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Chemeen thoren (Kerala-style stir-fried prawns with grated coconut) Ingredients 150gm Prawns 15gm Curry leaves 15gm

Chopped onions 15gm Grated coconut 10ml Coconut oil 4gm Ginger and garlic paste 3gm Cumin seeds 2gm Turmeric 2gm Red chilli powder Salt to taste Tamarind/lemon juice to taste Method Cut the prawns into small pieces and marinate them in the turmeric, chilli powder, salt and ginger and garlic paste. Leave them to refrigerate for an hour. Heat the oil in a wok and add the cumin seeds, and then the chopped onions, grated coconut and curry leaves. Add the marinated prawns and tamarind juice and stir-fry until cooked. Garnish with grated coconut and fried curry leaves. Serves three.

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