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Wensley Road, Sheldon, Birmingham B26 1LU Tel: 0121 675 2983 Fax: 0121 675 2565 email: Headteacher: Mr G Rothwell, Deputy Head: Mrs J Pitt 5th September 2013 Dear Parents Year 4 Visit to Mary Arden Farm, Stratford-upon-Avon Year 4 have planned to take part in a Tudors Alive day at Mary Arden Farm. Details are below: Class 4W Class 4B Class 4D Tuesday 10th Sept Wednesday 11th Sept Thursday 12th Sept School Uniform Leave School 9.15am Return to school 3.30pm (traffic depending) Packed Lunch Simple Packed Lunch, in a disposable bag consisting of bread roll with cheese and an apple (i.e Tudor Style) To offset the cost to the Schools Finances a voluntary contribution of 10.00 to include admission, teaching session and coach costs would be appreciated. In line with the Schools Charging and Remissions Policy all children will participate in this visit whether a contribution has been made or not. If the trip does not go ahead, you will be refunded fully. Children in receipt of school meals may have a packed lunch provided by the school kitchen only if requested on the slip below. It is a legal requirement to have received written consent for your child before the school trip takes place. Please take time to complete the return slip and send it to school along with the contribution. Yours sincerely Mr G Rothwell Headteacher LYNDON GREEN JUNIOR SCHOOL Mary Arden Farm Name of Pupil .. Class ..................


I consent to my child taking part in this visit and enclose a contribution of 10.00 I would like my child to be provided with a packed lunch. Yes/No* Does your child requires any important medicine e.g. Inhalers or EpiPen : Medication Please state any special instructions:

Signed ...............................Date.

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