American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Lower Extremity Range of Motion

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MediGraph Testing Facilty

American Academy Of Orthopedic Surgeons Lower Extremity Range Of Motion

Name: _____________________________________________
Left Side
Date of Exams

Right Side


Date of Exams

Flexion (120)
Extension (30)
Abduction (45)
Adduction (30)
Internal Rotation (45)
External Rotation (45)

Left Side
Date of Exams

Right Side


Date of Exams

Flexion (135)
Extension (0)

Left Side
Date of Exams

Right Side


Date of Exams

Plantar-Flexion (50)
Dorsi-Flexion (20)
Inversion (35)
Eversion (15)

Left Side
Date of Exams

Right Side
Subtalar Eversion (5)
Subtalar Inversion (5)

Page 1 of 1

Date of Exams

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