Session 11

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Organizational Renewal

What is Organizational
Organizational renewal involves reexamination of:

• The needs of its current and emerging policies

• Its own functions, structure, and processes as

related to its mission/vision, values, philosophy
and goals/objectives
Types of Change
 Strategic Change
 Cultural Change
 Structural Change
 Task Redesign
 Technological Change
 Changes in People, Attitudes and Skills
Ten Step Process for Leading
Organizational Change
1. Establish a Sense of Urgency
2. Commitment to Change through Joint Diagnosis of Business
3. Create a Guiding Coalition
4. Develop a Shared Vision
5. Communicate the Vision
6. Enable Employees to Facilitate the Change
7. Generate Short-Term Wins
8. Consolidate Gains and Produce More Change
9. Anchor the New Ways of Doing things in the Company’s
10. Monitor Progress and Adjust the Vision as Required
Organizational Development
Organizational development (OD) is a
special approach to organizational change
in which the employees themselves
formulate the change that’s required and
implement it, often with the assistance of
a trained consultant.

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