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2013 KSC Trail Challenge & Cowboy Race September 14th & 15thth Entry Form

Horse __________________________________ Rider __________________________________ Address ________________________________ City ______________ State ___ Zip ______ Phone _________________________________ Emergency Contact _______________________ Division for Trail Challenge { } Greenhorn(Horse 4 & Under or Rider) { } Tenderfoot (17 yrs and younger) { } Saddle Bags (18 50 yrs of age) { } Over-The-Hill (51 101 yrs of age) { } Open

* * * * ENTRY FEES * * * * Member / Non Member Office fee $3 / $5 $____ Per Division $15 / $20 x___ $____ Cowboy Race $25 $____ In-Hand $10 $____ Open Course $5 for 15 minutes $____ $20 for unlimited $____ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $____

RELEASE OF LIABILITY: Every entry at a recognized show shall constitute an agreement and affirmation that the person making it lessee, trainer, manager, agent, coach, driver, rider and horse:(1) shall be subject to the constitution and rules of the association and the local rules of the show: (2) that every horse, rider, and/or driver is eligible as entered: (3) that the owner and any representative are bound by the constitution and rules of the KSC and the show and will accept as final the decision of the hearing committee on any question arising under said rules and agree to hold the show, their officials., directors and the employee harmless for any action taken: (4) that the owner, rider/driver and any of their agents or representatives acknowledge that they participate voluntarily in the show fully aware that horse sports and the show involve inherent dangerous risks, and by participating they assume any and all risks of injury or loss, and they agree to hold the show and their officials, directors, employees or agents harmless for any injury or loss suffered during or in connection with the competition, Whether or not such injury or loss resulted, directly, or indirectly, from the negligent acts or omissions of said officials, directors, employees or agents of the show. The construction of applications of KSC rules is governed by the laws of the State of Washington. The undersigned releases the Kitsap Saddle Club and all others working in connection with this show from all liabilities of any kind or character for loss, damaged or injury to horses of riders and/or handlers or other said owners may have on the grounds. No Refunds: $35 fee for NSF checks. Office fees for pre-entries are non-refundable for no shows. All outstanding fees must be paid in full to participate at club functions and events. RIDER/HANDLER NAME/SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________ DATE: _________________ HORSE OWNER NAME/SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________ DATE: _________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME/SIGNATURE: _______________________________________________ DATE: _________________ WHERE DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS EVENT? (Please circle) Facebook? KSC? Friend? Other? ___________

Rules for Trail Challenge & Cowboy Race

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Judge may request the rider move on to the next obstacle after 2 minutes without completion or excessive refusal. A score of 0 will be given for each obstacle that is completed while off course (incorrect pattern). Competitors can correct the pattern, but may not repeat an obstacle completed while off course. Any competent rider with a horse, pony or mule is eligible to enter. Horse will be used to describe pony and mule as it refers to the mounted animal in these rules. No horse will be allowed into the course arena or the in paddock prior to its round. There will be two horseless walk-thru with the judge(s), one at 9 a.m. and one at 1 p.m. The pattern will be posted at the in-gate by 8 a.m. Western attire is encouraged and boots with a heel are required. Helmets are recommended for all other riders. Re-rides will not be granted for tack or attire failure. The competitor should inspect all tack prior to entering the course. Time will start when the rider approaches the gate, and will stop when leaving the in-paddock. All Kitsap Saddle Club standing rules apply and are posted throughout the facilities. Riders will be disqualified for the remainder of the day (without refund of entry fees) by any judge/steward for abuse, inside or outside the competition arena, deemed excessive by a rational horseperson. This includes, but is not limited to: excessive whipping, spurring or kicking; hitting the horse ahead of the cinch or hitting with any course property. The Cowboy race is a timed event open to riders 14 years of age and up. Stallions will be handled by competitors 18 years or older am must comply with all other rules at KSC pertaining to stallions. The In-Hand division is a competitive class with a pre-determined time limit, it is not a time to school your horse. When the time is reached, the judge can request the competitor exit the arena, and a scor e of 0 will be given for each obstacle not completed. The open course time is for schooling. The Order of Go will be announced prior to each division. Riders must be ready and in the vicinity of the in-paddock for their round.

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