim Montes; he found time and joy in rendering his English translation of the story. Norhaina carried the title Bangka sa Kinabuhi as a contest entry and won Second Prize in Palanca 2005. All works of Don Pagusara whether poetry or fiction are originally written in Cebuano dialect as it is his mother tongue. But he usually translates those of his works into Tagalog and English as a practice to widen his readership. The researchers are longing that this study will help people to understand and be aware of the social oppression present in the society. Moreover, this study may be relevant in preventing people to oppress others socially, especially those who are in lower class. Therefore the researchers wanted to affirm that this study can be helpful to everyone in the society. Don Pagusara started writing as young as 12 years old. He ascertained his talent in writing in the marks of love letters. Some of the letters were for the girls he liked back then and some were for the potential lovers of his friends. And thats the beginning of his writing career.

That was a positive start of his writing career because even his friends were pleased by his works. After that, he started writing serious literary works like short stories and poems. Aside from the fact that he founded his writing career in love, his foundation in the Cebuano language is a fruit of his obsessive reading of Bisaya magazines which practically shaped his literary style. When he was still in his first year in high school, he wrote Hinog na Santol as his first short story. After playing with the foreign language, he went back to his mother tongue when he joined the nationalist youth movement and acted as the rally leader in the late 1960s and early 70s. He was able to continue practicing his mother tongue because he was the one who wrote the songs and scripts of plays performed by their group in the streets during mass actions. Before this, he had experienced the depths of lifes frustration. He did not proceed to college. He was out of school for six years. Thus, he still writes poems and stories occasionally. Still, he carried on his quest for writing even the time that life has been crueler to him during the Martial Law. Of course, rally groups and leaders are considered enemies of President Marcos back then and because of Pagusaras advocacy in fighting for justice, he was imprisoned for 5 years at Port Bonifacio. Despite being a captive, he never wasted his time doing meaningless matters, instead, he persisted writing. He also met Dr. Tiu and became friends with him. They turned out good partners because they have the same interests in life. After their release, Pagusara went back to school to master Cebuano Literature in the University of the Philippines (UP). After mastering his degree, he was asked to teach in UP. During this time, he sustained writing. Hence, he even challenged himself more by joining writing contests. It was then that his piece, Talia Migrante, was recognized by one of the prestigious award-giving body in the Philippines, Don Carlos Palanca Awards and even in the literary scene abroad. Though he was given an award and was recognized by an award body, he did not receive due credit from his own people. Some may even not know him as a writer and teacher. But instead of entertaining this issue, he pursued being a writer and a teacher. Even now that he retired from teaching in Ateneo de Davao University, he continues to write literary pieces.


Dream Paths. Eric and Iris are talking about their past experiences when they have met in a narrow sidewalk in Cubao after a long time separation. Throughout their stay in UP Diliman, they have been engaged into an intimate relationship with each other. They have also been influenced by their friends to become an activist and simultaneously defend their rights toward the government. During that time Eric was imprisoned while Iris was urged to go to America to create her new life their, far from her life being an activist. Norhaina. The play Norhaina which also exploited as the name of the main character whom portrayed by Raizza. She is a young talented Muslim girl from Mindanao State University and a member of Teatro Pagariya. She truly believes in the nobility of the advocacies of the Moro people as it was portrayed in the play. Kurt always provokes her viewpoint towards the Moros. He is a Christian boy who falls in love to Raizza and also a member of Teatro Pagariyan. He plays the role being the husband of Norhaina whom also the commander of the Moro rebels in the play. Kurt has the opposite ideas with regards to the purpose of the Moros compared to Raizza. Even if they have deferent outlook toward the Moros rationale, Kurt continues to convey his love to Raizza. Talia Migrante. The story starts when Talia Migrante, an absurd woman, appears at Ella's bakeshop to have some coffee and pan de sal in the morning. Having a funny look triggers Ella to laugh and criticized Talia in her thoughts. Right then, Talia notices a very cute little boy Bembe, Ellas fiveyear old son, comes out from the house. Ella starts worrying and gets irritated when Talia attempts to approach her child. A minute comes, Ella's friend Judith arrives. Then they start talking about Talia's life and how she becomes crazy. One afternoon when Ella and her Bembe are taking their siesta, Bembe goes at the beach and just about to drown. Good thing Talia is there, since she is a good swimmer, she rescued Bembe. When Ella reaches the beach, she approaches Talia angrily thinking that she was the one responsible of the

whole incident. Later she realizes that she is wrong. Little Footprints. Nelson has made it a point to be with his son Rob at the beach on a Sunday after so many refutations, when he knows that Rob goes swimming in several occasions by himself. At the beach, Nelson teaches Rob how to dive in view of the fact that he already knows how to swim and float on the water. After some moment, Rob requests Nelson to make him a sand castle similar to what he made before. When Rob goes again on the water to swim, a girl approaches Nelson featuring her gorgeous body. That girl Doris has a resemblance to his former lover Daylinda. After Doris walks away and says goodbye to Nelson, Rob cries and kicks the sand castles then he run away. Heart Sting (A Yoyo for Karlo). Richelle doesnt want her son to grow up like his father. She does everything to prevent it. When she notices that Karlo starts doing unpleasant act, she buys a new expensive yoyo for him, without knowing that Jeanette her maid makes him a new yoyo made of tubataba. Karlo loves it very much. They have been so close to each other. Richelle feels anxious on that situation so she has decided to give the new yoyo to Karlo and asks the maid to leave.

Related Studies Mtuze (1994) in his doctoral thesis entitled, A feminist critique of the image of women in the prose works of selected Xhosa writers (1909-1980) focused on the image of female characters in literature and shows how these images change over the years. Mtuzes finding is that subjugation and cultural stereotyping of women occurs across nearly all cultures, as it transcends all racial and national barriers. Ranalan (2001), in her treatise entitled Text and Subtext: Images of Women in the Poetry and fiction of Tita Lacambra Ayala, examined the portrayal of women by a woman in the person of Tita Lacambra Ayala and discussed the stylistic, semantic and syntactic merits of her works thereby steering from the issue surrounding gender yet still subtly hinting an unconscious effect of the disparity in the patriarchal orientation of the literary world.

Peter (2010), in his thesis entitled The Depiction of Female Characters by Male Writers in Selected Isixhosa Drama Works, found out that the discrepancy in the representation of sexes in literature is not biological or dictated by nature rather it had to be an established unwritten code to ensure social balance. Consequentially then, images of women were weak, submissive and passive only to complement the strong, domineering and active role of men which shall maintain social equilibrium. Shrikhande (2003) also got interested in the study about women. His discourse was entitled Stereotyping of Women in Television Advertisements. His study examined the portrayal of women in television commercials. He concluded that stereotypes exist and are part of our lives. He emphasized that people act according to these stereotypes because stereotypes are considered socially acceptable (Shrikhande, 2003).

Theoretical Framework of the Study The researchers used the social dominance theory and Feminist theory as a means for analysis in order to facilitate the identification of the characteristics of the female the selected short stories of Don Pagusara. The Feminist Theory is an outgrowth of the general movement to empower women worldwide. Although there are many varieties of feminist theory, they share two objectives. The first is descriptive: to reveal obvious and subtle gender inequalities. The second is change-oriented: to reduce or eradicate those inequalities. Feminist Theory uses sex and gender as the fulcrum of its analysis (usually, but not always, with the secondary emphases on class, race, and ethnicity).

Figure 1 Conceptual Framework of the Study

Female Characters Talia Migrante ( Talia ) Norhaina ( Raizza ) Dream path ( Iris ) Heart Sting ( Richelle ) Little Footprints ( Daylinda )

Social Dominance Theory a.) Aggregated individual discrimination b.) Aggregated institutional discrimination c.) Behavioral Asymmetry Feminist Approach Elaine Showalter Theory; a.) Feminine stage b.) Feminist stage c.)Female stage

This figure provides a vivid conceptualization on how the researcher will analyze the selected short stories of Sir. Don Pagusara. The first box contains the female character in the selected short stories of Sir. Don Pagusara, which are the object in the study. The second box contains Social Dominance Theory that can be used as fundamental medium in evaluating what kind of discrimination that the characters had encountered and also in the same box it contains feminist approach used as to analyze how the characters reacted toward that oppression that they had experience.

Chapter 3 METHOD Research Design This study used the descriptive method and the feminist approach that is, applicable for the goals of the study which to identify and analyzed the possible female characters of Sir Don Pagusaras short stories. Research Process The researchers read and studied significant facts gathered through reading and researching for the most reliable source on the internet to study the approach used and applied to the study, the short stories, that the researchers used and congregate these papers as research paper.

Research Instrument Feminist approach aspired to find out and demonstrate the basic scientific study of human social behavior and human association and results of social activities. The social oppression among women found in the selected short stories was revealed using the Feminist approach and evaluated using the social dominance theory.

Research Locale This study was conducted in the University of Southeastern Philippines, College of Arts and Sciences department, in the researchers residence and in the University of Southeastern Philippines lib, Bo. Obrero, Davao City.

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis And Interpretation Of The Data

This chapter contains the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data of the selected stories of Don Pagusara using Social dominance theory and Feminist approach. Social hierarchy, prejudice, discrimination and oppression are obvious in the contents of the society. Literature on the other hand mirrors the reality of life. Using the social dominance theory the researchers were asked to find this oppression. Aggregated individual discrimination The oppression of the dominant hierarchy by the means of personal discrimination is the aggregated individual discrimination. This is present in most stories of Sir. Don Pagurasa. For instance in Norhaina; Oh, but who started the armed struggle? Are they not the Muslim rebels...the Moro peopleyou? (p.10). The dominant hierarchy in this specific story is the mentality that Christians are superior that Moro people. That Moros are the roots of disarrays in the society. Raizza as part of the oppressed group have to accept this irrational mentality. In the other hand the story Talia Migrante reveal a different kind of oppression the discrimination of Ellen towards Talia shows a different picture; Jesus Christ! How atrocious this woman looked! I wanted so much to hold back my laughter. But useless, my giggles kept spurting profusely out my lips. And who could not laugh by the way she looked? A bunch of hair was bundled above her forehead very much like the way a horses hair is done! And her lipstick started from below her nostrils and made to circle round her chin and up to the other side above the upper lip. Holy Mary, forgive me, but she looked awfully clownish! (p.15)

In this manner Ellen shows a mentally called Lookism is a term used to refer to the positive stereotypes, prejudice, and preferential treatment given to physically attractive people, or more generally to people whose appearance matches cultural preferences.Ironically she didnt look Talia as a stunning as what lookism refers, She mocked Talia because of her unpleasant appearance.

Aggregated institutional discrimination The institution such as politics, economics, religion and etc. are the primary foundation of the society it molds and makes the society in order. But sometimes this trusted institution becomes an oppressor that hinders the minorities. For instance in the story of Dream Path; Minutes later. . . Run! Disperse! The Metrocoms are shooting us! Running and falling we scampered to safer places. I was holding you by the arm, pulling you. But you could not run fast. One of your shoes disappeared. I tried to carry you. But quick and fast as thunderbolt, a truncheon dropped heavily on my head. I fell headlong to the ground and licked the dusty blood in my mouth. I was hit by still another truncheon blow on my back. Then they carried me away. I could hear your screams growing fainter and fainter as I drifted away farther and ever farther from you. (p.6). It is clear in the struggle of Iris and Eric how the government hazed them. As a radical militant that fought for freedom and independent they were oppressed by the hierarchy that influenced the government. The institution that once keeps peace and order was shifted into an oppressing force. Behavioral Asymmetry The ideology and beliefs plays an important role in molding the moral standards of the society. Its the sole base of the system, different cultures and costume sets this standards. But sometimes it leads to the exploitation of the minority. The story hearts Strings shows this biased in the ideological level of the society.

First love ,I would call it. But it became a last love because it lasted until we were in fourth year. And until I became a single parent. Because when I got pregnant after high school, the sonof-a-bitch ran away. Eloped with another girl.(p.29)

The Stages of Feminism in the Selected Short Stories of Sir. Don Pagusara. Female Characters Feminine Stage Talia Migrante (Talia) Feminist Stage Female Stage

She become submissive When she went abroad Even though she is a mad to the man who abused to support her family lady she still find her self her and leaved her and her daughter,but with morality and

pregnant and also in the unfortunately society who mocked her mad. as talia migrante walay laba ang pante. Norhaina (Raizza)

gone concern towards Bembi.

When raizza refuse to When she denied the When she revealed her talk about the moro rebel courtship of Kurt and true identity that she is and the government war. have a firm decision to the younger sister of Even though she really perform the play. knew the history. Norhaina and took care of her daughter. return in the When she was about after been what that

Dream Path (Iris)

When she was forced by She her mother to

travel Philippines

even enlighten


though she's having a happened

confusion about what protest. really happened after that pr otest. Heart Sting ( Richelle ) When she was abandoned When she was Richelle take the

by Charles her past lover intolerance about her responsibility of her son and leaved her pregnant to Karlo. sons attitude. without the help of Charles and comes with the realization that all that happens to her has a reason.

Little Footprints ( Daylinda )

Daylina had exclusive space and time with her boyfriend Nelson,

The way Daylinda enjoyed the company of Nelson.

without knowing what will happen for the next hour. Then Daylina

received a flashy kiss but unaware from her

boyfriend Nelson.

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