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What are the characteristics of principal wave?

PART B (4 x 10 = 40 Marks)
Answer the following
1. (a) (i) Discuss the attenuation of TE and TM waves between parallel planes with necessary expression and diagram.(6) (ii) Write brief note on the manner of wave travel and their velocities between parallel planes. (4) (OR) (b) (i) Derive the field expressions for the field strengths for Transverse Electric Waves between a pair of parallel perfectly conducting planes of infinite extent in the Y and Z directions. The planes are separated in X direction by a meter.(6) (ii) A TEM wave at 1 MHz propagates in the region between conducting planes which is filled with dielectric material of r =1 and r = 2. Find the phase constant and characteristic wave impedance. 2. (a) (i) A pair of perfectly conducting planes is separated by 3.6 cm in air. For TM10 mode determines the cut-off frequency and cut-off wavelength, if the operating frequency is 5 GHz. (ii) Derive the wave impedance for TE waves between parallel planes. (OR) (b) (i) Discuss in detail guided waves between parallel planes with neat diagram. (ii) For a frequency of 6 GHz and plane separation = 7 cm, find the following for the TE10 mode (1) cut off frequency (2) Phase and Group velocity. 3. (a) (i) Discuss the propagation of TM waves in a rectangular waveguide with relevant expressions and diagrams for the field components. (ii) A rectangular waveguide measuring a = 4.5 cm and b= 3 cm internally has a 9 GHz signal propagated in it. Calculate the guide wave length, phase and group velocities and characteristic impedance for the dominant mode. (OR) (b) (i) Explain the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a cylindrical waveguide with suitable expressions. (ii) A circular waveguide has an internal diameter of 6 cm. For a 9 GHz signal propagated in it in the TE11 mode, calculate cut-off frequency and characteristic impedance. [(ha11) = 1.84)] 4. (a) (i) Explain the field components of the TE waves in a rectangular cavity resonator with relevant expressions. (ii) Calculate the lowest resonant frequency of a rectangular cavity resonator of dimension a =2 cm, b = 1 cm and d =3 cm. (OR) (b) (i) Obtain the expression for resonant frequency of a rectangular cavity resonator.(8) (ii) Explain in detail Excitation of wave guides.(2)

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