Intro To Wellness-Lesson 2

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Intro to Wellness: Lesson 2, Health is

Level 1
Definition of Health (From World Health Organization) WHO state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

My Level: ABSENT?

(For Full Credit Turned in Late):

Absent Date=
Level 3 Level 4
Themes/Patterns in the Definitions (How are they different or similar): -condition of the body -different dimensions -Sickness

Level 2
What does infirmity mean? Whats another term for it? Your sick

Find at least one other definition of health and put it here: the state of being free from illness or injury.

So what does this definition from the WHO mean?

Concepts of Health: Health is. Concept Definition of Concept Multi dimentions Question/Answer Q: What are several different areas, facets or types of health discussed (in notes). A: Social A:Phsical A:Intellectual A:Spirtual A:Occupational A:Mental Q: Give at least one example of how your mental health affects your physical health. A: Depression Q: Which of these dimensions can you control? A: Social Put a picture of someone who has lopsided dimensions of health below.. (small is ok)

Mutually Exclusive

Holistic Continuum
Scale with ranging answers

Q: What does Not Mutually Exclusive mean? A:

Q: What is at least one way we can measure health on a continuum? A: Always Changes Q: What 3 different reasons why health changes from day to day, month to month and year to Dynamic year. A: A: A: Define Knowledge Q:What is at least one Q: What does the phrase Health Knowledge Does Not Equal thing people do that Health Behavior Mean? Define Behavior they know they A: Complex: shouldnt? A: Extra Credit/Going Beyond/Level 5: Regarding the different dimensions of healthwhat is the most stressful job in relationship to occupational health? Provide a research based answer (According to ________ (link, website, or study)) Fit to one Page and Snip/Enter Into Lesson 2 as Evidence of Completion

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