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It's marketing 101: if you say something often enough, people are going to start believing it.

For months, every chance they've gotten, the Tories have tried to spread the narrative that Justin Trudeau is "in over his head." Well, it looks as if people are believing it. A Nanos Research poll released Thursday, suggests that Trudeau's Liberals are a solid six points ahead of the Conservatives that's the good news for the Grits. The bad news is that the poll suggests that Canadians are unsure about Trudeau's competency as a leader. According to Nanos, Trudeau rates high in terms of trustworthiness and his vision for Canada, but when it comes to competency, he falls far behind Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Leaders Stephen Harper Thomas Mulcair Justin Trudeau Competence Trust 34.9% 19.8% 17.4% 21.1% 16.3% 23.4% Vision for Canada 25.6% 12.6% 29.6%

Trudeau might rate low in competency because of the things he has and hasn't said. [ Related: Tories slam Justin Trudeau over vague policies and support for marijuana ] But according to political consultant Gerry Nicholls, the Tory attacks against Trudeau haven't hurt Stephen Harper's party. "All along, the Tories have been trying to get the message out that Trudeau in over his over his head, that hes not competent. And no wonder. When choosing a leader, the number one thing voters look for in a candidate is competence," Nicholls told Yahoo Canada News in an email exchange.

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