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Meftih The Life Line of Eritrean Community Award Winning Independent Monthly Newspaper email: Volum 9 Issue 1 September 2013 - Printed the first Friday of every month Tel: 416-824-8124 Fax: 416-783-7850

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Grace Cherian

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Photographer: Mulugeta Zergaber

Contributors: Mohamed Edris Naza Hasebenebi

Subscription Costs in Canada $39 for a year and $59 for two years. In USA, it costs $45 for a year and $69 for two years. Articles appearing in assorted columns of Meftih newspaper are intended to generate civil & informed public discussions. You dont have to agree with opinions expressed by the writers. However, that should push you to express your own views. Through that way we generate lively & civil discussions in the community. Rejoinders are not forums for personal insults & we want readers to adhere to these principles.

Medhin Ghebreslasie, Amleset Tesfay, Bode Odetoyinbo, Mimi Chandy, Ken Ntiamoa

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(Note: I am writing this post to give a closer insight into the summit from my personal perspective while attempting to remain as authentic, honest, and objective about it as possible). The idea for the summit came spontaneously up in June during a regular Paltalk discussion among eleven EYSC coordinators. One hour later a decision was made. Five days later the venue was booked. Two and a half months later the conference took successfully place with the help of almost 30 volunteers aged 18 to 42 . I am mentioning this to demonstrate two things: Firstly, that significant steps can be taken by a young grassroots group working in full faith and harmony, in complete political independence, and on a zero budget; secondly, to diffuse the astonishing conspiracy stories that surrounded the event. None of them are true. Rarely any recent gathering shook the Eritrean opposition as much as the Bologna Summit 2013. As coordinators we expected it to get wide-spread attention, but the huge level of both hope and antipathy that was generated around it took us completely by surprise and that was (and probably remains to be) a big challenge. We had just above 90 conference participants, so the number was much less than the 150-200 we initially hoped for. This is probably down to a range of factors, and it may take too much time to go into the various details. It was a slight worry in the beginning, but we soon realised that this somewhat ground shaking gathering was different and that it would need something else much more than numbers: The summit needed to build TRUST and demonstrate ef-

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! - - - 10 EYSC

ficiency among those who had put hope into it. And in that regard, although I can only speak from personal observations, I believe it exceeded the expectations of many and put reservations and worries at rest for many more. The conference took indeed place in a spirit of mutual trust and managed to create a feeling of ownership among those who decided to participate and actively contribute. Similar like the DC conference in 2012, what amazed me about the Bologna summit was the wonderful positive atmosphere. Maturity, mutual respect, optimism, and result-orientated working with a readiness to compromise individual preferences all accompanied us throughout the two days. This is a promising ground upon which we set out to build together a new support system for a freedom struggle lead from inside Eritrea as an interim goal towards democracy. Here we were: Renowned Eritreans and newcomers, various organisations and groups, the young, the experienced, women and men, Muslims and Christiansgathering and uniting under one idea and one vision rather than a name or umbrella, and although it is early days, the start was truly inspiring (admittedly, I hope we will bring about the active inclusion of various smaller ethnic group in the very near future).

Despite the slightly late start on Sunday morning, the outcomes of the summit were worked out by all participants and to my personal liking they could have been much more specific. But then others wanted to simply make a short, official conference statement, so I believe we found a decent middle way. What was clear to all of us: The value of our conference as much as the event itself was truly a success could only really be judged on the basis of effectively implementing the immediate objectives on the ground thereafter. Yes indeed, this was not just another conference or festival, but a concerted gathering to start building a joint initiative that seeks to advance the struggle lead from inside Eritrea. I was very happy when I saw the Europe representative of Bayto , a couple of simerr room admins, and some of the Bologna youth with whom we did not start off on the best foot attend the conference. They were committed and brave enough to actively participate at an event that experienced a lot of very aggressive beating lately, and I truly salute them for that. We had a lot of honest chats, and it was clear that we were all driven by the love and concern for our people above all. The barriers we re-enforce through media and technology channels melted down when we came together among so many genuine activists face to face. And if someone truly

please see page 20

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& Kate submit an application to bring in the other 4 ghost kids. All immigration hell breaks loose. By this application, they unwittingly engaged arguably the Bode Odetoyinbo most dangerous section of the Immigration and RefuJay & Kate plus 8 kids plan gee Protection Act. S.40 (1) to immigrate to Canada. A (a) states: friend advised them not to include all the kids in their ..a foreign national or perapplication. Your family is manent resident... is inadtoo large! Canada will re- missible for directly or infuse your application. They directly misrepresenting or believed this friend was withholding material facts speaking from a place of relating to a relevant matter knowledge. They declared that induces or could induce only 4 children in their ap- an error in the administraplication! Jay & Kates fam- tion of this Act. ily shrunk to plus 4 at least What this means is: on paper. A foreign national or Permanent Resident Their application was succan become inadcessful. Only 6 members of this 10 man family become missible to Canada by eipermanent Canadian resi- ther Directly or Indirectdents. Two years later, Jay ly misrepresenting or Withholding Material Facts Relating to a relevant matter which Induces or could induce An error in the administration of this Act. In simple English, did Jay & Kates concealment of the true size of their family amount to a misrepresentation of a material fact which induced or could induce an error in the administration of the Act? Any guesses? It matters not whether the misrepresentation or withholding was direct or indirect. Provided the matter is relevant, they are required to disclose it at the time of the application. Everyone owes Canada a positive duty to disclose: When there is a change of circumstances from when you applied; When a statute requires disclose; OR When the surrounding circumstances require disclosure, even if no question is asked. jay & Kates non disclosure of their 4 ghost children in their original application is a misrepresentation of a material fact which could lead to a deportation of the entire family! They would be well advised to involve immigration Counsel immediately or buy 6 tickets out of Canada. one on a very lonely and expensive journey to possible removal from Canada.

So heres what every immigration applicant should bear in mind: 1. Avoid concealing material fact(s) for fear of being denied entry. 2. Be completely truthful and deal with any difficult or awkward facts separately in your application. 3. Even if you do not know of a material fact, if it is found to be a material fact which was withheld or misrepresented, it is a misrepresentation indirectWhat happens from here? ly regardless of the lack of Jay & Kate will receive subjective knowledge or incourier(s) from Canada innocent misrepresentation. viting them for a chat about their misrepresentaBode is a Mississauga based tion. They must bring all Lawyer. He can be consulted their landed papers, docuat 905-487-6333 or at www. ments and Permanent dent cards with them. Step

Meftih September 2013 Volume 9 Issue 1:

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Eritrea dreams of ending isolation, boosting development

frozen after border skirmishes in 2008, while regionally Eritrea stands almost alone, after pulling out of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the main east African bloc. The UN accuses Eritrea of destabilising the region by supporting rebel groups in neighbouring Ethiopia and Somalia, including the AlQaeda linked Shebab fighters in Somalia, claims Yemane dismissed as lies. But Sudan where Eritrea once backed anti-government rebels from Darfur, the south and the east is now warming relations with Asmara, although close friendship with Sudans President Omar alBashir, who faces genocide charges at the International Criminal Court, brings with it diplomatic challenges too. But despite Yemanes optimistic rhetoric, Eritrea remains focused on building its defence from external threats, while some critics would say it is also building up strength against internal threats too. Elections have been stalled, the constitution not implemented, and the countrys youth are conscripted into years of national service, a nation-building programme introduced after Eritrea broke free from Ethiopia in 1991 after a bloody 30-year war. If it (elections) has been postponed, it has been postponed depending on the threats we face, real or perceived, he added. Officially, national service lasts no more than 18 months, but many report being locked into the programme into the armed forces or civil service for more than a decade on a meagre salary. The national service has been prolonged because of the war and because the state of the situation, Yemane said. Each month, thousands of young Eritreans flee the country into neighbouring Ethiopia and Sudan as refugees, according to the UN refugee agency. Yemane however insists it is not a big issue. Until Eritreans are officially released from the programme, they are restricted from travelling outside the country, and in Asmaras airport, travellers are screened for release papers before flying. Accusations of flouting democratic ideals and muzzling the media and opposition are common from rights groups and the international community. But Yemane insists that his country is unfairly judged and is often examined in a vacuum, without considering the wider context shaping Eritreas politics. You can take a snapshot, you can have a checklist, you can say OK, the press is owned by the government, there is no political opposition, you can reach that kind of simplistic conclusion, he said. Or you can look at the complexity of issues, the trajectory we have gone, the problems we are facing, the external threats we are facing.

By Jenny Vaughan
ASMARA, Eritrea (AFP) Long criticised for backing rebel groups across the Horn of Africa, Eritrea has said that ending its isolation is crucial for economic growth, blaming external threats for its slow development. We cannot live in isolation, because at the end of the day we can only prosper if there is an environment for trade between neighbouring countries, Yemane Gebremeskel, director of the presidents office, told AFP in a rare interview with a foreign journalist in the countrys capital, Asmara. Trade and investment slumped in the years following the bitter 1998-2000 border war with arch-foe Ethiopia, and stagnated under a policy of fierce self-reliance. But today, there are signs Eritrea is warming to foreign investors, especially in the mining industry with more than a dozen companies, including from China, Canada and Australia, exploring the mineral-rich country. But relations with neighbours remain tense. Eritrea and Ethiopia have long traded accusations of backing rebels to needle each other, with their troops still eying each other along the fortified frontier more than a decade after their border war ended. The two countries remain at odds over the flashpoint town of Badme, awarded to Eritrea by a United Nations-backed boundary commission but still controlled by Ethiopia. We would not like to have a divided attention, a divided focus, we would not like to devote time and energy to defence but the external environment has not been very helpful, Yemane said. Relations with Djibouti are

Housing Project 2013 - The latest PFDJ scam

By Yonas Ghebregzi
The PFDJ junta is advertising the sale of housing units in three sites around Asmara, (1) Halibet, (2) Sembel, and (3) Space2000. These sites will comprise of 1048 modern apartments, 376 residential houses, and 256 business units. What is the catch? The junta needs money. They need it NOW. In the past they promised similar projects for single, duplex, and quadruplex homes, but failed to deliver (actually there was no genuine attempt made to deliver any). Many citizens paid in full in advance something unheard off in the free World for either homes or land; these are besides the war and government bonds that have simply vanished into thin air. In order to make themselves credible they have innocuously and casually mentioned that the few people who have paid in other projects (single residential houses, land, government and war bonds) in the past and did not receive any yet can make their claims or transfer their investments into these new units in the latest scam. This means one pays for a single home and receives an apartment unit in a congested residential complex, in the USSR style. To these thugs anything and everything goes they do not make any distinctions in what they say or do to the people. Who is going to construct these homes? None of these homes are going to be constructed; it is not in the plan at all. There are no engineering, contracting or constructions firms in the country that can handle, let alone these gargantuan and complex projects, they the existing PFDJ junta owned firms cannot even fix or remodel the existing government and privately owned buildings that are falling apart throughout the Capital. Many of the engineers, architects, construction contractors, subcontractors, and skilled personnel have already fled the country, or they are held incommunicado, maybe some of them might still be in Issaias Gulags. They can NOT afford to give these projects to the South Koreans again maybe the North this time as we shall see below. How much revenue will they produce? What are the profits of the PFDJ? In order to maximize their profits the labor component of the construction will be handled by inmates from the Gulags and conscripts from the endless military service (Issaias Afewerqis self reliance). Since the great PFDJ donor Muaammer M. Al Qaddzafi does not exist anymore, therefore skilled labor and professionals (engineers and architects) will have to be procured from other repressive, soul, and guileless Nations in the OF form Developmental AID (so much for self-reliance). Candidates include low-cost-professionals from North Korea, China, or Iran in that order. Given these possible scenarios then the PFDJ thugs will construct these unites to the tune of at least $291 million USD or 219 million Euros of pure profits to wage their endless wars and payoff their massive proxy armies. What are the hidden expenses and liabilities to the new homeowners? In the tradition and nature of the PFDJ, the ultimate goal is to make money and have the leverage to extort more. Since self reliance to the head of the PFDJ, Issaias Afewerqi, is to con, steal, cheat, rob, beg, starve the people and reduce the country to rubble then they have to target the weakest people in Eritrea, PFDJ members and their sympathizers.

Please see page 17

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From page 16
From the mouth of the beast we read that, Potential buyers are nationals who have fulfilled their national obligations. These are the suckers who chant, he is us and we are him. These are those who have an updated list of receipts, continue to pay up the 2% remittance tax, and the other numerous forced PFDJ designed Peoples Pledges. And maybe some who are gullible and nave with minimum or limited faculties of human accessories. What are the other swindling ploys of the PFDJ? Buyers are expected to make an upfront payment of 25% of the total price of their units as a deposit and are expected to completely payoff the rest of the cost within a stringently TWO short years. Why the rush? Well the Eritrean people

Housing Project 2013 - The latest . . .

are not people to the junta but low level subjects, thus they do not deserve the respect and protection guaranteed to citizens of a civilized nation. And this project is not meant to provide service to anyone nor is it carefully planned in its logistical and economic feasibility. It is a ploy to extort immediate cash from the juntas subjects for other ventures in the grand scheme of things still unveiling themselves. What does the 25% upfront deposit of the total sales price and the rush to completely payoff the total cost in two years provide the junta? This warrantees them an immediate liquid cash of $73 million USD or 55 million Euros just during registration, without raising a finger. Does completing the remaining payment of $212 million USD or 156 million Euros in the next two years close the deal? Not a chance. The next phase of the conning ploys is guised under the auspices of utilities connection expenses and cost overruns. The former are expenses for connecting sewer pipes or centralized cesspools, installing electrical step-down transformers and cables, connecting to the municipal aqueducts, extending asphalt or dirt roads to the units, and finally inclusion of garbage collection routes. This utilities phase will later be an excuse to come up with an additional cost overrun tag that will be incurred on the buyers homeowner deed. By this time the cost of these homes will jump up from 50% to 100% more; the typical past experience of previous buyers from the same PFDJ developer is that people were charged an extra $75,000 USD for a deal originally closed at $150,000 USD hiking the final price to $225,000 USD, an increase of 50%. This in return generates the juntas extra revenues and the total will jump to $509 million USD or 383 million Euros. The silver lining is in the final phase and the knock-out blow where the dazed buyer is placed and connected to a funds sucking intravenous tube permanently. This is when the real PFDJ game begins. Buyers will be requested to provide documentation of their 2% remittance receipts going back to 1992. This will be immediately followed by requests of numerous PFDJ set-up pledges ranging in titles from (1.) pledge to fund national defense, (2.) pledge to assist war disabled, (3.) pledge to assist families of martyrs, (4.) pledge to assist orphaned children, (5.) pledge to house war veterans, (6.) pledge to assist war veterans (7.) pledge to fund soil & water conservation, (8.) pledge to education funds, etc.,. All these pledges have a minimum lower bound and buyers will be encouraged to top other peoples pledges in order to expedite the completion of the construction of their homes. The muscle of this leverage has proven to be successful in previous projects to the PFDJ junta, where many buyers regretted ever buying a home. This latter step by itself is the real bread and butter of the regime to fund and sustain its control of both its subjects (the masses) and its ruses (the veterans, martyrs, disabled, orphans, etc.,). Please, be careful and inform friends and relatives. I am my brothers keeper. N.B.: All the cost analysis are made at the lowest level in the PFDJs GREED scale. I expect them to charge much more than my estimate, multiply my figures by the correction factor of k = between 1.75 to 3.75.

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FIFA set to move 2022 Qatar World Cup from summer: Blatter
they will take it that in summer you cant play in Qatar. International calendar Blatter has previously suggested November as a possible start for the monthlong tournament while recent speculation has focused on May. A JanuaryFebruary slot is unlikely because of a clash with the 2022 Winter Olympics. What will be the ongoing situation with such a decision, we have to look on the international calendar, Blatter said. We have to look if and how it is possible, when we dont play in summer, when is the best time to play in winter? The calendar is currently set through 2018, and the next round of discussions will look to the 2019-2022 cycle of seasons. Wealthy European clubs and leagues, including the Premier League and Bundesliga, will likely be the biggest critics of any threat to schedule the 2022 World Cup during their traditional AugustMay season. Blatter met Sunday morning with UEFA President Michel Platini, who will discuss FIFA business with his 54 member federations during mid-September meetings in Dubrovnik, Croatia. He asked me to give him some items to be discussed there, Blatter said of the long session with Platini, his one-time protege and potential rival for the FIFA presidency in 2015. Platini has confirmed he voted for Qatar, but supports a switch from summer. U.S. Soccer Federation President Sunil Gulati helped lead the American bid in 2010 and will now contribute to key decisions on Qatars hosting as a member of the FIFA executive committee since May

AP:- FIFA President Sepp Blatter expects his executive committee to decide soon that the 2022 World Cup in Qatar will be moved from the searing heat of summer. Blatter told The Associated Press on Sunday that an Oct. 3-4 meeting in Zurich should approve the change, and begin consultation on the best time for Qatar to host the tournament. I would be very much surprised, more than surprised, if the ExCo will not accept the principle you cannot play in summer in Qatar, Blatter said in an interview on the sidelines of the annual charity football tournament in his home village. What will be following, this would be then decided later. Blatter said consultations would involve leagues, clubs, national associations and players, through their international union FIFPro but he set no timetable. Qatars suitability in June and July, when temperatures routinely rise above 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), was questioned even before FIFAs board awarded it the tournament in December 2010. Qatar defeated bids from the United States, Japan, South Korea and Australia.

However, the 2022 World Cup organizing committee has stated its confidence in developing stadium aircooling technology, intended to reduce field-level temperatures to 27 Celsius (81 Fahrenheit). Qatari officials also repeatedly said they will change plans if FIFA formally requested it. FIFA and Blatter have gradually shifted their position from insisting that Qatar must ask for a change a scenario interpreted as protecting FIFA against potential legal challenges. FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke told reporters in March that the governing body would not have prompted discussion about change without being sure of its legal position. Now, some of the same FIFA board members who helped choose Qatar in a decisive 14-8 vote over the U.S. are set to switch the tournament hosting plan. Those that have taken the decision at the time, they knew there is problems with the heat. They knew it, because it was in the [technical] report, Blatter said. It was wrong to say, Now we have to play in summer, because in summer you cannot play there. Therefore the ExCo now shall take the decision and

Cardiff stuns Manchester City: EPL

AP: Cardiff produced a memorable first topflight victory in more than 50 years on Sunday by stunning Manchester City, while Welsh rival Swansea lost at Tottenham. Fraizer Campbell scored twice to give Premier League debutant Cardiff a 3-2 victory over the 2012 champions, who have spent heavily during the off-season to win the title again Well be the underdogs for a lot of the games this season but, as we showed, weve got great determination and hopefully thatll see us through, Campbell said. Cardiff is in the top division of English football for the first time since the 1961-62 season, gaining promotion in May to ensure there are two Welsh clubs in the Premier League for the first time.

As Cardiff was winning at home, Swansea lost 1-0 at Tottenham. The blow of Gareth Bales impending departure to Real Madrid has been softened for Tottenham by opening the season with back-to-back wins. Roberto Soldado scored the winner from the penalty spot, just as he did in Tottenhams league opener at Crystal Palace last Sunday. The weekends blockbuster game doesnt come until Monday night when champion Manchester United

hosts Chelsea. City has already experienced an early setback despite spending more than $140 million and replacing manager Roberto Mancini with Manuel Pellegrini after finishing without a trophy last season. The scintillating 4-0 rout of Newcastle on Monday already seems to be a distant memory. Although Edin Dzeko put City in front with a fierce striker seven minutes into the second half, Aron Gunnarsson slotted in Cardiffs equalizer on the hour.

Meftih September 2013 Volume 9 Issue 1:

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From page 14
contributed to bringing us all a tiny bit closer then it was those six or seven people who decided to give the event and its goals a fair chance. And after the work..: what a great party we had ! We danced and jumped until it took our breath away, we all joined hands and lifted them up into the air as a sign of our solidarity and unity, we sang happy birthday to one of our young sisters who turned 24. We discussed plans, resources, and ways forward in many small groups over dinner and in the lobby of an amazing hotel until far into the early morning hours. By the way, we received a huge discount for the hotel during the late Italian summer where everything is shut down. This is why we could afford the brilliant place, and I could not agree more with our brother who said in the end: let us value ourselves again. We Eritreans deserve to discuss our nations affairs in decent places like all other nations do and it is our joint responsibility to sponsor or assist those who are unable to afford the cost. I am glad that many did even if that could agreeably have happened at a much wider level. At the very end, Elsa Chyrum showed us her video footage of the many unaccompanied children that have crossed into Ethiopia. And I am glad that we did not shy away from showing the sad accounts of children as young as seven immediately after we just congratulated each other for a successful event. The summit was for these children for their future , so the suffering will not continue through more generations. Glad their innocent spirits made it from the refugee camps into our ears and eyes. There is something else I think is important to stress: Eritrean Bologna Summit was about building hope and as such I strongly agree that the newly found passion for our independent solutionsprinciple should be communicated with clarity and humbleness and not with a notion of arrogance. Being very passionate and convinced myself in this regard, I have to confess the line can appear sometimes very thin but it is crucial we get that right. Our Ethio-based opposition have been leading this struggle and deserve our up-most respect for their hard work and whenever they succeed in the truest sense, then we all only win with that. The same is true for all of us in the opposition. What I have zero tolerance towards is the politics and culture of ugly defamation. In my eyes it is alien to our Eritrean culture to show such open and aggressive disrespect to anyone. We should call upon each other to learn to debate respectfully. We should not only refrain from actively engaging in this politics is cynicism, but should uphold our principles of fairness and justice even if we see others attempting to use such damaging methods. We should step in. This is our shared responsibility in this struggle. The Bologna Summit also worried HIGDEF who shipped in Wedi Tukul all the way to Bologna on the same Saturday to carry out a major concert parallel to our summit. HIGDEF continue to panic and react towards the opposition in all corners.let us all build on that together. Finally, the Bologna Summit was a summit by the people for the people. I am grateful for the many who contributed in so various ways to own the summit and make it a success. We have met so many talented, skilled, and mature people who are tolerant, open minded, respectful, passionate, and ready to sacrifice and work. The summit gave hope and confidence back to so many: yes, we have what it takes, we have taken the first step to unite our forces to build an fiercely independent engine for pro-democratic efforts inside Eritrea and we will build this path for and with all those who feel that this is the journey they want to join. The outcomes of the summit will be shared shortly by the organisers. In a few days the real work of the Bologna Summit 2013 begins.

Back To My Beginning

Meftih September 2013 Volume 9 Issue 1:: page 20

By Grace Cherian
Mom died on March 27, 2012. I became very depressed on the anniversary of Moms death this year. I wanted to learn as much as I could about Mom: who she was as a little girl, a young lady, etc. before she became my mother. Who could provide the key to my present and end? Mom, of course. But shes gone. What could I do? In my beginning is my end. East Coker, Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot I visited my brother James in Malaysia. Hes the oldest in the family and the unofficial family historian. He could tell me things about Mom I didnt know. Mom also has three brothers in India. They could also give me information about Mom. So earlier this year I traveled to Malaysia and India for the express purpose of learning more about my beginnings about Mom. While visiting my brother James, I found a photo of Mom Id never seen before. I have no idea when it was taken. James thinks it was probably taken to find possi-

ble suitors for Mom. In India parents arrange marriages for their children. In the photo youll see Mom wearing a very long gold necklace. Its so long that Mom wore it wrapped around her neck three times. My Grand-Uncle Mendez

Miriam September



Grace Cherian

Aaron Berhane
260 Adelaide St. E. Toronto, ON. M5A 1N1 # 192 Tel: 416-824-8124 Fax: 416-783-7850

Photographer: Mulugeta Zergaber

Contributors: Mohamed Edris Naza Hasebenebi

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had this custom-made for her. Mom wore this necklace almost all her life. A few years before she died, she gave it to me. I wear it the same way she did, except I have a gold crucifix holding the three rings together. In subsequent articles, I shall write short posts of my trip to Malaysia where I visited my brother James and to India especiallythe climax of my tripwhere I met Moms three brothers, aunts and cousins for the very first time in my life.

Meftih September 2013 Volume 9 Issue 1: page 21

Prime Minister Harper calls . . .

From page 1
23.8 per cent by 2020-21 in a report on the aging population The leaders decided back in November 2008 in Washington that the G20 would be the primary economic forum for world decision-making, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty told reporters. are delivering services, said Mohamed, whose group advocates for the economic empowerment of women and girls. If you cut and cut and cut, at some point society will suffer for that, whether its in education, health care, social benefits -- there are a whole bunch of factors that have to be managed when youre trying to reduce your deficit. Within the G20, Canada has been urged countries to commit to hard targets for debt reduction. At a meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors last April, it found support from Germany and the United Kingdom, but not from other big players such as the United States and Japan. Russia has also been a supporter of fiscal consolidation -- the reining in of stimulus and reduction in spending as the global economic outlook improves. Flaherty said he cant predict whether Canada and Russia would end up agreeing on at least

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Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird (left) and Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty with Prime Minister Harper We need to maintain that. This is a world economic forum. Its fundamental that these kinds of decisions and discussions on important policy issues take place at G20 meetings. Flaherty framed the debt-toGDP ratio target as a question of balance, rather than austerity. We are spending money on job creation and on job training, very substantial longterm infrastructure projects, so thats one part of the balance, Flaherty told reporters. The other part of the balance is making sure youre back to balanced budgets and addressing the debt-to-GDP ratio in the medium term. How countries can find that balance, as some struggle with staggering unemployment rates, is one of the dilemmas facing the G20, and governments arent the only players weighing in. Farah Mohamed, president and CEO of the (G)irls 20 Summit and an official civil society representative at the G20, said slashing social programs to keep deficits down will catch up with a country. Thats going to have to come from somewhere, and its usually from the social profit side, the NGOs that

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Harper speaks with Russian President Vladimir Putin

economic issues during the summit. Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird just a day earlier criticized Russia for its intractability on the Syrian question. Baird and other foreign ministers will conduct side meetings at the G20 to discuss the Syrian governments alleged use of chemical weapons against its own people two weeks ago. U.S. President Barack Obama will be seeking support from other G20 leaders for a strike against Syria as a response to attack. Putin has said such action without United Nations sanction would go against international law.

Source: CTV news

Meftih September 2013 Volume 9 Issue 1:

page 22

Technology & Science

Verizon pullback a blow to Canadian wireless consumers

Verizons decision to stay out of Canada deals a stinging blow to the governments efforts to make the wireless market more competitive and consumer-friendly, say industry experts. Without someone like Verizon, what will end up happening is the Big Three will win, says Walid Hejazi, a professor at the Rotman School of Management. The Big Three -- Bell, Rogers and Telus -- have a combined 90 per cent market share. They have spent much of the summer telling consumers through an ad campaign that Verizons entry into the wireless market would be unfair and cost Canadian jobs. $130 billion US to buy the 45 per cent stake in Verizon Wireless currently held by British telecom Vodafone. Greg OBrien, editor and publisher of, a news site about the Canadian telecom and electronic media industries, says the possibility of Verizon entering the market was always tenuous and fed by the wishful thinking of Canadian consumers. Verizons interest was never really all that real, says OBrien. They were just kicking the tires at Wind and Mobilicity and [considering buying] some spectrum because these are all assets that would mayof the 2007 spectrum auction for new entrants, which led to the launch in 2008 of Wind Mobile and Mobilicity, which are co-owned by Egyptian and Dutch firms, respectively. More recently, the federal government has said it would like to see four competing wireless companies in every market across Canada. To that end, it relaxed ownership rules last year to allow a foreign corporation wanting to enter a specific business sector in Canada to buy companies with less than 10 per cent market share. Bell, Rogers and Telus went on the offensive earlier this summer after reports emerged that U.S. giant Verizon had offered to buy Canadian upstart Wind Mobile for $700 million. The Big Three undertook a public relations campaign that argued the federal government was giving foreign companies preferential treatment. The government countered with a PR campaign of its own. Industry Minister James Moore travelled across the country telling consumers that allowing foreign ownership would increase competition and lower wireless rates in Canada, which are among the highest in the world. Despite Verizons decision not to proceed in Canada, Hejazi said he is encouraged by the fact that the government is going to continue with its pro-competition strategy for the next wireless spectrum auction, which will take place in January 2014.

Is Justin Trudeau's pot honesty the best policy?

Trudeau not only shared details of his own drug use history during the interview but his brothers revealing that Michel was facing a marijuana possession charge before he died in an avalanche in 1998. Raj said on CBC News Networks Power & Politics Thursday that she asked each leaders office when the last time they smoked pot was and under what circumstances. She was invited to Trudeaus office for a 20-minute interview where he gave his answer: about three years ago while hosting a dinner party with friends at his home. Trudeau said one of his friends lit up a joint, passed it around and he had a puff. It wasnt his first time. Trudeau told reporters in Montreal on Thursday that hes taken puffs five or six times in his life and that its not my thing. Its not unheard of for MPs to acknowledge they have tried marijuana at some point in their lives but for one to admit they have used it while in office is what is unusual. What makes it even more newsworthy is that this MP is trying to become prime minister. Meagan Fitzpatrick, CBC News

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeaus revelation this week that he has smoked pot since being elected to the House of Commons caught some people off guard, but the surprising admission wasnt a spontaneous slip of the tongue, it was deliberate. Sources have told CBC News the marijuana confession was an intentional move on Trudeaus part. The admission itself was a surprise to Ian Capstick, a communications and political strategy specialist, but he believes it was done on purpose. Brutally honest, Capstick said about what Trudeau revealed in an interview with the Huffington Posts Althia Raj. But, of course, at the same time that it is brutally honest, it was most certainly a tactical manoeuvre. I really think a lot of this is about media management, a lot of this is about message management, said Capstick, a former NDP strategist and press secretary to the partys late leader Jack Layton.

Meanwhile, critics of the Canadian telecom industry said the entry of Verizon would force the Big Three to offer better services and rates. On Monday, Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam ended the feverish speculation when he told Bloomberg news service that his company, which has more than 100 million wireless subscribers, would not be coming to Canada. McAdam made the comments after announcing that Verizon would be paying

be provide them with some growth. And they decided in the end that it just wouldnt. Government seeking greater competition The federal government has stated that it would like to see more competition in the Canadas wireless market, and has been taking a number of regulatory steps to nudge this along. It stages auctions periodically to sell telecom companies the rights to transmit signals over the electromagnetic spectrum. The federal government reserved about 40 per cent

please see page 23

Meftih September 2013 Volume 9 Issue 1:

page 23

Baird, counterparts express "outrage" over alleged chemical attacks in Syria

MONTREAL -- Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird and other western leaders applied more pressure on Syria on Sunday, with a call for Syrian authorities to allow the United Nations immediate and unfettered access to the site of last weeks alleged chemical attack. Officials in Bairds office said he had separate phone conversations on Sunday with US Secretary of State John Kerry and the Foreign Minister of the French Republic, Laurent Fabius. He spoke with British Foreign Secretary William Hague on Friday. The ministers shared their outrage about recent events in Syria, especially the purported use of chemical weapons, said an foreign affairs official in an email. Angela Kane struck a deal and that the two sides were working to finalize the date and time of the visit. The UN said a team of international experts is preparing to go as early as Monday to the suburb of Damascus where the purported attack took place. Anti-government activists and Doctors Without Borders say that more than 300 people were killed in the alleged toxic gas attack. The Assad regime has denied using chemical weapons on civilians, instead pointing a finger at rebel forces. Confirming whether chemical weapons were used carries enormous stakes, and could play a large role in determining the future course of Syrias civil war. It has reinvigorated debate about the possible use of foreign military action in the conflict. Baird, meanwhile, is under pressure from the head of Syrias main opposition group who is visiting Canada. George Sabra, president of the Western-backed Syrian National Council, said he wants Canada to do more to help put an end to the conflict. We need to see real movement now to protect Syrian people --not only statements, we need action, Sabra said Saturday, prior to a town-hall style meeting in Montreal. Sabra, whose coalition is based in Istanbul, Turkey, is scheduled to meet Baird on Wednesday in Montreal. He is visiting Ottawa and Toronto in the meantime. Sabra and Baird, however, dont appear to agree on how to end the bloodshed in the war-torn country. In contrast to Baird, Sabra said he no longer believes a political solution is possible, when so many Syrians have been killed or forced from their homes. We have one-million children living in refugee camps, Sabra said. In this environment, who can talk about a political solution? Baird has maintained political pressure remains the best way to end the civil war. Sabra said he wants to see action from U.S. President Barrack Obama, who has said he considers chemical weapons a red line in the conflict. But he said Canada should also play a larger role. When we think about Canada, we think about human rights. We expect a special role from Canada in this field, he said. That message was echoed by many Syrian-Canadians who turned out to hear Sabra speak at a Montreal

Minister of Foreign affairs John Baird

college. Maher Sawaf, a 58-yearold Montrealer originally from Damascus, said hes concerned about family, friends and the country as a whole. He brought posters to the meeting that denounced the chemical massacre in Syria. Were hoping that this time, after the massacre, that a Western coalition will take action against the Syrian regime, Sawaf said. Sabras group has faced criticism of its own regarding treatment of women and religious minorities. He rejected both charges on Saturday. We have documents that indicate word by word we will guarantee to improve the situation of women, and (we see) no difference from Muslims to Christians to Jews, he said.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper also was pulling the diplomatic levers over the weekend, discussing the situation in Syria by phone on Saturday in separate conversations with British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Francois Hollande. Baird said the delay in allowing inspectors, along with the bombardment of the affected areas, has likely already impaired the UNs ability to assign responsibility in the attacks. The regimes actions on this issue in the coming hours and days will speak louder than its words, said a statement from Bairds office released Sunday. A visit to the site of the alleged chemical attack could come as early as Monday. A statement on Syrian state television said Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem and UN disarmament chief

Benjamin Shingler, The Canadian Press

Verizon pullback a blow . . .

from page 22
The Canadian government has said foreign-owned companies would be able to buy two of four blocks in the 2013 auction, leaving Bell, Rogers and Telus to bid on the other two blocks. Tiny market However, its unclear whether any foreign-owned companies are currently interested in bidding on the blocks of 700 mHz spectrum. Between the three of them, Bell, Rogers and Telus control more than 90 per cent of Canadas 26.9 million wireless subscribers. In global terms, this is a tiny market. Kevin OLeary, the chair of OLeary Funds and one of the judges on Dragons Den, told CBCs Heather Hiscox on Tuesday that to a company the size of Verizon, the Canadian wireless market is a rounding error and its completely irrelevant. OBrien says that the Canadian market is still appealing to foreign-owned companies, but the market opportunity available now is not.

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Meftih September 2013 Volume 9 Issue 1:

page 24

Scarborough subway: Ontario Liberals propose shorter route for extension

The Ontario Liberals have announced a scaled-back plan for a subway extension into Scarborough to replace the dated rapid transit line. Transportation Minister Glen Murray said Wednesday at a news conference that the provincial Liberals are pledging $1.4 billion to extend the Bloor-Danforth line north and east, from Kennedy station to Scarborough City Centre. At 6.4 kilometres in length, the proposed subway extension is a shortened version of a plan conditionally approved by Toronto council back in July, which put the subways final terminal at Sheppard Ave. East. The newly proposed route would also feature sharper turns, something the TTC has rejected in the past, and it would require the shuttering of the Scarborough RT during construction. get its subway, he said. TTC Chair Karen Stintz was far less pleased with Wednesdays announcement. We made a decision, we said wed contribute to a subway, the minister has taken a different approach, Stintz told CTV Toronto. (Murray) has decided he wants a different subway, a different route, a different plan. In a brief email, a spokesperson for Federal Infrastructure Minister Denis Lebel called Murrays announcements counterproductive, and added the government will respond to a letter from Ford regarding the Scarborough subway in due course. Ontarios opposition parties also took issue with Murrays announcement, accusing the Liberals of changing their plans to suit their own political ends. After telling the people of Scarborough they would finally have world-class transit, Glen Murray has shown that this was nothing more than a tactic to buy votes during the byelections, MPP Doug Holyday told The Canadian Press. Every time Minister Murray holds a press conference, people in Scarborough get a different promise, said NDP MPP Rosario Marchese. I think people in Scarborough and across Ontario are wondering if the Liberals are more interested in getting people moving or trying to score political points. Council passed a motion at the July vote saying the provincial and federal government have to decide whether they will provide funding for the Scarborough subway by Sept. 30. Source: CTV News

Ontario Transportation Minister Glen Murray

Danforth subway line into Scarborough instead of moving ahead with a previous plan to build a seven-stop light-rail line to replace the aging Scarborough RT. A city managers report indicated that a subway extension to Sheppard would cost an additional $1.1 billion. To cover that additional cost, the report recommended a property tax hike of 1.1 per cent to 2.4 per cent over three years, starting in 2015. The report also called for a minimum tax increase of 0.5 per cent in 2014. After councils vote, TTC Chair Karen Stintz said the money pledged by the province fell short by $400 million. Murray also criticized Ottawa, saying hes been unsuccessful in repeated attempts to talk transit funding with his federal counterpart, Transport Minister Lisa Raitt. Despite this, Murray said he is very open to funding commitments from other levels of government. They can write a cheque, and we can add another subway station, he said. Murray also said while the province would build the extension, he would prefer that the TTC ultimately operate the subway into Scarborough. In a statement, Ford said he campaigned on extending the Bloor-Danforth line to Scarborough Town Centre, and thanked the province for helping me deliver on that promise. This is great news and a huge victory for all of us. Scarborough will finally

Murray said Wednesday that without funding commitments from the city or the federal government, the province is charging ahead with a plan of their own We are not asking for any money from the city, we are not asking for any money from the federal government, Murray said. Time to end the conversation and start delivering the results. He added: I think that people in Scarborough want their subway; theyre tired of talk. Murray had strong words for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, who has championed a subway for Scarborough. Weve been waiting patiently. The mayor had been mayor now for almost a full term -- he hasnt delivered five cents for a subway yet, Murray said. Toronto council voted in July to extend the Bloor-

Verizon pullback a blow . . .

From page 23
Hejazi says that Verizon was likely frightened off by the prospect of aggressive lobbying efforts by Bell, Rogers and Telus in a comparatively small market. They dont want to come into Canada and fight Telus, Rogers and Bell at every turn, says Hejazi. Hejazi recently finished work on a study commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade looking into the impact of reducing restrictions on foreign investment in telecommunications, finance and transportation. The study, which Hejazi says is expected to be released later this year, suggests that by increasing competition, foreign ownership not only improves service and lowers prices, but makes the Canadian economy as a whole more competitive. But given that the deposits for the Jan. 14 spectrum auction are due by Sept. 16, OBrien says its unlikely that another major player will step into the fray. And due to loopholes in the regulation of the wireless industry, its conceivable that one or more of the Big Three could still gain access to some of the 700 mHz spectrum reserved for smaller players by leasing it from the successful bidders. While Minister Moore has vowed to seek greater competition in the wireless market, OBrien says that the process should have begun long ago. The point Ive been making for a long time is that the federal government should have started making the foreign investment liberalization before the 2007 wireless spectrum auction, because now the industry is completely hamstrung.

Andre Mayer, CBC News

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