μορας αντώνιος - κρίσιμες

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(Kwinter, 2002. 7)
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2 Neufert

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Sanford Kwinter (Kwinter, 2002. 7)
micro macro . micro
macro . micro
macro .

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(effect). .
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.(Deleuze, 2002. 37)

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iv .
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, -. Bergson,
, . ,
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Bergson . ,
. (Grosz, 2001. 11) ,
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Gilles Deleuze:

. (Deleuze, 2002. 45)
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a priory . .
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.(Rajchman, 2000. 11)
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(Kwinter, 2002. 23): () (
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, Deleuze Foucault,
. Deleuze
Foucault (Deleuze, 1986.
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. (Deleuze, 1986.
(calque), -

(zones of indistinction)
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-. (Kwinter, 2002.
49). (calque)
. (carte)

. v. Deleuze

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. (Rajchman, 2000. 62).
(DeLanda, 2005. 80) ,
. (Wagensberg, 2003).
/ : ()
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/. animate form Gregg Lynn
Kwinter ( ),
Manuel Castells ,
Kas Oosterhuis
Conrad Waddigton Spuybroek


5 (Conrad Waddigton) 6

4. .
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Kwinter, S. (2002) . Architectures of time, toward a theory of the event in modernist culture, The MIT Press,
London, England
Deleuze, G. (2002) . deserted islands and other texts 1953-1974, semiotext(e) foreign agent series, paris
Grosz, E. (2001) . Architecture from the outside, essays on virtual and real space, The MIT Press Cambridge,
Massachusetts, London, England 2001, p11
Rajchman, J. (2000) . Constructions, The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England
Deleuze, G. (1986) . Foucault, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
Kwinter, S. (1993) . Soft systems. In B. Boigon (Ed), Culture lab 1 (pp.210-216). Princeton architectural press.
DeLanda, M. (2005) . Space: extensive and intensive, actual and virtual. In I. Buchanan & G. Lambert (Ed),
Deleuze connections, Deleuze and space, Edinburgh University Press, 2005.
Wagensberg, J. (2003) . Synergy. In The metapolis dictionary of advanced architecture, Actar, Barcelona, 2003.
Mark Jackson, diagram of the fold, the actuality of virtual architecture, retrieved from



, ,
. Derrida (phantom) (phasm)
. revenant ( ),
spectacle (), fantome mystical ().
Jacques Derrida, the phantoms of Marx)
, ,
, .

, . (Kwinter, 1993. p214)

Conrad Waddigton -
. Spuybroek .

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