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Question): The chapter makes a distinction between using multiple linear regression analysis for explanation versus prediction.

Why is this important? If a set of independent variables can explain (account for) most of the variance of the dependent (target) variable (i.e. the value of R squared is high), isnt the resulting model going to be a successful predictor? Solution): According to the Data mining for business Intelligence, both explanatory and prediction models are used to fit a model (i.e.) to estimate coefficients, checking model validity, assessing its performance. The reason it is extremely important to know the goal of the analysis before beginning the modeling process. A good predictive model can have a looser fit to data on which it is based, and a good explanatory model can have low prediction accuracy. Yes the model going to be a successful predictor because the higher the R squared value mean, the more of the variance is covered by the regression model. Reference: Shmueli, G., Patel, N. R., & Bruce, P. C. (2010). Data Mining for Business Intelligence. Arlington, VA: John Wiley & Sons.

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