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Curriculum Vitae Belinda Attard

Mobile: 0407 255 419
Objective To enhance growth and learning in the field of childrens services, community and family support.

Competencies/Strengths Passionate Enthusiastic Perseverance Dedicated Computer Skills Organized Diligent Facilitator Enthusiastic Patient Reflective Compassionate


Currently studying: Educator Support Cert 3 and ABT Certification Diploma of Counselling Certificate IV Training and Assessment TAA Certificate lll Childrens services Associate Diploma Social Science (Child studies) Current senior first Aid Certificate Anaphylaxis and Asthma training certificates Signed English Certificate (Sign Language; Understanding Deaf Community) Graduated High School 1992 Employment History Current: Educator Support Officer/Inclusion:

Current Position Description Supporting educators with programming, Early Years Learning Framework implementation, Documentation and report writing Monitoring compliance with the NSW State Regulations, The Law, Quality Assurance NQF Speech Screening and assessment Communicating with families on a regular basis Resourcing families and educators to work as a partnership Monthly Newsletters to educators Fee relief Implement behaviour management techniques Design and facilitate information workshops/training Liaise with community services for information exchange, collaboration, partnership and referral pathways Facilitate Support group for parents raising children with challenging behaviours/ADHD/ASD Facilitate the application of ISS Inclusion Support Funding Organise training for educators CCMS

Walk with families in the referral process (diagnosis, support or linking of services needed by the families) Report writing and record keeping 2008 Family Day Care Educator Mission Australia

Emmaus Community House Worker: Parramatta Diocese 2002-2003 Supporting clients who have dementia or intellectual disability, with daily living skills Assisting and supporting clients financial planning Temporary House Manager Parramatta Childcare Centre 2000-2003 Authorised Supervisor Implementing Daily Curriculum Staff Supervision and training Cerebral Palsy Alliance: Community House worker 1999 Supporting clients with daily living skills Assisting and supporting clients financial planning Temporary Assistant House Manager NSW Dept. Education: casual Teachers Aid Special Assisting teachers with daily curriculum Assisting students with education and behaviour management Professional Development Currently enrolled in Cert 3 Education Support OTEN/TAFE Temple Grandin Seminar Nova Employment Emotional and cognitive resilience building 2013 Mental Health Forum 2012 Tony Attwood/Sue Larkey Autism training 2012 Munch and Move facilitator training 2012 Wendy Lawson Autism training 2012 Every Day with ADHD training 2011

Inspirational Quotes

Dont let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks. Roopleen

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." Aristotle

Reflective journal entries

Journal entry 1: Phone call: Referring parent to additional needs services I remember feeling over-excited, wanting to help in every way I could, I lost sight of my main targetlistening to the client! I was too busy giving the client information. I noticed I was talking too quickly. I am thankful for my training at the Australian College of Applied Psychology, I was able to step back and pull myself in line. I asked my client, Tell me more about your situation? How are you coping? Tell me more about your family, do you have any support? I sat and listened. I heard my clients story. I developed a rapport. I developed trust. I had a more accurate understanding of what my client needed. A Person-centered approach.

Families raising a child with a disability need our support and accessible services. Working in my current position has helped me to grow professionally as a team, and as a passionate individual aspiring to help others in need. My biggest motivator is using the mental blocks as platforms to form a new level of understanding about myself and the people around me. Having a clear mind, knowing my limits, and the need for supervision and ongoing professional development will help me to progress further in my counseling career, childrens and community services.

My passion and dedication in helping families to access support and services is an ongoing commitment.

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