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The Elements of


Principles and Elements

Elements are parts of the design Principles are the rules for using the parts
We will be learning how to identify the elements and then apply the rules (principles) to create GOOD design

Overall Goal => Harmony

Space Line Form/Shape Texture Pattern Color

Proportion Scale Balance Rhythm Emphasis Harmony


What is it?
3 dimensional area with which the designer works Consider size of space and arrangement within the space

How do spaces make you feel?


Empty High Ceilings or too little furniture Too much furniture Well designed small spaces

If space is limited
Objects may need to be smaller and fewer in number

To make appear larger leave open space, use mirrors, choose furniture that has dual purpose

If there is too much space

Make space appear smaller by: Divide space How? Dividers, rugs furnishings Change shape

Positive and Negative Space

Negative Space
Empty space EXAMPLE: the area under the desk

Positive Space
Filled space EXAMPLE: the desk

All rooms should have a balance of both positive and negative space.


of two points Used to separate or unify a space Conveys a sense of movement for the eye

Horizontal follows horizon Diagonal angled Vertical up and down Curved

Vertical Lines Formality Increased height Strength and stability

What types of lines are in this picture? What feeling does it give you? Straight Horizontal lines create a restful and informal feeling

Action Excitement Movement Energy

delicacy, comfort, graceful, feminine

Sharp angled and competing lines

Structural vs. Decorative

The design is an integral part of the structure itself. The structure and design cannot be separated.

Involves the application of color, line, texture, or pattern to an object.

Form and Shape

Is this chair shape or form?


is 2 dimensional: length and width (picture of chair) The outline of an object Basic shapes---circles, square, triangles, etc. Everything has a shape telephones, cows, cars, etc.


is 3 dimensional: length, width, and height (actual chair) Basic forms--cones, cylinders, spheres, cubes, etc.

Form or Shape
Circle Square Cube Sphere Cylinder Oval Picture of a cow Your pet

Use in design
Form has to do with the actual weight or the (visual) apparent weight Large heavy objects signify stability but a group of smaller items can have same effect Lighter weight appears whimsical, airy Color and texture change visual weight

Ask yourself

the form of the object or space reflect its intended use and fulfill its intended function? Does it blend with other forms in the room?

Team Shape

Put your name on your paper. Each team member choose a different color colored pencil. Each team member choose a shape (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, start, heart, etc). Draw your chosen shape anywhere on this page. When the teacher says PASS, pass your paper to the person sitting next to you in the clockwise direction. Draw your shape on the paper that you have. Continue passing and drawing until the teacher tells you to stop.

What are some words that describe texture?

Coloring Activity
You need a coloring sheet and a crayon Take the coloring page and your crayon to different surfaces around the room Rub your crayon over a section of the picture and then choose a new surface and fill in a new part of the picture Use at least 10 different surfaces and label each surface

Texture adds variety and interest

Light affects the appearance of texture

Shiny textures reflect more light and appear brighter (stainless steel refrigerator) Rough textures reflect little light thus they appear darker

Categories of Texture

Visual the appearance of a surface Tactile the feel of a surface Audible sound a surface makes when rubbed


Shiny, smooth textures are characteristic of formal interiors.

Can you picture a baby grand piano with a rough texture?

Rough, heavily textured walls are generally informal.


Heavily textured walls will make a room appear smaller. Walls with little to no texture will make a room appear larger.

Textures affect us Everything we touch evokes a physical response (hard, soft, rough smooth, etc) affects sound qualities affects care and upkeep of an object source of beauty and character


of motifs to create a unified design Simplest way to add interest to a surface Too much pattern can make a room busy and uncomfortable Without pattern, room may be bare or lacking in character


successful feel comfortable If incompatible uneasy feeling To achieve correctness in combining patterns:

placement of emphasis Know character of pattern Identify color scheme of pattern Use a variety of sizes of patterns


from nature, looks absolutely real, all details included


interpretation of objects natural or manmade


set, followed or repeated pattern



made up of geometric shapes or stripes


samples that represent each of the types of patterns listed below. Samples should be 2 inches by 2 inches (square). Each sample should be labeled clearly. Mount 2 samples per page. (50 points) Natural/Realistic Conventional/Stylized Geometric Abstract Personal Favorite (identify which type of pattern it is)

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